Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7415 Blood Emperor Realm Power

Boundless Blood seems to have a slight upper hand, but in this one-on-one battle, it is difficult to win quickly.

"Hahahaha! Boundless Blood, I thought you were so strong, but now it seems like you are nothing more than that!"

"We are all quasi-blood emperors. Why are you using the name of Xue to put money on your face?"

Click... boom!

The two of them were yelling at each other while taking action.

Xue Boundless's counterattack made Xue Hong ashamed.

"Boundless Blood, don't be too happy! No matter how unbearable our Holy Blood Temple is, we will not let you take advantage of us on our territory!"


As soon as he finished speaking, three loud noises suddenly came from the direction of the forbidden area of ​​the Holy Blood Temple!

Three pillars of blood rose into the sky, causing wild clouds to surge high in the sky!

"Blood Emperor Realm!"

Xue Buliang narrowed his eyes and his expression became serious.

Then, his expression turned weird!

"Masters and uncles, please come out!"

Xue Buliang shouted into the air.


The clouds split, and three figures descended with powerful auras!

Astonishingly, they are three powerful masters of the Blood Emperor Realm!

"The Supreme Elder of Blood King Palace!"

Xuehong clenched his fists and almost broke his teeth!


The Blood King Palace has made complete preparations and has brought all the Supreme Elders!

And he thought that with the three Supreme Beings in charge, the foundation of the Holy Blood Temple would at least not collapse.

Now it seems that the situation is quite bad!

"Xue Hong is incompetent and has caused the Holy Blood Palace to fall into disaster. Please punish the three Supreme Elders!"

Xue Hong shouted into the air.

Two of the three Supreme Elders of the Holy Blood Palace looked indifferently.

The one in the middle said solemnly: "It is true that you cannot shirk your responsibility, but at this time of life and death, there is nothing to care about, just risk your life!"

"Blood Flood...understand!"


Xue Hong's eyes widened, and terrifying blood flames ignited all over his body!

this moment!

His cultivation instantly broke through the bottleneck and he forcibly entered the Blood Emperor realm!

"What a last-minute promotion, but you will pay a huge price for it!"


Xue Buliang's face darkened!

Forcibly being promoted to the Blood Emperor Realm means having to fight to the death!

This is a real life and death fight!

"You can fight with all your blood, but I can fight with all my blood!"


He swallowed a blood-colored pill covered with spiritual patterns, and his aura rose sharply.

Step into the blood emperor realm instantly!

"bring it on!"


The two of them turned into two blood rainbows and rushed out, causing a shocking wave of spiritual power!

Click... boom, boom!

The waves of blood spread wildly, destroying a large area of ​​buildings in the Holy Blood Palace and killing many warriors.

But to all this, the three Blood Emperor Realm Supreme Beings high in the air turned a blind eye!

To them, everyone from the palace master to the following are ants!

No matter how many die, they can be replenished.

As long as they don't lose, the Holy Blood Temple will not perish!

"In the past tens of thousands of years, the Blood King Palace has been pressing down on our Holy Blood Palace, dominating and dominating us!"

"Today is the avenging battle for our Holy Blood Temple!"

"Take action!"

Boom boom... boom!

The three blood emperors soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

"Holy Blood Temple will be destroyed today!"

The Supreme Elder of the Blood King Palace has only one sentence!

Then he also rushed into the clouds!

Immediately, there was a terrifying loud noise in the clouds, and the terrifying pressure wreaked havoc, causing the clouds to roll wildly.

And below the clouds!

The fight between Blood Flood and Boundless Blood was also extremely fierce!

This is also a blood emperor level contest!

Both sides opened up and joined forces without any defense.

They all want to crush each other with violent attacks, but no one can do anything to the other in a short period of time.

After a long fierce battle, it was the battle above the clouds that was the first to determine the winner.


Accompanied by several shrill roars, a ball of blood suddenly exploded through the clouds!

Two figures fell from the clouds.

These are the two Supreme Elders of the Holy Blood Temple!

At the same time, three more people skimmed down the clouds.

These are the three princes of the Blood King Palace!

They were also injured, but compared to the two opposite them, they were much better.

The two Supreme Elders of the Holy Blood Palace were covered with wounds and were dying!

"Three Your Majesty!"

Blood Flood has no intention of fighting anymore!

The Supreme Elder has been defeated so miserably, what else can he do?



Taking advantage of the fact that he was still at the Blood Emperor realm, he roared and got into the clouds in an attempt to escape.

Boundless Blood wanted to chase them, but since the three princes were seriously injured, they had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​chasing them.

Watch the blood rainbow rush into the clouds and disappear from sight!

at this time!

A cry of surprise suddenly came from above the clouds!

"A strong human being! Is it you?"




Screams echoed through the void!

A low roar came from above the clouds, and after a moment, the roar disappeared!

"A strong human being?"

Xue Buliang's face darkened slightly, as if he had guessed something.

"Three Your Majesty..."

"Don't worry about us, go ahead, but be careful!"


Boundless Blood stepped into the air and came to the top of the clouds.

I saw a young warrior standing thousands of feet away.

"It turns out it's you! A strong human being, should I thank you?"

Boundless Blood said coldly.

"Master of the Blood King Palace?"

"It's Xue!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, his eyes indifferent.

The opponent's aura is slowly declining, and it is obvious that he has taken some kind of secret technique that stimulates his cultivation.

If the other party remained in the Blood Emperor realm, he would certainly be afraid.

But of course he is not afraid of a pseudo-blood emperor whose aura is constantly declining!

"Your Excellency can be regarded as helping our Blood King Palace, so I will give you a chance to join this palace and obey my orders, otherwise... you will die!"

"Do you know when you died?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"What did you say?" Xue Buliang was stunned!

"It's now!"


Jiang Tian teleported and punched out with his right fist.



Xue Biliang was caught off guard and was severely injured by his punch.

"You...the Supreme Elder save me!"



The purple sword light penetrated Xue Boundless's body.


Jiang Tian stepped forward and started searching for souls!

"Yinxu... Blood Sky Sect?"

The complicated information jumped into his mind, and the corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and he finally found the clue he was looking for!



The next moment, he swallowed the blood essence of Boundless Blood.

Bloodline spiritual power once again hits the cultivation bottleneck!

In addition to the previous blood flood, he had already devoured two quasi-blood emperor level bloodline essences.

But relying on these alone is still not enough to break through!

The next moment, he put away the opponent's blood ring, took one step forward, and reached below the clouds.

"A mere human warrior in the middle stage of the God-making Realm dares to make a mistake in front of our three Blood Emperors!"

"Boy, do you think you died too slowly?"

The three blood emperors looked at Jiang Tian with cold eyes.

"They are just three old losers who are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. They are seriously injured. If you had the ability, would you still watch me kill him?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

That's right!

These three people are indeed the real blood emperors!

But in fact, all of them were seriously injured!

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