This is not the first time that Ni Lei has been blocked.

It shows that this method has encountered a bottleneck and needs to continue to be strengthened!

A strong person in the Blood Emperor realm can still resist it so easily.

If he encounters a stronger being, Nie Lei will be completely reduced to useless!

He must find a way to improve this method as soon as possible to avoid this situation.

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"


Jiang Tian opened the Void Immortal Realm and tried to get rid of the blood pattern.

Then I realized it was all in vain!

He looked up at the huge formation pattern and had a clear understanding in his heart.

It seems that within the scope of the Blood Sky Firmament, there is no way to escape this suppression.

If that's the case, let's try another approach!

"Phantom pupils, open!"


Jiang Tian's phantom pupils opened between his eyebrows, and mountains suddenly fell from the sky and hit him!

"Illusion? Tsk!"

Xue Heng didn't take it seriously at first.

Thought it was just an illusion!

Under the cover of the Blood Sky Array, the illusion can be easily broken!

But he soon discovered that this was not an illusion, but a real mountain!

"That's unreasonable!"

Xue Heng raised his hand angrily and blasted the mountain peaks.

The mountain peak exploded, and the gravel rolled wildly!

Jiang Tian's figure suddenly disappeared from where he was!

"I told you before, teleportation is useless!"

Xue Heng vaguely saw the situation on the other side, and his sight was immediately blocked by the exploding mountain peaks.

But he is not worried about Jiang Tian getting out of trouble!

Because it is shrouded by the Blood Sky Array, the opponent has nowhere to escape!

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed!

Jiang Tian, ​​who had just disappeared, suddenly appeared behind him!

"How is it possible? How did you get rid of the blood pattern imprisonment?"

Xue Heng looked at Jiang Tian with an incredible expression on his face!

This was beyond his imagination.

This human warrior can actually get rid of the blood pattern suppression of the Blood Sky Array?

"The formation you thought was foolproof still has loopholes after all, and the loopholes are huge!"

Jiang Tian sneered and punched.

Xue Heng reacted extremely quickly and swept back with all his strength.

at this time!

A creepy feeling suddenly enveloped him!

"not good!"

Xue Heng's expression suddenly changed and he moved sideways with all his strength!


A red and white sword blade passed by and cut through his afterimage!

Then it flew towards him again!

"Explosive sword!"


Loud sword explosions resounded through the void, and Xue Heng was forced back again by Chi Xue Sword Marrow, and was in a state of embarrassment for a moment.

"Damn it!"

The Blood Sky Firmament is clearly his home court, but to be forced to this point by his opponent is completely unacceptable to him!

Just as he was preparing for the next attack from Chixue Sword Marrow, Jiang Tian withdrew the magic weapon.


Instant killing technique!

Jiang Tian took a step forward and disappeared!

"Tsk! It seems you have no other options!"

Xue Heng was first surprised and then happy, with a face full of contempt!

Although he couldn't figure out how his opponent got rid of the blood pattern imprisonment.

But obviously, there is no more clever trick.

But the next moment, a scene that surprised him appeared!


More than a dozen Jiang Tian appeared at the same time!

The Blood Sky Array immediately started to suppress them, casting more than a dozen blood streaks to cover these figures.

But soon, more than a dozen of them disappeared one after another, and in the end only one figure was covered in blood patterns!

"Hahaha, that's all, don't try to be so mysterious in front of me!"

Xue Heng laughed wildly, feeling that the other party was at the end of his rope.

But the next moment, another mountain peak crashed down.

He had to take action to resist, and for a moment he couldn't take care of Jiang Tian on the other side.

At this moment, the scene just now appeared again!

Jiang Tian, ​​who was supposed to be imprisoned by the blood pattern, suddenly disappeared again!

The next moment, he appeared behind him again!

And appeared at the same time!

There are a dozen other figures!

At the same time, more than a dozen blood lines were projected down again, following him like a shadow!

"It's useless, you're doing it in vain!"

Xue Heng scolded angrily.

Although he didn't feel that the other party could really threaten him, his persistence in trying again and again made him feel very uncomfortable.

Even slightly uneasy!

“Whether it’s useful or not is not up to you!”

Jiang Tian sneered!

Through the attempt just now, he has found the loophole, or flaw, in the Blood Sky Array!

The star meteor instant killing technique is launched again!

This time, he used a different method!

Teleport continuously without stopping!

One after another, figures continued to evolve, like a long team, advancing one after another to kill Xue Heng!

"Huh? Not good!"

Xue Heng's expression changed!

That's right!

The Blood Sky Array can indeed imprison any opponent, but there will also be a slight lag when dealing with the instant killing skills of multiple clones.

It was these slight delays that gave Jiang Tian a chance!

As long as he continues to evolve enough clones, he can use this momentary lag to approach Xueheng and pose a threat to him!

"It's useless! Even if you can get close to me, you can't do anything to me!"

Xue Heng roared crazily and slapped his palms wildly!

For a moment, the void collapsed and a wave of blood rolled wildly!

His strength is obviously stronger than other blood emperors, it can be said that he is much higher!

But he understands that such strength is not safe in front of the strong human race.

So he fought and retreated at the same time!

Trying to use the suppression of the Blood Sky Array to force the opponent to stop.

at this time!

One after another "Jiang Tian" was shrouded in blood patterns and then disappeared without a trace!

And Jiang Tian continued to use the Starfall Instant Kill Technique, evolving one figure after another.

Like a relay, it quickly approaches Xue Heng!

Finally, he came forward to his opponent!

The opponent was surrounded from four directions at the same time: front, back, left, and right!

Immortal dragon critical attack!

Bang, click, click!

Four immortal dragon critical strikes were fired at the same time!

Four blood streaks came at the same time, targeting the four Jiangtians!

But it was all in vain!

In addition to these four Jiang Tians, there are more than a dozen Jiang Tians scattered in the surrounding void!

Above them, there were also more than a dozen blood streaks descending.

But before the blood pattern could cover them, one after another the figures disappeared one after another.

Finally, a hundred feet away from Xueheng, Jiang Tian himself was shrouded in blood patterns!

But his expression was calm, and there was no hint of nervousness or depression.

As long as he is willing, he can still use the method just now!

It is true that as soon as he stops, he will be imprisoned by the blood pattern.

But he can also leave if he wants to!

Because he found a way to crack the Blood Sky Firmament, that is the Purple Mysterious Realm!

That's right!

After being imprisoned by the blood pattern for the first time and Xingyun was suppressed.

The solution he thought of was to enter the Purple Mystic Realm!

Use the Purple Mysterious Realm as a springboard to make the blood pattern lose its target.

Then he quickly left the Zixuan Realm, and at the same time activated the Starfall Instant Kill Technique, constantly teleporting!

Then you can always be one step ahead of the blood mark, and attack the target before the big formation's confinement comes!

Such a method is not without its subtlety!

The four immortal dragons blasted out with a critical strike, and even the bloodless immortals would be seriously injured.

But what happened next surprised him!


Xue Heng, who was supposed to be seriously injured or even dead, suddenly burst out with a ball of blazing blood!

Groups of blood streaks bloomed quickly, blocking Jiang Tian's offensive and taking Xue Heng away from Jiang Tian.

Thousands of feet away!

"Damn it! How did you do that?"

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