Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7426 The Ultimate Secret

"These two treasures are bloodthirsty by nature. They are tailor-made for us strong men in the blood realm. It would be such a waste to keep them in your hands!"

The two laughed wildly, as if they had everything under control.

It seemed like he saw Jiang Tian turned pale in fright, and even turned around and ran away.

But the most powerful magic weapon has been imprisoned, and even if he wants to escape, he can't escape!

"Really think you succeeded?"

Jiang Tian sneered, his eyes full of ridicule!

Wave your right hand in the air!

"Tianzhizhi, chop again!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The golden light explodes!

The two giant demon hand bones made a series of terrifying roars, and one of them instantly broke through the circular blood cage and strangled Zuo Taishang!

In the void where blood is raging, the power of the giant demon's hand bones has no upper limit!

It keeps devouring blood and its power keeps increasing!

"Damn it!"

Zuo Taishang’s expression changed drastically!

I didn't expect this treasure to be able to escape, so I was caught off guard and could only avoid it with all my strength.

However, the speed of the giant monster's hand bones was too fast and its attack was too strong.

The golden light flashed and came to the top of his head with terrifying pressure!


Zuo Taishang let out a desperate roar, his face full of fear and regret.

Click... bang!

The giant demon's hand bones suddenly twisted and broke him into two pieces!


The billowing golden flames ignited, Zuo Taishang turned into flying ashes, and his body died and his path disappeared!

"What a pity!" Jiang Tian felt deeply regretful.


Mr. Right was completely frightened!

There is no intention to fight anymore at this moment!

Although his blood talisman cage is stronger than Zuo Taishang's ten-finger blood cage, it is not much stronger.

There is no way to trap the powerful giant demon hand bones!

But even if it can be trapped, it’s useless!

Because the giant demon hand bone that beheaded Zuo Taishang has now turned its direction and is coming towards him!

"I regret it!"


A golden light appears!

The giant monster's hand bones appeared above his head!

Before it fell, the terrifying pressure had already made him feel terrified.

"My life is at risk!"

The right prince was frightened and completely despaired.

But the next moment, golden light hovered above him!

Jiang Tian teleported and came to him.

Two giant demon hand bones were also summoned by him, suspended in mid-air, suppressing the Right Supreme Leader.

Under the two pressures, his body shook violently, and his blood and spiritual energy almost stagnated!

"Tell me everything about Yinxu!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

The corners of Mrs. Right's eyes narrowed sharply, as if she saw hope of survival after a disaster!

"This... this is the ultimate secret of the Blood Sky Sect. It will never be revealed to outsiders. If I tell you... will you let me go? You must swear!"

"A dying man still wants to negotiate terms with me?"



Jiang Tian punched out, causing the right prince to vomit blood.

"I...I said!"

With his life in Jiang Tian's hands, how could he have the confidence to resist?

"The Yin Ruins matter is related to the origin of our Blood Sky Sect, because it is..."

The Right Master took a deep breath and started talking.

A full quarter of an hour later!

"This is the ultimate secret of Yinxu and my Blood Heaven Sect. It is not easy to practice. Great... If you can spare my life, I am willing to swear a blood oath to follow you and be your slave from now on!"

Jiang Tian sneered: "Is everything you said true?"

"Every word is true, absolutely true. If you don't believe me, I can swear a blood oath right now!"

"Send it!" Jiang Tian said.

"Uh! This..."

The right superior's face froze!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tianzhen actually made him swear!

"Why, you don't dare?" Jiang Tian sneered.

"Of course not! Since the master made the villain swear, it means that the master is willing to save the villain's life, and the villain is willing to follow the master and become his slave from now on. Thank you for not killing him!"

The right superior said these words at the fastest speaking speed.

What he got in exchange was Jiang Tian's ruthless ridicule!

"To be honest, I don't need you as a slave, and I question your description just now, so..."

"Huh?" Mr. Right's expression changed!

"...I want to confirm it myself!"



Jiang Tian raised his hand and pressed it on the other person's head!

Search for souls!

It was about something as important as Yin Xu, so of course he couldn't just listen to the other party's words.

What's more, the other party showed obvious resistance and hesitation when faced with the pressure of the blood oath.

This shows that the other party has a ghost in his heart!

Search for souls!


Powerful spiritual thoughts invaded, raging and churning in the Right Supreme Divine Sea.

All the complicated information was reflected in Jiang Tian's mind!

The expression on Mr. Right's face gradually became dull!

A sneer gradually appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, but his expression became brighter and brighter!

"Yin Xu, the place where the great powers of the ancient blood world joined forces to seal it. The purpose of establishing the Blood Sky Sect is to guard the Yin Xu... So that's it!"

The results of the soul search confirmed part of the description given by Mr. Right.

But it also cleared up the most critical fog!

The Yin Ruins are not, as the other party said, in the abyss of the sea of ​​​​blood in the far east!

But under the sect’s headquarters of the Blood Sky Sect!

That's right!

The entire Blood Heaven Emperor is actually a huge sealing array!

It is sealed and built directly above the entrance to the Yin Ruins, guarding it to prevent outsiders from entering!

In other words, Blood Sky Sect is part of Yin Xu!

But only the outermost part!

"If you dare to lie to me when you're in this situation, you'll die!"


Jiang Tianzhen killed You Taishang.

And swallowed the opponent's blood essence!


The blood essence of the mid-term Blood Emperor turned into powerful nourishment, pushing his aura to rise steadily.

But surprisingly, he still didn't feel the bottleneck!

"Mid-term Blood Emperor, isn't that enough?"

Jiang Tian was stunned!

He devoured the blood essence of dozens of early-stage Blood Emperors and one mid-stage Blood Emperor, and he still hadn't touched the bottleneck.

Where is the bottleneck in the late stage of the God-making Realm?


Jiang Tian put away the giant demon's hand bones, and then grabbed the blood rings left by the two princes.

Then look at the Blood Sky Sect Hall below!

He took a step forward and arrived at the top of the main hall.

He grabbed it from the air with his right hand and uprooted another seven-story pavilion.

This is the treasure hall of the Blood Sky Sect!

Countless treasures of heaven and earth from the Blood Realm are collected inside.

This was his trophy. After throwing it into the Zixuan Realm, he stepped down hard with his right foot!


Purple light flashes!

The terrifying pressure annihilated all the halls and razed the Blood Sky Sect’s headquarters to the ground!


With a wave of his right hand, a wind tornado flew away countless gravel and dust, clearing the field below.

A large-scale ancient magic circle was revealed!

Buzz buzz... boom!

Bursts of buzzing sounds followed, and the seven-color spiritual power flowed erratically on the formation patterns, releasing the mysterious power of restraint.

"This magic circle requires the current sect leader to hold the sect leader's token in order to open it?"

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath.

He had killed Xue Heng, so where could he find the current sect leader?

You can't just grab someone from the Blood Sky Sect, forcibly make him the sect leader, and ask him to open the magic circle, right?

But the inheritance of the leader of a sect must have extremely complicated rules and details, which is obviously not such a trivial matter.

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