Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7440 Demonic invasion?

"I thought I had encountered an unprecedented opportunity, but I didn't expect it to be an unprecedented catastrophe!"

"There is no way, Star Market is a place of madness, a place of narrow escape from death!"

These warriors with different origins seemed to have forgotten the fight at this time.

Everyone was communicating enthusiastically in the ecstasy of surviving the disaster.

Bah, bah!

A loud chirping sound sounded!

I saw two huge phantoms, red and white, breaking into the darkness!

"That is……"

"Phoenix Clan! He's actually a strong person from the Phoenix Clan?"

"Not only the Phoenix clan, but also the demons of the Blood Phoenix lineage!"

"Oh my God! I can actually meet them here!"

"Aren't these two clans mortal enemies? How come they appear here at the same time?"

The warriors who came here first were shocked!

The Phoenix clan and the Blood Phoenix clan are sworn enemies.

Every time we meet, there will be a life-and-death fight.

But judging from the current situation, these two lines can actually coexist peacefully!

Although it is not true harmony, at least it can maintain restraint on the surface.

"Do you know, fellow Taoists, what happened in Xingxu?"

Long Qingke, the elder of the True Dragon Family, took a step forward, looked at the leaders of Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix and asked.

"I'm not sure about the specifics, but I'm sure this is a catastrophe sweeping through the Star Ruins!" said a white-robed young man from the Feng Clan.

"It is completely normal for the Star Ruins to fluctuate, but the movement this time is indeed a bit loud, but it is really strange that this darkness can not be affected!"

The leading evildoer in the blood phoenix lineage is Su Wan.

She stared at the dark void, a trace of vigilance flashing in her eyes!

"Comrade Dragon Clan, do you know the origin of this darkness?" Su Wan asked.

Long Qingke shook his head: "It makes fellow Taoists laugh. Long doesn't know the origin of this darkness. In fact, I have traveled to this void before, and it didn't exist at that time. I don't know why when the sudden change occurred, , there is such a special place for us to stay!"

"Really, how do I feel..."

Su Wan let go of her spiritual thoughts and carefully felt the aura of the black shadow.

Suddenly he frowned and a strange look flashed in his eyes!

This breath, this feeling... actually gave her a feeling of déjà vu!

It's just that this feeling is not strong, it is extremely light, indistinct.

"What's wrong? What did fellow Taoist disciple Huang Clan find?" Long Qingke asked quickly!

"It's nothing, just an illusion."

Amelia Su waved her hands and didn't say much.

Long Qingke is not stupid!

He clearly saw the strange look in the eyes of this young monster from the Phoenix Clan.

This female genius must have seen some doubts.

But for some reason unknown to him, he remained silent!

Of course, it was difficult for him to ask questions about such things, let alone guess.

Too much curiosity is often not a good thing!

In this special situation, Long Qingke decisively stopped questioning.

Then he looked carefully at this dark void!

"Elder... Elder, why do I feel... something is not right?"

asked a dragon prodigy who followed him to escape here.

This woman is none other than Long Zhen!

She is one of the few survivors among the two hundred monsters from the True Dragon Family!

"Of course something is wrong here, but the situation is unknown, so you must be cautious in everything you say and do!"

Long Qingke's spiritual power transmitted the message and warned him.

Prevent Long Zhen from making some reckless moves.

In fact, it's not just the two of them.

Most of the warriors inside noticed something strange!

In the depths of this darkness, there seemed to be a mysterious eye staring at them, prying into them!

That's right!

Spying unabashedly and wantonly!

The feeling of being naked and being looked at, almost becoming a transparent person, is really unsettling!

Unless there are special circumstances, they will leave immediately and run away far away.

But this is the only place they can stay to save their lives. Once they leave, they may soon fall and die!

Therefore, they can only stay here with the strange fear in their hearts.

Hopefully the unusual movements in Star Ruins will gradually subside!

However, it backfired!

Boom... boom!

Not only do the changes in Star Ruins show no signs of subside, they are even intensifying!


"Oh my God!"

"The abnormal movements are still intensifying, what should we do?"

"We... can't we leave?"

The number of warriors gathered in the darkness has reached hundreds.

All of them are strong and powerful people!

Because those who are slightly less powerful have long since perished in previous experiences.

Those who can survive now are not only lucky, but also strong.

"It's a pity that you are not to my liking, otherwise... Jie Jie!"

"Who is speaking?"


A strange scream suddenly rang out from the darkness!

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

Long Qingke’s hair stood on end!

Long Zhen's face turned pale!

Su Wan's heart was shocked and her face was horrified!

She had a strong urge to leave here immediately!

But she didn't dare to do that!

Because once she leaves this relatively safe area, she has no confidence in resisting the sudden power of the Star Ruins!

Even if there is something weird here, you have to stay!



"what happened?"

"Oh my God!"

"It...it's moving!"

Exclamations rang out!

This darkness begins to move!

The speed is getting faster and faster!

Everyone was shocked and frightened!

Their worries came true!

This darkness is not simple, it can even be said to be very strange!

It's moving!

Move around the Star Ruins as a unit!

Looking around, this darkness is at least several thousand feet wide.

But with constant movement, its scope is growing rapidly!

"How...how could this happen?"

"What is this black shadow?"

"Can anyone tell me what it is?"

Every warrior is going crazy!

This darkness is beyond their knowledge!

It seems to be a living creature, but there is no obvious shape!

All he could see was pitch black, formless and qualityless!

However, it moves extremely fast and continues to expand during the movement.

In an instant, there was a radius of thousands of feet!

"It's more than ten thousand feet, and it's still increasing!"

"What the hell is this?"

"Could it be the legendary demonic energy?"


"Demon energy?"


As the words spread, everyone gasped!

Demonic energy!

It’s the sign of demon cultivator!

In the Tao realm and in various interfaces, there are more or less demonic cultivators.

But the magic cultivators themselves are also divided into different types!

Some are normal warriors who practice demonic techniques, or are contaminated with the blood of certain monsters, which causes bloodline spiritual power to mutate.

But this is just an ordinary magic cultivator!

A true demon cultivator is born with demonic bloodline!

The purest magic cultivator has its own separate interface!

Demonic world!

"Could it be that the demon world has invaded?"


"Oh my God!"


Someone said his guess, and everyone immediately gasped!

"This kind of speculation is unrealistic!" Long Qingke shook his head.

"The Demon Realm is just a general term. As far as I know, the Demon Realm is also divided into several different interfaces. There is not just one 'Devil Realm'!"

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