Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7450 Dharma Protector Formation

"We have half as many people as them, can we let them take away this credit?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying roars came one after another, and the nine guardians and more than a dozen worshipers were divided into two groups, the left and right, vying to take action against Jiang Tian.

If the clan leader hadn't been watching, they might have used part of their strength to contain each other.

But because the clan leader and all the elders were present, they did not dare to do so.

We can only use our full strength to attack and kill Jiang Tian!

"What a blood dragon clan, what a group of protectors and worshipers!"

Jiang Tian was full of fighting spirit and was not afraid to laugh back!

He launched the Starfall Instant Kill Technique and charged into the enemy group!


Jiang Tian suddenly evolved one by one and attacked these twenty people at the same time!


"Instant killing technique!"

"Everyone, be careful, this is not an illusion, it's the real thing!"

"What a powerful clone technique!"

"Only extremely fast and special movements can achieve such an effect. No wonder the second elder and the others are so angry!"

The nine guardians and more than a dozen worshippers looked shocked!

Originally, they didn't think Jiang Tian's power alone was much of a threat.

After all, there are too many of them!

Surrounding and killing one person with more than 20 people is like killing a chicken with a knives and overkill.

but now!

They seem to understand!

The methods of this human monster are indeed very unusual!

Although there is only one person, the number of dozens of clones that have evolved is actually more than them!

"Immortal dragon critical strike!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The dense and loud noise shook the void, and dozens of Jiang Tians took action madly in no particular order.

Dozens of immortal dragon critical strikes were thrown out crazily, resisting everyone's crazy attacks with all their strength!

The offensive of dozens of magic weapons was forcibly offset, and the phantoms of blood fists and blood palms were blasted in the air!

After this wave, everyone's offensive still has the upper hand!

After all, there were too many of them, but in fact, they did not produce any substantial results!

But everyone laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha, what a human dragon vein, nothing more than that!"

"No matter how powerful the clone technique is, what's the use? After all, it's just a temporary clone, not a real body specially trained for sacrifice!"

"After all, it's still fake!"

Although Jiang Tian was not substantially injured in this collision, he did not gain the slightest advantage.

Strictly speaking, we have fallen behind!

Because his clone's offensive was forcibly suppressed, he could only be on the defensive, unable to pose any threat to these protectors and offerings.

And as long as everyone exerts a little more force, they can crush him!

The only suspense is who will succeed first!

Is it to protect the Dharma or to make offerings?

Who can take the first prize in front of the patriarch?

The suspense will be revealed soon!

After a blink of an eye, an amazing scene appeared!


Instant killing technique!

Dozens of Jiang Tian have not yet disappeared, and dozens of other figures have reappeared!



"How can it be?"

Everyone was shocked!

Jiang Tian's clone technique is so powerful?

They thought that the offensive just now was Jiang Tian's limit.

Unexpectedly, the first wave of offensive has not yet settled, and the second wave has already broken out!

"Crush him!"


Everyone responded with all their strength and took crazy action.

But this time, someone suffered a loss!

Bang, click... boom!

The Immortal Dragon's critical strike hit hard, and Jiang Tian launched a surprise attack from behind everyone!

Four worshipers and two guardians were instantly blown away!

"Great worshiper, your people are not good enough!" Long Xuantian took the opportunity to taunt.

"Damn it!" Long Tianji's face turned livid, and then he sneered!

"Great Protector, don't be too happy. Even if I really discount four people, there are still about ten people available. Although you only injured two, there are only seven left, huh!"

"You..." Long Xuantian's face froze!


Although only two guardians were injured, there were only seven people left.

If this continues, with only two or three rounds of consumption, his guardian elders will be basically wiped out.

To him, this is obviously unacceptable!

He knew that it would definitely not work if he continued fighting like this!

"Everyone is here, form a protective circle!"

Long Xuantian shouted loudly, and all nine worshipers retreated.

Follow the mysteries and occupy the position of Jiuyao Star!

Each of them kneaded their secrets quickly to form a protective formation!


In an instant, nine bloody stars rose into the air, and their light transformed, showing nine different dragon-shaped shadows!

Everyone looked up to the sky and roared, their momentum was extremely amazing!

"Dharma Protector Formation!"

"Damn it!"

"Quickly retreat!"

Seeing the formation of the formation, the expressions of more than a dozen worshipers suddenly changed and they all retreated!

The Dharma Protector Formation is not an ordinary Dharma Formation, but the forbidden inheritance formation of the Blood Realm Dragon Clan!

This formation is only passed down secretly among the guardians of the past generations.

Even the clan leaders and elders have no chance to practice!

Once deployed, the power is endless!

There are some unpopular rumors in the family. It is said that this formation is mainly used to deal with those patriarchs who harm the family and deviate from the right track!

Once it is used, no matter how strong you are, you will still suffer from hatred!

In contrast, their group of worshipers do not have such means, let alone the qualifications to administer clan punishment!

"That's unreasonable!"

"With the Dharma Protector Formation, they are taking too much advantage!"

"How do we fight?"

The worshipers stepped aside and complained to Long Tianji.

Long Tianji's face was livid, and he was helpless!

He also didn't expect that Long Xuantian would be so eager to use the protective formation.

"Hahahaha, big offering, how are you? Do you still want to rob me from me now?"

"Great Protector, you are so cruel!"

Long Tianji gritted his teeth, knowing that he might not have a chance.

But he then sneered and said: "But don't be too happy too early. This boy has extraordinary combat power. Even if you have a protective formation, you may not be foolproof!"

"How presumptuous! How dare you despise the Dharma Protector Formation. When I capture this child, I will definitely ask you for an explanation!"

Long Xuantian scolded angrily and stopped arguing with him.

"All the Dharma Protectors, please suppress him!"


Roar, ho, ho... boom!

Amidst the violent roar, nine blood dragon phantoms of different shapes roared together, releasing nine rays of terrifying pressure into the formation!

The light of the guardian array flashed wildly, and finally condensed into a ten-foot-long dragon head that stretched across the void!


"Clan leader, be careful, please stay away for a while!"

The great elder's face changed slightly, and he quickly pulled Longxuetian back.

The Dharma Protector Formation is so powerful that if you accidentally get involved in it, the clan leader will be filled with hatred.

This is no joke!

"Great Protector, you dare to use the Protector Formation to deal with a foreign enemy, or a human race. Isn't it too hasty?" The Great Elder shouted coldly from a distance, somewhat reproachfully.

"What the Great Elder said is wrong! You all have seen this kid's methods. If you don't use the Dharma Protector Formation, you are sure to capture him successfully!"

Long Xuantian laughed wildly!

He was delighted to see Long Tianji being suppressed by him, his face was ashen, but he looked helpless.

"As soon as the Dharma Protector Formation comes out, this boy will definitely have no way to survive!" The great elder couldn't help but sigh.

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