Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Reference 7454 The blood dragon seals the sky, the extreme blood cold pool


A force of extreme cold soared into the sky, freezing a large area of ​​void in an instant!

And quickly spread to this side!

Crack... Crack!

The void was instantly frozen, forming a huge ice cap!


Jiang Tian was also frozen, like a small fish, imprisoned in a huge ice cap!

"Hahahaha, kid, you're done!"

Dragon Blood Sky couldn't stop laughing wildly!

He was not frozen, because his special body protection treasure was not affected by the chill.

Extreme blood cold pool!

This is the retreat place for the Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm!

Apart from him, no one can bear this terrifying chill!

The Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm, the late Blood Emperor!

Thousands of years ago, he was already in the late stage of Blood Emperor.

He was ambushed by the enemy that year and was seriously injured.

The realm once fell, and then entered the extreme blood cold pool and could not retreat.

Now this aura, presumably has recovered his cultivation base!

Before the person showed his face, he was already frozen through the void and frozen for thousands of miles!

"Patriarch Xuetian, a mere foreign enemy, has turned the clan into such a situation and lost so many elders, you have a heavy responsibility!"

The deep voice of the Supreme Elder could not be heard from everywhere, as if it contained a biting chill.


Long Xuetian couldn't help shivering!

"The elder Taishang taught me that after this incident, Xue Tian faced the wall for a hundred years and regretted the past, so as to make up for my sins!"

"this is necessary!"

The elder Taishang's voice was still ice-cold, and no emotion could be heard.

There are only so many core combat powers of the blood dragon clan, and now most of them have been lost.

Longxuetian has a heavy responsibility and cannot shirk it!

"Go, swallow that kid, the highest combat power of my blood dragon clan must have a qualitative breakthrough!"

The Supreme Elder said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Supreme Elder!"

Dragon Blood Sky was secretly excited!

Although he paid the price of a large number of clan elders falling, but for him, this is always a great opportunity.

In particular, Jiang Tian had just devoured the blood of a dozen of his fellow clansmen, which was the nourishment he could only wish for!

As long as he swallows Jiang Tian, ​​he is sure to break through quickly and step into a higher realm!

Late Blood Emperor!

At that time!

His cultivation base will be on the same level as the Supreme Elder, comparable!

"Boy, after all, you have become the blood of the patriarch!"

Long Xuetian stepped on the thick ice and came to the top of Jiang Tian, ​​ready to swallow him!

"It's up to you? Die!"

Shout out!


A group of strangely cold flames suddenly spewed out, covering the dragon blood sky!

"This is... no! Your Majesty, save me!"

Long Xuetian exclaimed in amazement, his face changed wildly!

The Flame of Strange Cold!

He is frozen!

This human dragon vein, under such circumstances, actually has the means to fight back!


Jiang Tian teleported away from the ice!


With a sword cut, Longxuetian's head flew up!



Bloodline devours!

Long Xuetian never thought that he, who wanted to devour Jiang Tian, ​​became Jiang Tian's blood food instead!


Jiang Tian's breath rose again and again, and the sea of ​​​​qi felt a little swollen!

But what shocked him was that the bottleneck of cultivation still did not appear!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Even a little uneasy!

If it wasn't for him being in the late stages of the God-making Realm, he even doubted that he would have reached the ultimate peak of martial arts!

But obviously, this is impossible!

Although the god-making realm is not weak, there is still a god-absolute realm above it!

And the Absolute God Realm is not the pinnacle of martial arts!

His martial arts career still has a long way to go.

Impossible to stop at the god-making realm!

But until now, the fact that he has not touched the bottleneck of his cultivation still shocked him extremely!

"Bold lunatic, die for me!"


bang bang bang!

Amidst the loud shouts, the ice cover covering the void exploded!

It turned into countless ice blades and slashed towards Jiang Tian madly!

Chi chi... Kachachacha!

The few surviving Dragon Clan elders, priests, and Dharma protectors exploded into ice slag in an instant!

The Supreme Elder had no intention of protecting them at all, and could only reduce them to cannon fodder.

Anyone who sees such an offensive will be terrified.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​he was not afraid!

He just has some regrets!

All the blood essence of those people was wasted!

What a pity!

"Void fairyland!"

"Star Sword Field!"

Hum rumbling!


Jiang Tian used two methods to block Bingren's mad attack.

At the same time, he teleported away from this ice field.

But he didn't run away!

Instead, he swept straight to the blood dragon forbidden area and came to the sky above the extreme blood cold pool!

"Blood Dragon Supreme, do you dare to come out and fight with me?"

"What a big tone, this old man will torture and kill you!"

Roar... Boom!

The ground cracked, and a blood-colored dragon covered in ice crystals soared into the sky!

Ka Ka Ka!

Wherever he went, the void was completely frozen, revealing large icicles!


"What a pool of extreme blood cold, what a power of extreme cold!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

With the continuous advancement, the power of the Xuanbing Fire Forbidden has declined.

This kind of method is already unsatisfactory in the face of the strong.

Now, he saw an opportunity to improve!

Extreme blood cold pool!

The Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm is too far away from the forbidden area!

Will this special existence be the opportunity to break through the Xuanbing ban on fire?

Wait and see!

"Boy, die!"

The ice crystal blood dragon roared up to the sky, and the elder of the blood dragon clan directly appeared in the body of the dragon, urging countless ice crystal thorns to launch a mad attack!

chi chi!

Where the ice thorns passed, countless holes were pierced through the void, showing amazing power!

"Well done!"

Star Sword Field, get up!

Jiang Tian launched the Star Sword Field to resist.

Crack... bang bang bang... boom!

The dense ice thorns smashed into the sword domain, and were crushed by the violent torrent of sword intent.

But this situation lasted only for a moment!

The next moment, with the bombardment of more and more ice thorns, the Star Sword Field completely collapsed!

Jiang Tian was not surprised!

Although the Star Sword Field is powerful, it is only a method with both offense and defense and focuses on attack.

To be precise, attack instead of defense!

When this method is mainly used for defense, it will inevitably be discounted.

Bang bang bang... Boom!

Accompanied by a violent bang, the Star Sword Field collapsed!

However, Jiang Tian made a tactic to remind him, and uttered the word "explosive"!


Click... Boom!

The already collapsed Star Sword Field suddenly condensed the shape of a free sword field, and then exploded violently!


The pupils of the 100,000-foot ice crystal blood dragon stretching across the void shrunk in surprise!

It originally thought that under the berserk attack of the ice thorns, the Star Sword Field would collapse at the first touch, and it would be powerless to resist.

In fact, it was quite unexpected!

After the collapse, the sword domain can still be manipulated and exploded forcibly!


Bang bang bang!

The prestige of the self-explosion of the Sword Field waved wildly, smashing all the ice thorns in a radius of thousands of feet!

After the icicles shattered, they turned into torrential rain and poured down under the crush of the violent sword intent.

There is no threat to Jiang Tian!

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