Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7464 Fake Escape

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Jiang Tian didn't blink an eyelid and walked straight forward to face the opponent's attack.

The physical body directly collided with the two bloody palm shadows, and appeared between them in one step.


Their expressions changed drastically!

The strength of the newcomers was obviously much higher than theirs, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand their violent attacks physically.

"Mid-stage Blood Emperor? Die!"

Bang, bang!

Jiang Tian's breath swayed, and the two people on the left and right exploded to death!

"not good!"

"How can it be?"

A cry of surprise came from the Realm Alliance Hall, and then six or seven elders rushed out!

All of them are mid-term blood emperors!

Immediately afterwards, two more people appeared in front of the palace!

These are the deputy leaders of the Blood Realm Alliance, two powerful late-stage Blood Emperors!

"Good boy, hey...it turns out to be a human race! I understand, you must have come to the Blood Realm from the space channel, Jie Jie, without the help of our Blood Realm Alliance, you can't leave at all!"

"Now, you have become enemies with our Blood Realm Alliance. You want to leave, but you can't. Let me take it!"

Boom boom boom!

The deputy leader gave the order, and six or seven elders began to join forces to besiege.

"A mere ant!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

Use starfall and instant killing skills!

I saw his body standing still!

Suddenly six or seven figures flashed ahead!


"This is... points..."

Puff puff puff... click bang!

Purple light appears!

Several heads flew up!

The explosion shook the sky, and several mid-term blood emperors exploded and died!


Six or seven figures disappeared, but the figure of Jiang Tian standing at the same place began to become illusory!


"not good!"

The two deputy leaders were stunned!

When he reacted in an instant, he was enveloped by a strong sense of death!



Purple light flashes!

Jiang Tian punched out the body of the deputy leader on the left!

He waved his left palm and pressed it towards the deputy leader on the right!

"don't want……"


Search for souls!

Jiang Tian faced the Jiemeng Palace, which was very close at hand, and forcibly searched the soul of the deputy palace master!

After a while, just wipe it out!


The body of the deputy hall master of the Blood Realm Alliance fell down, and Jiang Tian stepped forward and walked into the Realm Alliance Hall.

"Bold maniac! You...who are you?"

A loud shout came from the Realm Alliance Hall, and the leader of the Blood Realm Alliance looked stern, with a look of fear on his face.

The strength of the two deputy leaders was slightly weaker than his one-on-one.

But if they join forces, it will be difficult for him to handle it.

But now, this foreign strongman has easily crushed the two of them.

The strength is shocking!

"Don't panic, I just want to help you out!"

"Borrow... Borrow Tao?"


The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance was so angry that he vomited blood!

Are you here to borrow a fucking excuse?

Is there anyone who borrows money like this from you?

You have to show your strength as soon as possible, let alone borrowing a way, I, the Blood Realm Alliance, can carry you away in a sedan chair!

Now that everyone is being killed, you are asking for excuses. Isn’t this naked bullying?

"Your Excellency...where do you want to go?"

"Star Market!"

"Which Star Ruins?" The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance was stunned and then asked.

"I come from the Dao Realm!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

When he was in the True Dragon Family, he thought there was only one Star Market!

After entering Star Ruins, he found that there were many small interfaces near Star Ruins!

And after coming to the Blood Realm, especially after the deputy leader of the Soul Searching Blood Realm Alliance just now.

He already understood that Xingxu was not unique!

In addition to small interfaces like Blood Realm, there are other places similar to Star Ruins.

Those places can generally be called Star Markets.

But there are also some that will be given special names by warriors who have been stationed for a long time.

Therefore, he was not surprised by the words of the leader of the Blood Realm Alliance!

"The Dao Realm... I understand, it is the Star Ruins closest to the Blood Realm!"

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance was thoughtful, a faint strange color flashed in his eyes.

"When are you going to go?" he asked.


"Okay, I'll send fellow Taoist there in person!"

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance left the throne and took Jiang Tian to the nearby teleportation array.

Take out a token and prepare to launch!

"Leader's order!" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes.

The leader of the Blood World Alliance was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Yes! The leader's order has higher authority than the elder's world alliance order. It can directly control all cross-border passages in the Blood World Alliance beyond the elders. Fellow Taoist, please do it!"


Jiang Tian nodded and stepped onto the teleportation array.

"Have a good trip, fellow Taoist!"

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance poured spiritual power into it and activated the token.


The light of the teleportation array lit up, and the power of teleportation began to activate.

"Jie Jie!"

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance's face suddenly turned ferocious, and he couldn't help but let out a sinister smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Tian looked calm.

"I'm laughing at you, you don't know that you are about to die, hahahahaha, kid, go to hell!"

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance laughed wildly, his expression distorted!


The teleportation array glowed brightly, and Jiang Tian disappeared into the array!


The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance let out a sullen breath and vented the hatred in his heart!

"You have killed so many people in our Blood Realm Alliance and still dare to sit in our teleportation array. You are simply seeking death!"


A cold voice sounded from behind!

The leader of the Blood Realm Alliance's expression changed drastically, and he turned around suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost!

"You...you didn't leave? Hiss!"

"Of course, if I leave, wouldn't I fall into your trap?"

Jiang Tian sneered!


The purple sword light penetrated the chest of the leader of the Blood Realm Alliance.

Palm press!

Search for souls!



"I see!"

After a moment, Jiang Tian killed the other party.

The soul search results showed that the star ruins had collapsed for unknown reasons!

The warriors inside had a narrow escape from death, and even those who were lucky enough to survive would not survive in the end.

This is because warriors at the level of God Creation cannot survive outside the interface for a long time, and they cannot even withstand the terrifying murderous intention of the interface collapsing.

"Those people... are all dead?"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sigh.

There are more than 200 elders and disciples from the True Dragon Family entering Xingxu this time.

When he left Xingxu, there might only be dozens of people surviving.

In the nearly one month since he came to the Blood Realm, he has lost countless lives.

And under the great changes in Star Ruins, how many people will survive in the end?

This is a huge question!

As for other warriors who entered Star Ruins through the small interface, they also faced the same experience!

But these things have nothing to do with him after the collapse of Star Ruins!

Time can't be repeated, and he can't go back to Xingxu.

Where to go next?

Dao domain?

Jiang Tian frowned in thought.

For him personally, there seemed to be no need to go back.

If nothing happens in Xingxu, we can say goodbye to Long Qingke directly.

But now the star ruins collapsed, Long Qingke and others narrowly escaped death, and the losses were tragic.

Therefore, he decided to return to the Dao Domain and tell the True Dragon Family what happened here!


The next moment, Jiang Tian stepped into the Blood Realm Alliance's passing formation and teleported away!


The teleportation array was activated, and a low roar echoed in the Blood Alliance Hall.

Jiang Tian was teleported away under the power of teleportation and came to a dark starry sky!

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