Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7474 Plane channel, the messenger takes action!

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"Haha, I didn't expect you to be really capable!"

"Yes, with such strength, you are indeed qualified to use the plane channel. Only a genius like you can hope to gain a foothold in the big plane!"

"Congratulations, you passed the test!"

The three golden-armored warriors pretended to congratulate Jiang Tian to show their magnanimity and high profile.

And such a scene also made the warriors below sigh with emotion.

The plane messenger is broad-minded and doesn't care about the offense and discord just now!

Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the storage rings of fifty opponents, and then stepped into the plane channel.

"The plane channel is only open for half a quarter of an hour. Those of you who can still get up should follow up. We won't wait until the expiration date!"

The golden-armored warriors said hello, and a dozen injured late stage Jueshen realm gritted their teeth and got up and followed them.

As they walked, they swallowed healing elixirs.

These elixirs are all in the tenth storage magic weapon that they keep close to their body.

The warriors who can reach this realm are all those who have experienced countless life and death experiences.

Always give yourself some backup to prevent accidents.

After swallowing the elixir, their breath recovered a lot.

But no one dared to get close to Jiang Tian, ​​they all stayed far away from him!

Originally, a hundred people could cross the border, but after all this trouble, less than twenty people finally entered the plane passage.

"This year's plane channel will be closed soon. See you in three years!"

The golden-armored warrior signaled loudly, then turned and walked into the plane passage.


The golden light suddenly appeared, completely covering the entrance to the plane passage.

The tens of thousands of warriors who wanted to watch and learn a thing or two couldn't see anything anymore and could only disperse.

The strange scholar who once shocked Jiang Tian was nowhere to be seen!


In the plane passage, the golden light is rippling!

The powerful force shrouded down, and the bodies of more than a dozen people shook violently, as if they were carrying a mountain!

"The power of the plane?" someone exclaimed!

"Yes, it is the power of the plane!"

The golden-armored warrior sneered.

With the same power of plane, the three of them were calm and calm as usual, without any pressure.

But these warriors in the late stage of the Absolute God Realm, all of them were shaking violently and walking slowly. They were obviously under great pressure!

"Is this the background of a powerful person from the Great Plane?"

"It's really amazing!"

Looking at Yun Danfengqing's golden-armored warrior, everyone was filled with envy.

"When will we be able to withstand the pressure of the plane like the three envoys?"

"Three adults, you are really amazing!"

Everyone started to flatter them one after another, which greatly benefited the three golden-armored warriors.

Among the warriors present, only Jiang Tian looked calm and remained silent.

The golden-armored warriors noticed his reaction, and a cold light flashed in their slightly narrowed eyes!

"Don't be too envious of us. We are warriors who grew up in the big plane. The power from the big plane flows in our bodies. We can directly ignore the pressure of the plane channels. The same will happen when you have been practicing in the big plane for a long time. !”

"That's great!"

"Thank you three adults for your tips!"

More than a dozen warriors bowed their thanks and were very excited.

Not to mention anything else, just by bearing the pressure of the plane channel, they can be thrown away by several blocks.

The cultivation levels of these plane messengers are all at the peak of the Absolute God Realm, and they have not yet entered the next great realm.

But in the plane passage, it's like walking on flat ground. Just one person can kill more than a dozen of them in an instant.

The gap in combat power is so huge, it’s simply terrifying!

I imagined that after entering the big plane, I could quickly adapt to the pressure of the plane like them, and my cultivation level would rise.

Everyone was suddenly so excited that they couldn't help themselves!

"Can you please explain to us the specific situation of the Great Plane?"

"As far as we know, the big plane is just a general name. It is also divided into many small interfaces?"

"Please answer this, sir!"

Everyone looked at the three golden-armored warriors and asked for advice.

Unexpectedly, the golden-armored warrior had a serious face!

"You can't do this. Warrior practice does not rely on other people's advice, but on your own efforts!"

"You still need to feel the situation in the big plane for yourself. You must not expect us to encourage the situation!"

"Of course, if you really want to ask for advice sincerely, we can't explain it to you!"

At the end of the conversation, the golden-armored warriors changed the topic and the atmosphere became weird.

"Understood! We understand!"

"This is our little thought, please accept it!"

Everyone took out a considerable sum of top-quality royal crystals from their secret collections, and also gave some rare treasures to each other.

"There are so few, where are you sending away the beggars?"

"Haha, it seems that you are not really asking for advice. Forget it, we can't do those things that are counterproductive. You should feel the situation on the big plane for yourselves!"

"Take your things back!"

The expressions of the three golden-armored warriors turned cold, obviously they were not satisfied with the benefits given by everyone!


"The three adults calm down. We also wanted to show more sincerity, but he took away all our storage rings. Otherwise, we would rather dedicate all our wealth to the three adults!"

Everyone gathered around the golden-armored warrior to encourage him, while looking at Jiang Tian with cold eyes.

Can we make things easier for you by taking away our storage ring?

Now, just take advantage of the greed of the plane messenger and give you some color to see!

Everyone laughed secretly in their hearts, as if they had seen the tragic scene of Jiang Tian being besieged by plane messengers.

Outside before, the golden-armored warrior had concerns.

Now in the plane passage, there is no one left or right, but there is no such thing as that.

"Jie Jie Jie! Boy, are you deaf?"

"Why don't you quickly take out all our storage rings and present them to the envoy?"

"What, you don't want to?"

"Have you seen this, Lord Messenger? Not only does this kid look down on us, he doesn't even take you seriously!"

Everyone fanned the flames and stirred up the atmosphere.

The three golden-armored warriors were already angry with Jiang Tian and planned to attack him in the plane passage.

At this moment, under the instigation of everyone, I can no longer hold my breath!

"Jie Jie! Boy, you are very strong, aren't you? Your qualifications are more evil than them, aren't you? In this plane passage, everything is useless!"

"Here, if it's a tiger, you have to curl up, and if it's a dragon, you have to lie down. Hand over all the treasures on your body, otherwise I'll make you look good!"

"Boy, get down here!"


A golden-armored warrior's aura surged wildly, pressing towards Jiang Tian!

Golden light burst out, and everyone laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha, boy, is it over now?"

"Let's see how you do this time... Huh?"

"Well, how is that possible?"

The laughter stopped suddenly!

Everyone was stunned!

I thought Jiang Tian would be crushed by the aura of the plane messenger, but he didn't expect that he would still stand safely where he was!

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