Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7511 Blood Curtain Suppression, Three People Besieged

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The golden light around the two men surged, and each wielded a golden sword to slash at Jiang Tian.


The person in the middle also moved!

He held an eight-sided golden hammer about ten feet long in his hand, jumped up and slammed it down towards Jiang Tian.


Boom! Boom!

The void explodes, twists and turns, and a violent storm breaks out!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's body was shaking like a boat in the huge waves, looking precarious.

What surprised him!

When he was under the shield of the Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman, his bloodline spiritual power did not recover!

Now only the power of the physical body is available.

Moreover, his physical body was also suppressed by the blood-colored light shield at this moment, like a mountain!

"What a bloody evil elemental talisman, come on!"


Jiang Tian roared and punched out two fists.



There was a loud noise, and Jiang Tian's physical fist met the golden sword attacks of the two people on his left and right, and there was a terrifying loud noise!

Bang bang, click!

"Huh? My sword!"

"What a perverted physical strength!"

The expressions of the two people on the left and right changed immediately!

The Director's Sword in his hand actually collapsed.

The grade of this sword reaches the level of a quasi-magical weapon.

With the blessing of bloodline spiritual power, when dealing with a Jiang Tian whose bloodline had failed, instead of taking advantage, he even collapsed.


It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

While Jiang Tian shattered the two golden swords, he blasted his fists upwards like lightning, facing the attack of the golden hammer.



There was a loud noise, golden light raged, and Jiang Tian was smashed into the ground!

"Hahaha! Thank you for your hard work. If you hadn't restrained me, Ji might not have succeeded so easily!"

The supervisor surnamed Ji shook the golden hammer in his hand and laughed wildly.

"Sir Jian Ji is worthy of being at the top of the Half-Step Taixu Realm. This strike is truly unmatched by me!"

"After this mission, I'm afraid that Director Ji will hit the Taixu Realm. After all, you have been at this level for long enough!"

Although the two people on the left and right were not without jealousy, they still flattered him with smiles on their faces.

Although the three of them are colleagues and of the same rank.

But the supervisor surnamed Ji is slightly ahead of them in strength. Once he reaches the level of Taixu Realm, his status will immediately rise.

Maybe he will become their immediate boss.

Of course they would not dare to look down upon such a being.

"Hahaha, with your good words, Ji will advance to Taixu someday... Well, that's not right!"

Before he finished speaking, Supervisor Ji's face suddenly darkened and he looked at the deep pit below!

In his imagination, Jiang Tian, ​​who was supposed to be severely injured by him, actually propped up the ground and bounced out like a cannonball.

"not good!"

"Watch out!"


The figure flashed, and Jiang Tian rushed out from the ground.

But he ignored the two people on the left and right, and directly bombarded the supervisor surnamed Ji.


Although the supervisor surnamed Ji was surprised, he was not panicked.

For a person who has no bloodline spiritual power to use, no matter how strong he is physically, it is not difficult to deal with him.

With the spiritual power of their blood, they have a variety of powerful means and exquisite escape techniques at their disposal.

With this strength, it is not difficult at all to deal with warriors who have no physical body!


He swept across quickly, avoiding Jiang Tian's attack like lightning.


Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

At this moment, he also saw the problem.

Under the blood curtain, the three of them had full strength.

And he still only has physical strength, so he will indeed suffer a lot in a fight.

If there was a head-to-head confrontation, he would be sure to quickly defeat the other party.

But if the other party doesn't confront him head-on and uses his bloodline spiritual power to avoid him, that will be a bit troublesome!

"Break it for me!"


Jiang Tian rushed out quickly, swept thousands of feet away, and bombarded the bloody light curtain.

As long as the blood curtain is blasted away, the strength of the three people will decline or even disappear.

At that time, with his powerful body, he had an absolute advantage!

"Good boy!"

"Stop dreaming!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's actions, the two supervisors on the left and right sneered.

The supervisor surnamed Ji was even more dismissive.

Raise your hand to squeeze the secret and press gently.


The blood curtain suddenly rippled, resolving Jiang Tian's bombardment.

"It's no use?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened.

He miscalculated!

This blood curtain is not afraid of his physical power.

Several punches were thrown out in succession, as if they were hitting cotton, except for a few bloody ripples, they had no effect!

Obviously, the preparations of these three people were more thorough than he imagined.

We took targeted precautions against him!

"Hahahaha! Jiang Tian, ​​don't waste your efforts!"

"The power of the Evil Blood Realm Talisman is not something you can break!"

"If you had bloodline spiritual power, we might be wary of you, but you only have physical power, so it's useless!"

The three men rushed over with wild laughter, and once again attacked Jiang Tian crazily.

"Do you really think that there's nothing I can do about it?" Jiang Tian's eyes were cold!

"Hahahaha, if you have any idea, just do it!"

"Don't hold anything back, we also want to see, what ability do you have to turn around in such a desperate situation?"


The three of them laughed wildly and looked at Jiang Tian as if they were laughing.

The evil blood realm elemental talisman is a special talisman carefully refined by Si Tianjian to deal with special situations.

Once stimulated, there is almost no solution!

Jiang Tian is a reckless man, and it is simply a dream to turn over.

"Then come on!"


Jiang Tian shouted loudly and made an unexpected move.

Hit the mountain in front of you with one punch!


"What is he doing..."

The three supervisors were greatly surprised. Before they could finish talking, the entire mountain peak was blown up by Jiang Tian!


This thousand-foot-high mountain couldn't bear the strength of Jiang Tian's body.

He was blown away instantly!

In an instant, the mountain peak collapsed, boulders flying, and billowing smoke and dust drowned Jiang Tian's figure.

"This kid... is really stupid!"

"Does he think he can threaten us like this?"

"How ridiculous!"

The three supervisors laughed wildly!

Jiang Tian directly attacked them with physical force, which might have some effect.

Exploding the mountain peaks and splashing boulders in this way poses no threat to them at all.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked them appeared!


A figure suddenly emerged from the flying boulder debris.

It's Jiang Tian!

He soared into the sky like a cannonball and rushed straight towards the nearest supervisor.

"it's useless!"

The supervisor was shocked and angry, but felt extremely ridiculous in his heart.

Raise your palm and slap it fiercely to suppress Jiang Tian's offensive!


The palm print blasted out and there was an explosion!

This palm hit Jiang Tian firmly. Although it would not kill him, it could probably cause some injuries.

After all, he was in his prime, and Jiang Tian only had a physical body to use.

No matter how powerful the physical body is, it cannot withstand continuous consumption.

Thinking like this, he still didn't dare to neglect. The moment he released his palm, he had already swept back thousands of feet away to avoid Jiang Tian's follow-up attack.


After widening the distance, Jiang Tian's follow-up attacks failed to keep up.

But at the same time, among the rubble flying all over the sky, a black stone suddenly flew out!

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