Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7513 The recovery of spiritual power shocked Director Ji!

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"You...don't be too happy too early!"

The supervisor surnamed Ji turned livid and shouted angrily.

"Next, there will be more surprises!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.


Supervisor Ji's expression changed, and he suddenly realized something was wrong!

next moment!


Jiang Tian suddenly teleported and came to him!

"Teleport? Impossible!"

Supervisor Ji's face changed wildly!


Space secrets!

This means that Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power has been restored.

But how is this possible?

"I didn't expect that such a method could be used to temporarily restore bloodline spiritual power."

Jiang Tian sneered.

In fact, he only recovered part of his bloodline spiritual power.

For him, this was an unexpected discovery.

Just now when he used the second orifice of Shuangqiao Mountain to blast the supervisor, he accidentally inhaled a wisp of blood mist.

Then he made a surprising discovery!

After the blood mist entered his body, before it melted, it actually stimulated part of the blood spiritual power in his body!

After being shocked, he decisively activated his bloodline devouring talent and absorbed more of the supervisor's essence and blood.

This further activates the bloodline spiritual power!

Although it is less than one-tenth of his peak state, it is enough to perform certain methods.

This is exactly why he threw the second orifice of Shuangqiao Mountain without any scruples!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The supervisor named Ji was very uneasy.

Jiang Tian, ​​who has no bloodline spiritual power, may still be able to take advantage of him, and even finally take advantage of him after a lot of maneuvering.

But Jiang Tian, ​​who has restored his bloodline spiritual power, is an out-and-out evil star and a huge threat!

"No... don't come over!"

The supervisor surnamed Ji hurriedly got up and swept back quickly.

"You can't leave!"


Jiang Tian teleported and caught up with the opponent.

Even though the current teleportation speed is far less than the peak state, it is enough to chase the injured Superintendent Ji.



Jiang Tian waved his hands together, and the red snow sword marrow penetrated the chest of the supervisor surnamed Ji from back to front.

Such an offensive caught him by surprise.

After being seriously injured, his cultivation level dropped sharply and his vitality disappeared rapidly!


Jiang Tian caught up in one step and raised his hand to hold the opponent's head.

Search for souls!


Suddenly, he discovered that the power of the Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman was also falling rapidly!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's expression changed immediately!

Once the power of the Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman disappears, his bloodline spiritual power will also become ineffective.

This is inevitable!

Without any time to think about it, he grabbed the supervisor surnamed Ji and came to the Zixuan world with one thought!

"Hiss! This... what is this place?"

The supervisor surnamed Ji was completely shocked!

In the blink of an eye, he was brought to a strange space by Jiang Tian!



This is not a simple space!

The area here is so vast that no boundaries can be seen at a glance.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich and pure, as if it is a strange world.

Could it be some unknown small interface?


The supervisor surnamed Ji was extremely shocked, and his heart was filled with turmoil!

You can jump back and forth between interfaces with just a thought. What kind of method is this?

"You...who are you?"

The supervisor surnamed Ji was extremely frightened.

With his martial arts experience that is extremely close to the Taixu realm, it is difficult to imagine such a thing.

A junior in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm can actually move between interfaces?

It means unimaginable background and background.

Could it be that Jiang Tian is the heir or descendant of some terrifying power?

"Who are you, who exactly are you?"

The supervisor surnamed Ji knew that he would not survive, and he just wanted to figure out the suspense.

What responded to him was Jiang Tian's palm!


Jiang Tian's palm covered the top of his head again.

Keep searching for souls!



"The Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman, the Si Tianjian's secret forbidden talisman... are only effective for casters who are infused with blood essence, no wonder!"

The first thing that came to mind was the various information about the Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman.

Jiang Tian smiled and continued searching.

The feeling of regaining strength is so wonderful!

But it's a pity that this is in the Zixuan Realm. When he returns outside, he will still be suppressed by the laws of Xiao Qingjingtian.

Perhaps only when he escapes from the Absolute God Realm and enters the Taixu Realm level can he not be restricted by this law.

Just like the Demon God of Instant Thought, a divine soul can ignore the rules of this world and burst out with terrifying power.

"Hey, Si Tianjian's action agreement is interesting!"

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly lit up and he sensitively captured a certain piece of information.

This information is related to the operation to hunt him down!

It turned out that Si Tianjian had long noticed signs of the death of Li Yin and others.

After waiting for several months, he finally lost his composure and sent out a group of people headed by Director Ji.

Recruit more than a hundred top physical practitioners from several nearby interfaces to deal with him.

It's a pity that Si Tianjian still underestimated his physical strength, causing those top physical practitioners to be crushed and killed by him in an instant.

"The space channel...the secret blood curse...is not good!"

As the soul search continued, Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed!

He found a way out of this world.

But it was precisely this method that made him break out in a cold sweat!

The key to this method is to use the essence and blood of the supervisor surnamed Ji to activate a certain forbidden spell.

And that forbidden curse still needs to be unfolded under the shroud of the Evil Blood Realm Talisman.


The supervisor surnamed Ji was losing his vitality rapidly and was about to die.

The effectiveness of the evil blood realm elemental talisman had been declining rapidly just now.

Both conditions must be broken!


Jiang Tian didn't have time to think too much and left Zixuan Realm in one thought.

He grabbed the palm of the supervisor surnamed Ji and used the other person's essence and blood to carve the forbidden curse.

"In the name of the Supervisor, activate the forbidden spell of space, and be blessed by the power of the blood-sucking world element, start!"



The moment before the life of the supervisor surnamed Ji disappeared, and the moment when the power of the Evil Blood Realm Elemental Talisman dissipated, he completed the carving.

"You can't die, you can't die yet!"


Jiang Tian forcibly injected a bloodline spiritual power to hang on the last chance of survival for the supervisor surnamed Ji.

The supervisor surnamed Ji, who had almost perished, suddenly had a light in his eyes and his spirits were lifted.

But he immediately realized his situation, and his remaining thoughts were full of despair!

"Jiang...Jiang Tian, ​​you..."

The supervisor surnamed Ji spat out a few words intermittently. Before he finished speaking, the blood curtain covering the two people quickly faded and was about to disappear completely.


At this moment, circular ripples appeared in the void ahead, forcibly swallowing up the remaining blood curtain.


Jiang Tian is overjoyed!

The prototype of the space channel has appeared, and the next step is to wait for the power of the forbidden curse to completely explode.

"You can't die, just live for a little longer!"

"Jiang Tian...you...you are the devil!"

Supervisor Ji's lingering thoughts are almost unbearable, and are about to dissipate under the blessing of Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power.

This feeling of dying at the limit, unable to live, unable to die, is really painful.

Supervisor Ji would rather have died a moment ago, or even be killed by Jiang Tian in the previous fight, than fall into this situation.

But everything now is beyond his control!

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