Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7524 Chief Supervisor Qin Yao

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"Damn it!"

"We are both in the Taixu realm, how can there be such a big gap?"

The two were shocked and angry, completely unable to accept the facts before them.

It doesn't matter if they are defeated one on one. At this moment, they are crushed two on one and have little ability to fight back.

This is too exaggerated!

"Stop! Stop it, we admit defeat!"

"Your Excellency is physically strong, we are ashamed of you!"

After realizing that they were outmatched, the two began to beg for mercy.

Qin Yao sneered: "I, Chief Superintendent Qin Yao, never accept begging for mercy!"


"You are Qin..."

Bang, bang!

Amidst the loud noise, the two of them exploded into blood mist!

Qin Yao walked back to the boulder again to take a rest, waiting for Jiang Tian's arrival.

"How long will it take to wait this time?"

Qin Yao murmured to herself.

While in the central area, Jiang Tian gave her a "surprise".

Now that we are in the core area, there should be no more miracles.

How long will Jiang Tian stay in the central region?

Three days?


Three days seems a bit much.

Thinking of Jiang Tian's previous performance, Qin Yao immediately revised her opinion.

She found that she could no longer underestimate Jiang Tian.

For a person who has cultivated a body in the realm of the physical body, even if his level of cultivation is not too high, it should not be underestimated.

"One day! Maybe within one day, he can come to the core area!"

Qin Yao murmured to herself, making guesses about Jiang Tian's performance.

But just a moment later, a figure appeared at the edge of the core area!

Jiang Tian, ​​he is here!

"So fast!"

Qin Yao was shocked!

This speed is too fast.

Don't the central and peripheral areas put any pressure on Jiang Tian?

Impossible, no way!

Qin Yao dispels this outrageous thought.

Even if Jiang Tian can withstand the pressure in the outer area, it is impossible for him to be on the same level in the central area.

He should have encountered huge obstacles. How could he reach the core area in such a short period of time?

"Did he use other means?"

Qin Yao naturally knew that Jiang Tian was not purely a physical practitioner.

In fact, he can't even be considered a physical practitioner.

Rather, he is a well-rounded warrior with monstrous qualifications!

Qin Yao herself is the same!

Not only is she the chief supervisor of Taixu Realm, but she also hides a hidden trump card, which is the secret of her being a physical cultivator.

Even her colleagues in Si Tianjian, no one knows this!

"What a great Jiang Tian, ​​you gave me another surprise, but I don't know how long this surprise can last? Humph!"

Qin Yao sneered.

Jiang Tian already gave a lot of "surprises".

In the core area of ​​Xuanhun Tower, this "surprise" should be over.

"Who are you?" Jiang Tian walked into the core area.

I saw Qin Yao and the familiar golden robe on her!

"Qingtian Realm, Chief Superintendent Qin Yao!"

Qin Yao looked at Jiang Tian and said proudly.

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes!

The momentum erupted from his body, as if his entire body had turned into an incomparably sharp sword!

"Grand Chief Superintendent, Taixu Realm!"

"What a great Chief Si Tianjian, what a great Chief Chief Qin Yao!"


Jiang Tian's whole body aura surged, and the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body and bloodline spiritual power were activated at the same time.

The powerful aura is displayed almost without reservation!

"Tsk tsk! Are you so restless, little guy? I thought you were so capable, geez!"

Chief Superintendent Qin Yao had a sweet smile on his face and narrow eyes.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned and glared angrily.

He didn't have a good impression of Si Tianjian's people.

There is only hatred and murderous intent!

The Great Superintendent of Taixu Realm is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far.

And it’s me who has arrived!

In front of such an opponent, there is no room for any slightness.

In order to kill him, Si Tianjian's people did not hesitate to let the Taixu Realm Great Si Jian take action directly, and they even lurked in the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower.

It seems that a lot of effort has been put into it!

The other party's lofty and overlooking posture, as well as the attitude full of ridicule and disdain, made him even more angry.

"So what about the Chief Superintendent, what about the Taixu Realm?"

"I, Jiang Tian, ​​am not afraid!"


The aura around Jiang Tian's body surged wildly, turning into ripples of spiritual power that spread out.

In the void behind him, these ripples continued to spread, getting farther and farther.

But the area in front of him was a different scene!

Under the pressure of Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, the ripples of spiritual power he caused were crushed before they could reach more than ten feet.

"What a fearless person!" Chief Superintendent Qin Yao sneered again and again, the mockery in his eyes getting even worse.


The coercion around his body wavered slightly, and the deep blood spiritual power pressed towards Jiang Tian.

But it wasn't just aimed at Jiang Tian, ​​but it turned into ripples and spread in all directions.

Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed!

The spiritual power ripples stirred up by Chief Superintendent Qin Yao were more than a step ahead of him.

Not only does it spread faster, but its momentum is stronger.

Even the part that spreads forward can easily reach ten feet away!

And the ripples he just caused were difficult to touch even one foot away.

This represents a huge gap in cultivation!

"As expected of the Taixu Realm!"

Jiang Tian had to sigh with emotion at the power of Taixu Realm.

But that won't deter him!

If he were outside, he would have a lot of room for advancement and retreat.

But in the special environment of Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, he may not be able to control his advance or retreat.

"It's no use talking more, fight!"



The aura around Jiang Tian surged and he decisively opened the Void Immortal Realm!

Although the power of Qingtian Xuanhun Tower is powerful, he is not without resistance.

The moment the Immortal Realm swayed away, the almost solidified spiritual energy around him seemed to come alive instantly.

Most of the pressure placed on him by the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower was gone instantly.

Jiang Tian clenched his right hand into a fist and suddenly blasted it out!

"Fist domain!"

"Fist domain? Okay!"

Faced with Jiang Tian's punch, Chief Supervisor Qin Yao reacted a little strangely.

Not surprised but happy, his eyes burst out with excitement!

The next moment, she suddenly put away her spiritual power ripples and allowed the punch to hit her plump chest.

Bangka... boom!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was stunned!

Qin Yao actually used her body to resist his attack, which was really unexpected.

Even if she has the background of Taixu Realm, she can't ignore this powerful offensive, right?

Jiang Tian silently estimated the results of this blow.

Even if this punch cannot blow up the opponent, it should at least be able to injure her.

The next scene surprised him!

Bangka... boom!

This punch hit Chief Qin Yao's chest firmly, but it only made her body shake slightly.

Other than that, there is no other reaction!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian's expression changed!

This punch is enough to instantly kill a strong man at the top of Taixu Realm in half a step.

Facing Taixu Realm, Chief Superintendent Qin Yao seemed to be tickling, which really surprised him!

"It's a good boxing field, but it's a pity that the heat is a little low!"

Just as Qin Yao expected, the physical realm that Jiang Tian cultivated was the boxing realm.

Fist domain, main attack!

It is a more domineering one in the physical realm.

And what she cultivated is a palm domain that focuses on defense!

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