Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7527 Swallowing Cang Lingqi

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Chapter 7527 Swallowing Cang Lingqi

If she had known this earlier, she shouldn't have negotiated any conditions with Jiang Tian, ​​and she should have won him as soon as possible.

As long as she continues to force her, the opponent has no choice but to fight him.

Maybe that way, she also has a chance to break through the bottleneck of the palm domain.

It's just that Jiang Tian is not a fool, and it is impossible to attack her with physical strength all the time.

Therefore, she will have scruples.

It's just that I didn't expect that what seemed to be a smart approach ended up being this shocking scene.

"Congratulations! Jiang Tian...you won!"

Chief Supervisor Qin Yao said in a deep voice.

"Win?" Jiang Tian sneered.

Is this the end?

of course not!

He just stood in front of Xuanhuncang's aura, this training is far from over!

"What else do you want to do?"

Supervisor Qin Yao was deeply puzzled.

Jiang Tian has come to the deepest part of the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower, is there anything he is not satisfied with?

"Jiang Tian, ​​although I am the chief supervisor of Sitianjian, I also have my own thoughts and will. I know the hatred between you and Sitianjian, but what I want to tell you is that I personally don't necessarily have to be with you in life and death. See."

"Really?" Jiang Tian sneered.

Maybe Qin Yao didn't lie, but this situation is based on his own strength.

If Qin Yao had no special plans for him, and his strength could not catch the opponent's eyes at all, he might have been suppressed and killed long ago.


He and Qin Yao have no direct grievances, and the hatred for Si Tianjian all stems from the previous feud.

But this will not change, his attitude towards Si Tianjian!

"Supervisor Qin Yao!"


Hearing Jiang Tian's call, Qin Yao was a little surprised.

"If you can come to my side now, I don't mind helping you break the shackles of the palm domain!"

"You...you are a strong man!" Qin Yao shook her head helplessly.

It is not the first time she has entered the Qingtianxuan Tower.

I have tried many times before, but I can't break the shackles.

That's why he has plans for Jiang Tian and regards him as his opportunity.

But now, the development of things exceeded her expectations, and she felt helpless.

At this point in the matter, she has no way to deal with the other party.

At least in terms of physical strength, she is no longer Jiang Tian's opponent.

Perhaps the gap can only be balanced by relying on a strong cultivation realm.

As long as she bursts into the cultivation base of the Void Realm, she may still have the advantage.

But her confidence has been hit and challenged unprecedentedly.

If the two meet in life and death, is she really sure of winning?

In Qin Yao's heart, she couldn't help beating a little!

Because she understands that even if she tries her best to walk to Jiang Tian's side, what she gets in return may not necessarily be a breakthrough in the palm area, but may be extremely passive and the risk of falling.

To turn the situation around, she had to find another way.

She thought anxiously, and suddenly had an idea!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you know the origin of the Qingtianxuan Hunta?"

"Know a little, but not much!" Jiang Tian said.

"Let me tell you, this is a Taoist artifact from millions of years ago. It was the magic weapon of the ancestor of the Qingtian Daomeng... With continuous degeneration, it finally became the treasure of the Qingtian Daomeng. The source of power is the Xuanhuncang spiritual energy in front of your eyes... and now, the remaining Xuanhuncang spiritual energy is running out, and it can only last for another hundred thousand years at most, and the Qingtian Xuanhun tower will fall into the realm again!"

"...At that time, Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy will disappear, and the core area will no longer exist. The highest strength of this tower is that of the central area... For warriors in this world, especially for physical cultivation, it is an irreparable problem. Loss!"

Qin Yao said with emotion.


"Yes! The Qingtian Daomeng has tried all kinds of methods, but they can't stop the decline of the Xuanhun Tower... In fact, people who come here to practice want to steal and refine the Xuanhun Cang's spiritual energy, but no one has ever been able to succeed, because Xuanhuncang's aura is too powerful, no one can bear its direct impact, anyone who touches it will die!"

"It's a pity that it will disappear completely in another hundred thousand years, but fortunately, it will not disappear in the era when our generation of warriors are in full swing, and I, Qin Yao, have the honor to witness Jiang Daoyou's shocking feat. Congratulations!"

At the end of Qin Yao's speech, she congratulated Jiang Tian with a smile.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered: "Wrong! It won't wait for a hundred thousand years, and today... it will completely decline!"

"What?" Qin Yao was stunned, not knowing why!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian opened his mouth wide and swallowed it forward!


There was a gap the size of a fist in the mysterious aura that was entrenched like a hurricane!

"Hiss! Impossible... oh my god!"

Qin Yao's expression changed in shock, her scalp went numb!

Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy was swallowed!

Jiang Tian swallowed a mouthful of Xuanhuncang spiritual energy!

"How is it possible, you...how did you do it?"

Qin Yao's complexion changed wildly, and her delicate body shook violently.

My heart is even more turbulent!

The Xuanhuncang spiritual energy that warriors would die if they touched it was actually swallowed by Jiang Tian!

won't he die

The Qingtianxuan Pagoda has been located here for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has never been heard that anyone has devoured it.

Jiang Tian swallowed so much in one gulp!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are courting death!"

Qin Yao was terrified!

She swayed her tender body and quickly backed away.

Once Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy bursts, its power will be extremely terrifying.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Tian swallows this mouthful, I'm afraid something will go wrong next time!



There was a disturbing roar coming from Jiang Tian's body, which made her tremble.

"Jiang Tian, ​​originally I didn't want to be your enemy, I just wanted to use your hand to break the bottleneck of my palm area, but I didn't expect you to be so reckless!"

Qin Yao stepped back and sighed.

She has retreated to the edge of the core area and can enter the central area at any time.

"Supervisor Qinyao, I really want to thank you. If you have been entangled with me from the beginning, it will be difficult for me to practice here smoothly. Maybe I won't have the chance to taste the aura of Xuanhuncangcang!"

"What? You...you're fine!"

Qin Yao was extremely shocked!

Jiang Tian's voice was extremely calm, and there was no sign of being backlashed at all.


He is refining that mouthful of Xuanhun Cangshen Qi!

It's not that he can't swallow more, but he is worried that there will be problems if he swallows it in one gulp.

Facing this kind of weird existence, in this special environment, he must act cautiously!

It turned out to be simpler than he had imagined, and this mouthful of mysterious aura was quickly refined by him.

Thirty percent of it nourishes his physical body, and the rest is divided into two parts, blending into his blood and the Purple Profound Realm respectively.

"Hey, Xuanhun Cang's spiritual energy can still be integrated into the Zixuan Realm?"

Jiang Tian was stunned.


At this moment, the power of his body is surging, and the spiritual power of his blood is also rising.

The effect is too good to exaggerate!

"Very good, come again!"

Swallow virtual formula, swallow!


Jiang Tian opened his mouth wide, and under Qin Yao's horrified eyes, he swallowed another mouthful of Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy.

This time, it was no longer just as big as a fist, but a ball the size of a watermelon!

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