Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7531 Sitian Zhanling Talisman

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Chapter 7531 Sitian Zhanling Talisman


The flying boat accelerated through the air and fled towards Qingtian Daomeng.

The ten gold-robed supervisors behind him sneered.

"Hehe, that bitch Qin Yao obviously doesn't dare to completely offend our chief supervisor, Yuan Yi!"

"That's natural. Although Qin Yao is the chief supervisor, she is a girl after all, and her strength is much worse than our chief supervisor!"

"I knew it earlier, why bother?"

Everyone sneered again and again, as if they had seen the tragic scene where Qin Yao was severely injured by Yuan Yi and begged for mercy.

Si Tianjian has many strong men and great influence, so the interior is naturally not monolithic.

Chief supervisors like Yuan Yi and Qin Yao are, in a sense, equivalent to the masters of one side.

In this interface, it has its own major interests.

It is inevitable to fight openly and secretly with each other.

However, Yuan Yi and Qin Yao have always been at odds.

This time, Qin Yao played tricks on Yuan Yi repeatedly, which completely aroused his anger.

It's not hard to imagine what it will be like when the two meet!

Almost a day later!

Yuan Yi arrived at Qingtian Daomeng.

When his flying boat stopped in front of Qingtian Temple, Qin Yao appeared!

"Qin Yao! Where is Jiang Tian, ​​where is he?"

Yuan Yi glared at Qin Yao and asked sharply.

"I provided information to you with good intentions, but instead of thanking me, you still turned your eyebrows at me, Yuan Yi, you really don't know what to do!"

Qin Yao sneered, her eyes narrowed.

"Shut up!" Yuan Yi cursed angrily.

"You closed the interface channel first to prevent me from coming, but when I was about to make a detour, you suddenly opened the channel to make me busy. I haven't settled this account with you yet!"

"Hehe, since you're here, let's make it clear!"

Qin Yao sneered and clapped from the air.

The majestic and terrifying power suddenly descended on the flying boat!



"No, it's the palm domain!"

"Hide quickly..."

Crack... Rumble!

The palm area crashed violently, and the golden flying boat exploded suddenly.

Yuan Yi was furious and dodged away.

But nearly half of the ten gold-cloaked supervisors who accompanied him were killed by Qinyao Town, leaving only six of them.

"Qin Yao, you bitch, take your life!"

Yuan Yi roared and rushed up.

"Hey! Even before I broke through, I wasn't afraid of you, let alone now?"

Qin Yao sneered and clapped again.

The prestige of the palm domain stands in front of him, pushing towards Yuan Yi like a giant mountain.

"I didn't expect you to be a physical cultivator, and your palm area has broken through. Qin Yao, you hide really deep! If the higher-ups know about it, how will they feel?"

Yuan Yi's face darkened, and then he asked in a ferocious voice.

"Want to join me for a copy? I'm afraid you won't have a chance, but it doesn't matter. Even if you file a complaint with the higher authorities, so what. Haven't you had enough complaints against me before?"

Qin Yao screamed coquettishly, urging her palm to suppress Yuan Yi.

"It's useless! Do you really think I'll be afraid? The palm area is just a means of physical cultivation. You and I are both at the level of the Void Realm. You can't do anything to Yuan Mou!"

Crack... Rumble!

Yuan Yi swung his palms together, and two golden palm clouds burst out.

Both Qin Yao and Qin Yao's palm areas were annihilated.

But at the same time, he found that Qin Yao's palm had the upper hand in this collision, and his strength was obviously stronger than before!

"Damn it! Fortunately, Yuan Mou came in time, otherwise, if you give you a few more years, wouldn't you be completely thrown away by you?"

Yuan Yi's eyes flickered, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Qin Yao, you bitch, you tricked me with false information, just to deal with me, right?"

"So what?" Qin Yao didn't care.

"Jie Jie! Falsely spreading information to lure and kill the chief supervisor is a capital crime, and you will be doomed!"

Yuan Yi laughed wildly.

Si Tianjian strictly prohibits high-level internal fighting.

This is also an important reason why Si Tianjian can maintain relative stability and order with such a huge scale of influence.

It is inevitable for the big supervisors to supervise the various interfaces, and it is inevitable to fight openly and secretly, but as long as it is done in private, the higher-ups don't bother to take care of it.

But if it's on the table, it's a different matter!

Qin Yao's behavior today undoubtedly put the conflict between the two on the table.

Yuan Yi, as the designed party, naturally has enough confidence to initiate impeachment.

At that time, Qin Yao will definitely be severely punished by the higher-ups of the Sitianjian, ranging from being dismissed from office to dismissing her from office, to abolishing her cultivation base, or even directly obliterating her!

"Hahahaha! Go ahead and file a complaint to see if I'm afraid?"

Qin Yao has already voted for Mingzhu, so she is naturally not afraid of the other party's threats.

For her, Si Tianjian has been unable to let her break through the subsequent bottleneck.

It's meaningless to continue to stay in this position.

And Jiang Tian not only used the power of one palm to help her break through the shackles, but now he also controls the Qingtianxuan Pagoda, a former Taoist weapon.

Coupled with the immeasurable potential of martial arts, future achievements are absolutely beyond imagination.

The talent and aptitude can be described as against the sky!

With such a strong man against the sky, her prospects are also infinitely bright.

Si Tianjian's pond is muddy, she has had enough of it.

Now, she wants to draw a clean line!

"Great rebellion, extreme arrogance! Yuan will kill you!"

Yuan Yi let out a roar, and slapped his palms wildly.

Large palm prints flooded Qin Yao.

But such an offensive is not enough to crush the opponent, it can only cause some temporary suppression.

Yuan Yi knew this very well. While suppressing the palm print, he twisted his right hand to activate a golden talisman!

"Sitian Zhanling Talisman, kill her for me!"


Hearing this angry shout, Qin Yao's expression changed instantly!

The Sitian Zhanling Talisman is a secret talisman that only senior Sitianjian officials are qualified to use.

This talisman is extremely powerful, and it is mainly used to deal with the powerful rebels of Si Tianjian.

She had only heard of this kind of thing, never seen it.

Unexpectedly, there would be one in Yuan Yi's hand!

"Hahahaha! Bastard Qin Yao, didn't you expect that? The higher-ups have already noticed that you have two intentions, and asked me to guard against you!"

Yuan Yi laughed wildly.

Qin Yao fell into a panic!

She had apprehension in her eyes, and her heart was terrified.

I'm really scared!

The Sitian Zhanling Talisman is not an ordinary talisman, it is a powerful talisman specially refined for those who are strong in the Taixu Realm.

Can achieve a one-hit kill!

With her strength, it is almost impossible to escape!

"Hahahaha, Qin Yao bitch, die!"

Yuan Yi laughed wildly, as if seeing the scene where the other party was forcibly obliterated by the Sitian Zhanling Talisman.

"Sitian Zhanling Talisman?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded.

Sounds somewhat familiar!

"Huh?" Yuan Yi's face changed slightly!

He recognized the voice, which seemed familiar.

"Jiang Tian! Is that you?"

Yuan Yi's face immediately turned ferocious.

Jiang Tian did not respond to his call.

He was in Qingtian Palace, staring at the Sitian Zhanling Talisman through the window.

After the talisman was activated, three thousand-foot-high golden phantoms stood in the air.

Form a triangle formation and surround Qin Yao in the middle!

Each of the three held knives, swords, and axes, exuding a terrifying aura, showing the will to kill.

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