Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7533 Refining Xingxuan Heavy Water

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Chapter 7533 Refining Xingxuan Heavy Water

Bloodline devours!

Jiang Tian actually has a powerful talent for devouring blood, with a mid-term cultivation base in the Absolute God Realm, he can devour the great power of the Void Realm without any backlash.

This is amazing!


The remaining six gold-robed supervisors gasped, completely shocked.

Bang bang bang!

They knelt down and begged Jiang Tian for mercy.

Jiang Tian didn't respond, but looked at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao sneered: "They are Yuan Yi's loyal lackeys, they can't be trusted!"


Jiang Tian waved gently.

"Leave it to me, Master!"

Qin Yao's tender body flickered and flew towards the opposite side.

Raise your palm and clap.


Bang bang... boom boom!

All six gold-robed supervisors were wiped out.

"This is their storage ring, please accept it master!"

Qin Yao brought back eleven storage rings.

Jiang Tian grabbed Yuan Yi's storage ring, swept it away with his spiritual sense, and threw it to Qin Yao again.

"These things are all given to you."

"Thank you master!" Qin Yao was overjoyed!

Also being the Grand Master of the Void Realm, Yuan Yi must have a lot of good things in his storage ring.

Jiang Tian just glanced at it before rewarding her, which really surprised her.

"As expected of my lord!"

Jin Tianxing nodded and laughed, admiring Jiang Tian's mind and courage.

Such a master is worthy of his following and service!

"Leader Jin, is there a refining hall here?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Yes, of course! If the master wants to refine weapons, there are many senior masters in the Dao League. I think they can't wait to serve the master!"

"No need, I have to come in person for some things." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"My subordinates will arrange for my lord immediately!"

Jin Tianxing dare not neglect.

Immediately ordered to free up the top-level Artifact Refining Hall for Jiang Tian to use.

At the same time, he was also secretly shocked.

Jiang Tian is not only super strong, but also proficient in refining weapons?

There are not many such characters!

"Master, if necessary, please order at any time!"

Qin Yao quickly expressed her opinion.

She was very curious about what Jiang Tian was going to do, but she didn't dare to ask directly.

I thought Jiang Tian would refuse, but Jiang Tian nodded after thinking about it for a while.

"Alright, you come with me!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Yao was extremely excited.

Immediately followed Jiang Tian to the top-level Artifact Refining Hall of the Qingtian Dao League.


The gate of the palace was closed, and all the refiners on duty were invited out.

Only Jiang Tian and Qin Yao are left in the hall.

At this time, Qin Yao became more courageous.

"Forgive me for talking too much, I don't know what treasure the master wants to refine?"

Jiang Tian glanced at her but didn't speak.

Instead, he waved his hand gently and took out a brown stick!


The corners of Qin Yao's eyes narrowed sharply, she was taken aback!

"This...is this Yinxu Kunmu?"

"You recognize it?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, not too surprised.

After all, Qin Yao is a strong person in the Taixu Realm, and she once served as the chief supervisor, so it is normal for her to be well-informed.

"Yes! I've seen a description of it in the Great Supervisor's Code!"

"The code of the chief inspector?" Jiang Tian was puzzled.

"It's the Sitianjian laws and all kinds of complicated information that every chief supervisor needs to master! Is the master trying to refine it? As far as I know..."

Qin Yao said excitedly.

"No!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

"No? What does the master want?"

Qin Yao was stunned!

Jiang Tian took out the Yinxu Kunmu, but he didn't intend to refine it, so what exactly was he going to do?

"And it!"

Before the words fell, Jiang Tian opened his mouth and spat out a weird black lotus flower!

"Huh? This is... Oh my god, it turned out to be it!"

Liuli Yinhuo!

Qin Yao was stunned!

The Yinxu Kunmu is already an extremely rare existence, and the Liuli Yinhuo is even more so than the Yinhuo.

Jiang Tian took out these two things casually!

At this moment, her heart was really filled with turbulent waves.

Both of these things are rare treasures.

Even if it is not refined, it is terrifying and unstoppable when used as a magic weapon.

At this moment, she couldn't help but rejoice that she made a conscious choice and didn't make an enemy of Jiang Tian.

Otherwise, taking out any of these two things at will would make her too much to bear!

"Master... is amazing!"

Qin Yao sighed deeply.

But she still didn't quite understand what Jiang Tian was going to do with these two precious things.

"I want to use them to refine Xingxuan heavy water!"

"What... what?"


Qin Yao was completely stunned!

Xingxuan heavy water!

She has also heard of this thing, and it is even rarer than Yinxu Kunmu and Liuli Yinhuo.

Each of these three things shocked her.

Jiang Tian wanted to use two of them to refine the other, which is really an astonishing generosity!

"I understand, thank you Master for trusting me!"

Qin Yao took a deep breath, her face full of excitement.

She understood Jiang Tian's purpose for letting her in.

It is to use her help to refine Xingxuan heavy water.

Because Yinxu Kunmu and Liuli Yinhuo both need female cultivators to control them.

As a male cultivator, Jiang Tian's skills are extremely fierce, and it has a certain suppression effect on Yinxu Kunmu and Liuli Yinhuo.

There will be some discounts on the effect of sacrifice.

But under her control, these problems will not arise.

It can even boost the power of Yinxu Kunmu and Liuli Yinhuo.

"Master, I understand, let's start!"

"These three things are all extraordinary. I will control Xingxuan Heavy Water, and you will control Yinxu Kunmu and Liuli Yinhuo!"

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to not let the master down!"

Qin Yao nodded heavily, her expression determined.

This is the first time she has been entrusted with an important task after joining Jiang Tian, ​​so of course she must not disappoint him.

After all, no matter what, she is also a great power in the Void Realm.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward and came to the top of the refining array.

In fact, he doesn't need the assistance of the big formation.

However, it can be said that it is more convenient to sacrifice Xingxuan heavy water in the refining formation.

Jiang Tian opened his mouth and spit out a stream of Xingxuan heavy water, causing it to suspend in the void and wait for refining.

"Yinxu Kunmu, come!"

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Jiang Tian's call, Qin Yao immediately injected spiritual power into the Kunmu of Yinxu.


Infused with Qin Yao's spiritual power, Yinxu Kunmu instantly revived.

The surface of the body is brown, sprouting branches and leaves.

And under the control of Qin Yao, it stands above Xingxuan Chongshui.

Hum rumble!

Xingxuan heavy water was violently turbulent, trying to bounce off the Yinxu Kunmu, but was forcibly suppressed in the end.

"Not bad!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

A stone fell to the ground.

The situation in front of him was basically the same as expected, Yinxu Kunmu could indeed suppress Xingxuan Chongshui.

But this is not enough, if you want to really refine this thing, you need Liuli Yinhuo!

"Liu Li Yin Huo, come!"

"Yes, Master!"

With the power of Taixu Realm, Qin Yao controls Liuli Yinhuo.

Under her urging, Heilian came down to the bottom of Xingxuan's heavy water.

Crackle, sizzle!

The black lotus petals spit out different fires and began to scorch Xingxuan's heavy water.

Several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Xingxuan heavy water did not respond!

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