Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7555 Yu Fu was furious

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"That's it, let's open all the interface channels of the Qingtian Realm, and release a message to attract the Void Realm powerhouses from the surrounding interfaces to come for the master to devour and nourish!"

"That's right, this is indeed a good idea, but..." Jin Tianxing frowned and said, "It's just that the Si Tianjians in the 30 surrounding interfaces have been suppressed by us. Do these powerful Void Realm experts dare to come?"

"This... is indeed a problem!" Qin Yao was a little embarrassed.

She only thought of one, but not the other.

Although the Qingtian Realm has been hit hard recently, it also caused a huge deterrent to the surrounding interface.

For a while, no one dared to come!

Even if the space channel is released, so what?

"Let's go! Open those space passages immediately!"

Jiang Tian made some thought and said decisively.

"Not only for me, but also for you!"

Jiang Tian looked at the two of them and smiled proudly.

Both Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao have entered the middle stage of Taixu Realm, which is the time to stand up.

Although the peripheral interface has been honest for a few days, but if it takes a little longer, it will definitely become coveted again.

That being the case, it is better to let Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing take the initiative to completely shock those interfaces.

"We have to fight anyway, if that's the case, then bring all the thirty surrounding interfaces under the control of my lord!"

"Leader Jin will sit here to assist the master, and I will come first to subdue the surrounding interface!" Qin Yao couldn't wait.

"No! Vice leader Qin Yao has just recovered from a serious injury, has just advanced, and is closely watched by Si Tianjian. It is not appropriate to be hasty, let the old man come first!"

Jin Tianxing did his part and rushed ahead.

"Let President Jin go!"

Jiang Tian made a decision immediately.

Next, Jin Tianxing left Qingtian Realm with two accompanying elders and traveled around several nearby interfaces.

His purpose, of course, is not just to intimidate and intimidate.

It is also necessary to help Jiang Tian find and collect unique resources on the interface he visits.

Different interfaces have different martial arts levels and cultivation conditions.

If you can help Jiang Tian advance, it will definitely be a great achievement!


And at the same time that Chang Hou and Bai Chu fell.

In Dayan Realm, in the stronghold of Sitianjian.

The chief inspector in purple robe, Yu Fu, was completely furious!

"Trash, trash! You can't even take down a rebellious and low-plane fighter, useless thing!"


With a sway of Yu Fu's breath, the throne under him was shattered.

A terrifying coercion swept away.

Everyone in the hall shook their heads and sneered.

"Hey! Brother Yu, calm down, Chang Hou and Bai Chu have indeed let us down!"

"But it also just shows the necessity of the promotion test for the chief inspector in purple robe!"

"It's a good thing they didn't get promoted easily, otherwise it would really be a big joke!"

"Chang Hou and Bai Chu are already the most popular people for promotion. With their strength, it seems that Jiang Tian is really difficult to deal with!"

"Leave this matter to Qi!"

While speaking, a purple-robed senior supervisor stood up and asked for a fight.

His name is Qi Kuo, and he is a confidant under Yu Fuzuo.

It has been almost three years since he entered the middle stage of the Void Realm, and his strength is extremely strong!

However, Yu Fu didn't nod immediately.

After pondering for a while, he said in a deep voice, "You alone may not be enough!"

"What?" Qi Kuo's face froze, a little embarrassed and annoyed.

Is this looking down on him?

In the middle stage of the dignified Taixu Realm, the purple-robed chief supervisor is not enough?

"Lin Han, Li Yan, you two go with him, Qin Yao will kill him directly, Jiang Tian must be captured alive!"

"Yes, Brother Yu!"

The three of them immediately entered the interface channel and headed to the Sky Realm.


"Xuanwei Realm surrenders!"

"Baiyang Realm is willing to surrender!"

"Wind Spirit Realm..."

"Mysterious Light Realm..."

In a certain starry sky, the peak powerhouses of thirty interfaces gathered here.

Facing Jin Tianxing, make a statement.

There have been more than ten strong men in the interface expressing their allegiance to Qingtian Realm.

As for the remaining nearly twenty interfaces, their attitudes were ambiguous.

The powerhouses of these interfaces also have different expressions.

Some are watching, some are hesitating, and some are silent, not knowing what they are thinking.

"Do you have any concerns, Jin wants to know your thoughts!" Jin Tianxing asked in a deep voice.

The dozen or so interface powerhouses on the opposite side looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Jin Tianxing didn't come here to beg them.

One is to spread Jiang Tian's majesty, and the other is to subdue these interfaces.

Beside him, there are four accompanying elders.

They are Qiu Chan, Xuan Yun, Luo Ji and Hao Sheng, all of whom have reached the early stage of Taixu Realm.

After a moment of silence, someone spoke!

He is Weng Tianhe of the flying sand world.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, Mrs. Weng has something to say. I want to know, if we join Qingtian Realm...cough, what benefits will we get?"

"Benefits? Hahahaha!" Instead of being annoyed, Jin Tianxing laughed out loud.

This is what he was waiting for!

"Friend Daoist Weng is a good question! I think not only Fellow Daoist Weng has this idea, but all of you, including those who have surrendered, have the same question, right?"

"Ahem, indeed... that's true!"

"Jin Daoyou is a cheerful person, please tell me!"

"We really want to know, what specific benefits can we get after surrendering?"

All eyes were on Jin Tianxing, waiting for his answer.

"It's useless to say more, I will give you a proof!"


"What proof?"


Everyone was a little curious, before they finished speaking, Jin Tianxing released a coercion directly.



"This is……"

"The middle stage of the Void Realm! Old monster Jin, you... When did you break through to the middle stage of the Void Realm?"

There was a commotion in the field, and everyone was stunned by the breath.

rub rub rub!

Most of the people could not stand still and their bodies shook.

Some people were even pushed back continuously, and their minds were shocked!

"Hahahaha! Jin is not talented, and he didn't have any extravagant hopes for advancement, but my Jiang Taishang helped me break this hard-to-break bottleneck, and this is the 'benefit' I'm showing you. !"

"What, Jiang Tian helped you break through?"

"Is this... is this true?"

Hearing Jin Tianxing's explanation, there was an uproar!

Isn't Jiang Tian talented?

Even if he has outstanding combat power, it would be difficult to help a Void Realm master break the bottleneck if his own realm is not enough, right?

This is totally unreasonable!

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, the important thing is that the old man has already entered the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, standing at a higher level of martial arts!

Don't you want benefits?

If you choose to surrender, I think Jiang Taishang will not hesitate to give you some advice.

At that time, those of you who are also stuck in the bottleneck and may find it difficult to advance for the rest of your life, may be able to radiate a new vitality in martial arts! "

"This benefit... is really tempting!"

"Not seductive, but irresistible!"

"He once went to Qingtian Realm, and had an in-depth discussion with Jin Laoguai. At that time, he concluded that he had no hope of advancing in this life. I didn't expect... Tsk tsk!"

An old man with white beard shook his head and sighed bitterly, his eyes full of envy and hatred.

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