Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7560 Target: 100 people in the middle stage of Taixu Realm

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Chapter 7560 Target: 100 people in the middle stage of Taixu Realm

Create another batch of mid-stage Taixu Realm?

This is too difficult!

In the Qingtian Dao League, it was already a miracle that he and Qin Yao were born in the middle stage of the Void Realm.

Where can I find so many seedlings and help them break through?

You know, today's Qingtian Daomeng is not comparable to before.

When Jiang Tian first came, there were still many Taixu Realm elders with profound backgrounds in the Qingtian Dao League.

Those people, if cultivated, are not too difficult to advance.

And after several great changes, most of those people have already fallen, and there are not many talents to make right now!

"Jiang Taishang, this..."

Jin Tianxing hesitated to speak, his face full of embarrassment.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not a big deal."

Jiang Tian smiled.

Of course he knows what Jin Tianxing thinks, and the current situation of Qingtian Daomeng is indeed a bit difficult.

But this will not affect his will, nor will it change the result.

"Jin Tianxing!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Call together all the elders of the Taixu Realm in the alliance, select one hundred people with the greatest potential and strength, and prepare to advance!"

"Ah? Ah... yes, this subordinate obeys!"

Jin Tianxing was shocked in his heart!

One hundred people?

A whole hundred people!

He thought that Jiang Tian's goal was only five or six people, or seven or eight people, or a dozen or so at most.

This is already extremely difficult.

Unexpectedly, his goal turned out to be a hundred people!

One hundred middle stages of the Void Realm!

Just thinking about that scene made his blood boil!

Once this goal is achieved, Qingtian Daomeng will definitely become the existence with the most terrifying background among the dozens of interfaces around.

At that time, even if Dayan Realm sends a few more purple-robed chief inspectors, they will not be afraid!

But, how many resources does this need?

Does it all depend on the Qingtianxuan Mixing Tower?

If so, what will the throne cost?

Thinking of the Qingtianxuan mixed tower, Jin Tianxing was extremely embarrassed.

On the other side of Ziwei Realm, he was suppressed before he even had time to use this throne.

If it wasn't for Jiang Tian's action, he would have died in Qi Kuo's hands.

After suppressing these distracting thoughts, Jin Tianxing immediately carried out Jiang Tian's order.

Select one hundred elders of the Taixu Realm with the greatest potential and strength in the Qingtian Dao League, and prepare to break through!

"Is Jiang Taishang really going to help us break through?"

"This... this is really a great opportunity!"

Hearing Jin Tianxing's message, everyone was ecstatic.

The middle stage of the Void Realm!

That was a realm they didn't dare to imagine.

As the leader of the alliance, Jin Tianxing was extremely difficult to advance, and for a time he had no hope.

They didn't dare to hope even more.

But now, Jin Tianxing told them that Jiang Taishang would personally help them break through and advance.

How can they not be excited?

"When will it start, I... I can't wait!"

"What are you panicking about? Jiang Taishang has his own arrangements!"

"Leader Jin made a breakthrough, and we can follow in his footsteps!"

"Thinking of my Qingtian Daomeng, I will have more than a hundred middle-stage Taixu Realm in the near future. What a spectacular scene is this?"

Everyone was very excited and began to look forward to the spectacular scene.

At this time, Qin Yao's retreat is also over.

Her injuries have completely healed, and her breath is even better than before!

I was extremely excited to learn about Jiang Tian's arrangement!

"The master is wise! There are more than a hundred people in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, and they are definitely the existence with the strongest background in the surrounding interface!"

"One hundred people in the middle stage of Taixu Realm, don't be too careless!"

Jiang Tian shook his head.

One hundred people in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm may be able to compete against the stronghold of the purple-robed chief inspector in the Dayan Realm.

But compared to the entire Sitianjian, it is still not a drop in the bucket.

The road ahead is difficult and there is a long way to go!

"Jin Tianxing, you and Qin Yao hold the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower to sit in this world, and I will take these people to the surrounding interface to break through and advance!"

"Follow the orders of my lord!"

"Master, please rest assured to go out, Qin Yao and President Jin, swear to defend Qingtian Realm to the death!"

Jin Tianxing regrets not being able to travel with Jiang Tian.

Qin Yao also had the same idea.

But they understand that Qingtian Realm cannot be suppressed by no one, otherwise even a little accident will not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, Dayan Realm is far away from this world, so it is difficult for Yu Fu to launch a second offensive in a short time.

There will be no threat to the Qingtian Realm for the time being.

This precious time has just become a breathing opportunity for the Qingtian Realm, allowing Jiang Tian to quickly grow his strength and improve his background.


Hum rumble!

The interface channel was opened, and Jiang Tian set off with a hundred Taixu Realm powerhouses.

The first goal - Jinding World!


Jinding world.

Mysterious light circulated in front of the interface channel, and more than a hundred figures appeared one after another.

Their appearance surprised the dozens of warriors guarding the passage!

"Why are there so many people here?"

"Where is the invincible ancestor?"

"No...the situation is not right!"

"Who are you, how dare you trespass into my Golden Cauldron Realm without notification?"

Among the dozens of people standing in front of the passage, there are as many as ten middle-stage Taixu Realm powerhouses.

Among these ten people, three were from the Jin family where Jin Wudi belonged.

The other seven people came from several other top forces in this world.

The dozens of people next to them are also in the late stage of Absolute God Realm and at the peak level.

Everyone follows the lead of the Jin family!

They were all stunned when they saw more than a hundred people suddenly appearing.

Looking at the thirty screens, Jin Wudi's strength is extremely powerful, and he can be called a top-notch power.

At the initial level of Taixu Realm, it can be called invincible.

Even if you encounter the middle stage of Taixu Realm, you can still fight.

Could it be that this is a strong man from a certain interface he subdued?

But no!

If this was the case, even if Jin Wudi didn't personally lead the team back, he should have sent a summons back, or asked an elder around him to lead the team.

And looking at the more than a hundred people, they all exuded a strange atmosphere, and none of them were acquaintances.

"The situation is wrong! Could it be that the invincible ancestor had an accident?"

"Stop them!"

"Stop it! How do you stop more than a hundred Taixu Realms?"

"Quickly open the prohibition circle!"


The violent roar resounded through the air, and the powerhouses of the Golden Cauldron Realm resolutely opened the prohibition circle.

Cover these more than a hundred people in front of the exit of the interface channel.

"Hey, the middle stage of Absolute God Realm!"

"This person……"

"Hiss! Remembered, he is Jiang Tian, ​​the person who subdued the Qingtian Realm and swept away the 30 Sitianjian strongholds in the interface!"

"God, why is it him?"


Someone recognized Jiang Tian, ​​and the scene was shocked.

After the shock, there is ecstasy!

"Hahahaha! Just in time!"

"This person is Si Tianjian's sworn enemy and a repeat offender. Handing him over to Si Tianjian will definitely reward him!"

"As for these people, they must all be strong in the Sky Realm, right?"

"Jie Jie! For our Golden Cauldron Realm, this will definitely be a big threat, they don't need to keep it, kill them all!"



The aura of the restraining circle began to soar, and an astonishing coercion shrouded it.

The expressions of the 100 Taixu Realm warriors in the magic circle all changed!

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