Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7566 Deterrence

"You don't want to?" He Kang shouted violently.


Everyone was so frightened that their faces were stiff and their bodies trembled.

"Lu... The Lu family is willing!"

"Jane's family... willing!"

"Peng family, willing to swear!"

Under pressure, the families of the Golden Cauldron World could only express their views.

But there are also people who don't want to accept it.

"My family is not convinced!"

"Refining Shenzong refuses to accept!"

"Heavenly Hate Sect refuses to accept!"

"Huo Lizong refuses to accept..."

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!


Fang family, Lian Shenzong, Tianhenzong, Huolizong and other powerful families and sects rebelled violently.

The aura of a dozen or so people in the early stages of the Taixu Realm surged, fists, swords, and magic weapons of all colors directly attacked Jiang Tian!

"Protect Jiang Taishang!"

He Kang shouted violently and rushed out first.

The other two elders stood in front of Jiang Tian, ​​fully on guard.

"Do you really think that our strong men in the Golden Cauldron Realm are just a display, let's take your sacrificial flag first!"


Boom boom boom!

Amidst the violent roar, more than a dozen Taixu Realm powerhouses besieged He Kang frantically.

"Extremely arrogant! I, He Kang, will defend Jiang Taishang to the death!"

He Kang didn't intend to get entangled with these people, and he resorted to the most fierce methods as soon as he came up.

Raising both palms violently, a pair of glaring silver gloves appeared on both hands, exuding a dangerous aura.

This is his magic weapon at the bottom of the box, named "Yin Gang Flame"!

Slapping wildly, one after another silver hurricanes tore through the void and rushed out.

Wherever he went, there were terrifying silver flames sweeping wildly, and the power was astonishing!

"not good!"

"Be careful..."

Bang, click... Boom!

Puff puff puff... wow!

Where the flames of the Yin Gang swept across, seven or eight strong men from the Golden Cauldron Realm vomited blood and flew backwards.

Three of them were directly torn apart.

Four others were badly injured.

The crushing of the realm made it impossible for these people to compete.

But they took advantage of the large number of people, and in the end several attacks fell on He Kang.



He Kang let out a muffled snort, and was knocked back more than ten feet in the air.

Forced to stabilize his figure, his face turned pale and he suffered some internal injuries.

But instead of being afraid, he became even more excited!

"The power in the middle stage of Taixu Realm is really strong!"

A ferocious look appeared in He Kang's eyes, before the opponent could stand firm, he killed again.

"Die to me!"

Bang, bang, bang... Boom!

The roar revived again, and He Kang blatantly charged into the crowd.

Fighting in close quarters made his cultivation advantage sharply highlighted.

He killed more than half of the remaining seven or eight strong men in the Golden Cauldron Realm.

"Back, back quickly!"

"The middle stage of the Void Realm... so strong!"

The other few were also seriously injured, seeing that they were invincible, they retreated in embarrassment.

"Want to run? Dream!"

He Kang shouted sharply, his eyes became more ferocious.

After finally being able to perform in front of Jiang Tian, ​​he certainly couldn't miss this great opportunity.



Puff Chi Chi...Boom!

The cracking flames of the Yin Gang swept out again, and He Kang blasted and killed all the remaining people in one go.

"Good... so strong!"

"In the middle stage of the Void Realm,...is it so terrifying?"


Faced with this tragic scene, the experts in the Golden Cauldron Realm were all terrified.

One by one gasped, horrified.

He Kang's attack was too eager, and he paid a price.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious.

The important thing is that he met his expectations and showed enough bravery and loyalty in front of Jiang Tian.


The majestic coercion spread over He Kang's body, forcing him to the opposite side.

More than two hundred strong men from the Golden Cauldron Realm were silent, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive.

"Damn! Are we going to let him be so rampant?"

"That's right! We Jinding Realm powerhouses are not made of mud, let alone seedless!"

"More than two hundred of us have teamed up to besiege, even if we can't kill them all, we will make them pay a terrible price!"

Everyone's spiritual power transmitted sound, venting their inner resentment.

"So what?" A white-haired old man laughed at himself.

"He Kang alone can torture and kill more than a dozen strong people in my Golden Cauldron Realm, and behind him are two of the same level, and there is also an unfathomable Jiang Tian.

Even if you can kill He Kang and even the other two, are you really sure of killing Jiang Tian? "

Everyone fell into silence after hearing the words.

Of course they are not sure!

"He Kang can replace at least 20 or 30 of us, and at least 60 or 70 of us in the middle stage of the Void Realm. At that time, our numbers will not have much advantage.

And Jiang Tian just shot casually, and it was crushed one-sidedly. Do you think it makes sense? "

Facing the old man's questioning, everyone was speechless.

The old man sneered and said: "The dozen or so people just now have already given us a sample. If anyone is not afraid of death, just follow them!"

Everyone calmed down completely.

"Surrender, or die! Not only you will die, but your family and sect will also be destroyed!"

He Kang yelled like thunder, completely breaking everyone's psychological defense.

"Elder He calm down, we are willing to surrender!"

"I will surrender to Jiang Taishang!"

Hula la!

Everyone no longer held on, and all bowed down.


"The Lu family, the Jian family, the Peng family, the Wan family..."

"Sacred Heaven Sect, Blood Soul Sect, Feiyan Valley..."

"I swear by blood, to be loyal to Jiang Taishang and Qingtian Daomeng for generations!"

Everyone knelt down to swear, rubbed their fingertips, and ejected drops of blood towards the magic circle in mid-air.


A large amount of blood essence formed a cloud of blood and sank into the cloud.

The next moment, there was thunder!

The wind and clouds were turbulent in the sky, and a special will came down, entered the bodies of these warriors, and finally merged into their blood.

"Jiang Taishang, these people have made an oath, are they going to go to their family and collect all their resources?"

He Kang bowed and asked.

"Since they have surrendered, there is no need to exhaust the water. The three of you stay here, and the others follow me to the world of no thought!"

"Subordinates obey!"

He Kang and the other three in the middle of the Taixu Realm stayed here in accordance with Jiang Tian's order.

The next ninety-seven people followed to the No-Think Realm.


Mindless Realm!


Jiang Tian walked out of the interface channel, his face suddenly turned cold.

Near the passage, more than 10,000 warriors gathered here.

They come from more than a hundred of the most powerful forces in the mindless world.

There are hundreds of early Taixu Realm experts and tens of thousands of Absolute God Realm masters.

After the news of Patriarch Wu Nian's fall spread to this world, they quickly held a martial arts meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Final decision: All top forces join forces to fight against Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you came just in time!"

"There are less than a hundred people in the area, do you really think they can make waves in our mindless world?"

"Today, I will let you know how powerful our No-Thinking Realm is!"

"Everyone, shoot!"


Hundreds of Taixu Realm experts rushed forward, and tens of thousands of Absolute God Realm masters served as backup.

Jiang Tian was expressionless, but his eyes were extremely cold.

The expressions of the ninety-seven elders of the Dao League behind them changed drastically!

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