Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7568--Andrew Tunxu Jue show power

"Dare to ask Jiang Taishang, how to deal with the forces and resources in this world?"

"You can figure it out, others, follow me!"

"Follow Jiang Taishang to the death!"

Jiang Tian responded to all calls.

After leaving Tang Zixuan and the other five in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, they returned to the interface channel with the other ninety-two people.

The next target, Yuanjie!


"I heard that Jinding Realm has fallen, what should I do?"

"Everyone is the top power in my Heyuan Realm. Whether we are going to fight or surrender, let's make up our minds!"

The top of a certain giant mountain in the Heyuan Realm.

Hundreds of Void Realm powerhouses gathered here to discuss major issues related to the fate of the interface and their own survival.

"Jinding Realm was attacked suddenly, who would have expected Jiang Tian to do this before?"

"That's right! Qingtian Realm is not small anymore, who knew his appetite was so big?"

"Who will be the next target?"

"No matter who it is, I'm afraid it will be our turn soon!"

Having said that, the room fell into silence.

Everyone's mood is very depressed.

Jiang Tian was so easy to deal with, they might have already killed him.

The question is, Jiang Tian is not even afraid of Si Tianjian, would he be afraid of dozens of interfaces like Qingtian Realm?

"Everyone, don't panic! Our Heyuanjie and the other twenty or so interfaces also have backgrounds, and we are not without the power to resist!"

"It's not appropriate to make a hasty decision now, let's see his movements..."


Before the words were finished, a white aura broke through the sky and shot quickly.


"Interface communication symbol!"



An old man raised his hand and grabbed the messenger talisman, and his face changed drastically when he looked closely!

"Not good! The Mindless Realm has been suppressed!"


"Have you entered the Mindless Realm so quickly?"

"Attention! It's suppression, not surrender!"



Everyone gasped, their faces extremely ugly.

Repression and submission are two different things.

The latter means a more peaceful atmosphere, while the former means a bloody and tragic massacre.

"The strength of the Wunian Realm is no weaker than that of the Golden Cauldron Realm. They said before that they would resist with all their strength, and they fell so soon?"

"Jiang Tian's methods are so terrifying?"

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

"Wait! First the Golden Cauldron Realm, and then the No-Nian Realm, he...he came straight to our Heyuan Realm!"

"Everyone... what should I do?"


Realizing Jiang Tian's movements, everyone's hearts beat wildly and their faces changed drastically.

"How about...surrender?"

"Surrender? Swear allegiance to him forever, are you willing?"

Some want to submit, others want to fight.

The crowd quickly divided into two camps!

All warriors have blood, but blood and strength are two different things.

The winner is king and the loser is Kou.

Winning everything is easy to say, once losing, it means tragic destruction.

"You don't have to wait any longer, he... is here!"


There was a sudden fluctuation in the interface channel, and Jiang Tian appeared with ninety-two people.

Focusing on the huge mountain opposite, with a light step on the foot, the purple pattern burst out instantly!

"Empty Formation!"

Hum rumble!

The purple pattern brought Jiang Tian and the ninety-two elders of the Dao League to the giant mountain.

Jiang Tian was condescending, overlooking the powerful people in the Heyuan Realm.

"Surrender, or fight?"

"Drop, we drop!"

"We... are willing to submit to Jiang Taishang!"

The warriors and forces who choose to surrender will immediately express their views.

Despite some reluctance, the arms couldn't twist the thighs.

Jiang Tian came so fast, which was far beyond expectations.

Others, bloody eruption, fight to the death!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I admit that you are very strong, but no matter how strong you are, I will not succumb to you!"

"That's right! Our Heyuan Realm has done some things against the Qingtian Realm, and it's not uncommon for various interfaces to fight openly and secretly, but this is normal in martial arts!"

"The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. I will fight you to the end!"


"People in the Heyuan Realm, don't be cowardly!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and hundreds of Void Realm powerhouses stepped into the air.

The battle is on!

"Very well, I respect your choice!"

Jiang Tian was expressionless, but his eyes were extremely cold.

He will not despise those who are willing to take care of them.

If he wants to fight, he accepts it frankly.

Just shoot, never show mercy!

"Fist field!"

Boom... Boom!

Jiang Tian punched out, and more than a dozen Taixu Realm powerhouses exploded to death.


"The power of a punch is so terrifying?"

"This... who else can stop him?"

"I... I regret it!"

"It's useless to regret, it's a big deal to die!"

"I am a strong man in the Yuan Realm, and I am not a coward!"

More Taixu Realm warriors rushed forward, as if they were going to die with Jiang Tian.

But this time, Jiang Tian didn't kill any more.

Instead, it urged the Void Immortal Realm to suppress them, and then launched the blood devouring.


"Subordinates are here, please give credit to Mrs. Jiang!"


The blood phagocytosis started immediately, and the blood spiritual power poured into the opponent's body through Jiang Tian's palm.


Accompanied by a loud noise, another middle-stage Taixu Realm was born!

"How...how is it possible?"

"In an instant...he created a great power in the mid-stage of the Void Realm?"

"My God! How can you fight him?"

The warriors in the Heyuan Realm were shocked by this scene.

Some people have weird expressions on their faces, some people feel deep fear, and some people are sweating profusely!

Jiang Tian's methods are too strong.

Stronger than they imagined!

"It's hard... no wonder he was able to conquer the Golden Cauldron Realm and the No-Nian Realm in a short period of time!"

"If we knew this earlier, what are we still fighting for?"

"If we had known this earlier, we should have given up on Yuanjie and found another place to stay!"

Some people beat their chests and stamped their feet, regretting their mistakes.

Courage and bloodiness are commendable, but the gap in strength is beyond imagination.

"I regret it now... is it still too late?"

"Repent? There is no turning back when you open the bow. You have no chance!"


A remorseful strong man was bombarded and killed by several colleagues of the same rank.


"The matter has come to this, the only thing to do is to fight to the end!"

"The old man would rather die on the spot than do that humiliating thing!"

"Rather than that, I would rather blew myself up!"


"Damn it!"



An old woman blew herself up forcefully, killing more than a dozen people nearby.

The arrogance of self-explosion enveloped Jiang Tian, ​​making everyone feel lucky.

The self-explosion of the Taixu Realm in the early stage is very powerful.

With Jiang Tian so close, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

But the next moment, they were stunned!


Amidst the violent flames of blood, Jiang Tian stood firmly in place, with invisible fluctuations rippling outside him.

Void fairyland!

The current Jiang Tian, ​​whether it is physical strength or void power, can bear this level of offensive.

He even blocked the fatal impact for the elders behind him!

"Is it self-explosion, it's all the same!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent.

Directly activate the Void Swallowing Technique!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

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