Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7570 Horror strength

"Little girl, who are you?"

"Could it be that you... are really Daolian?"

"I'm afraid it should be called the magic lotus, right?"

The powerhouses of the Yin Demon Realm were shocked.

The legendary Daolian is unique, and it is said that it has already opened during the fairy festival.

It's just that these people are not qualified to participate in the Fairy Festival, so they have no chance to witness it.

But what happened to the baby girl born in the black giant lotus?

The girl is covered in a black lotus dress and looks full of spirituality.

That pair of pupils, however, was also an astonishingly dark color, looking like two abysses!

The powerhouses in the Yin Demon Realm were immersed in the shock and still hadn't recovered, so no one answered her question.

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

This smile looks innocent and innocent, giving people a feeling of harmlessness to humans and animals.

"No one answered me, so I'll come in person, just you!"

The girl raised her hand and pointed to an old man in black robe.

The atmosphere is condensed!

What the girl is referring to is none other than Mo Siyuan, the well-known powerful man in the Yin Demon Realm!

"What did you say?"

The old man's face sank.

Although the girl's tone was flat, there was an aura of superiority that could not be resisted.

As a power at the level of a demon god, and one of the top powerhouses standing in the Yin Demon Realm, he was very angry!

"Arrogant girl, what do you think this old man is, but this old man..."


The girl interrupted coldly.

At the same time, a black spirit lotus appeared outside the old man out of thin air, covering him.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared!


The black spirit lotus turned slowly, and strands of black air fluttered up, rushing towards the girl.

Be devoured by her!

"The abyss of darkness in the Yin Demon Realm, Mo Siyuan, the patriarch of the Demon Family, the late Demon God...what the hell?"


As the girl's disdainful voice sounded, Mo Siyuan exploded into blood mist.

"Oh My God!"

"Mo Siyuan... is dead?"

"He's a late-stage demon god!"

"This girl...what a terrible method!"


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was terrified.

These more than a thousand people are the top powers in the Yin Demon Realm, and almost all of them are late demon gods.

Mo Siyuan's strength is among the upper reaches.

It can be said that there are no more than a hundred people present who can tie with him.

And there are only twenty or thirty people who have the chance to defeat him.

But it was such a top demon god in the Yin Demon Realm who was crushed and killed by this newly born girl.

The whole process was extremely abrupt.

The girl effortlessly, Mo Siyuan didn't even have time to let out a scream, and exploded to death directly.

"Damn it!"

"What kind of method is this?"

"What realm is this girl?"

Everyone subconsciously released their spiritual thoughts to investigate, but they were all terrified.

This girl feels like an abyss!

Cultivation realm, completely undetectable!


"What a deep breath!"

"What a terrifying strength!"

"What kind of cultivation is she?"

"It's not important anymore, the important thing is... let's go!"

An old man in black robe screamed wildly and stepped into the air, ready to flee.

His name is Tang Xuanji!

In the Yin Demon Realm, only those who have reached the level of a demon god can be called true Yin Demons.

And Tang Xuanji is one of the most powerful Yin Demons in the Yin Demon Realm!

He hadn't experienced this horrible feeling for thousands of years.

Today, he experienced the fear of being a weak person when he started martial arts at the beginning of the year.



He could crush and kill Mo Siyuan effortlessly, such a strength was far beyond his reach.

If you don't go, I'm afraid there will only be a dead end?

"Did I let you go?"

The girl's face was cold.

Suddenly, a vortex was spinning in the two black hole-like eye sockets.

And at the moment when the vortex was spinning, Tang Xuanji, who had already swept thousands of feet away, suddenly appeared two vortexes in front of him.

This vortex is in the shape of a black lotus!

Rotating at the same time, two terrifying suction forces burst out.


Bark... Boom, boom!

Tang Xuanji let out a scream, was torn into two pieces by the terrifying force of devouring, and exploded to death!


The other demon gods were completely shocked!

Crushing two top demon gods to death is like killing chickens.

This girl has such terrifying strength!

They couldn't help but rejoice that they didn't run away rashly.

Otherwise, at this moment, they are the ones who will die!

"Kneel down!"

The girl withdrew her gaze, and a terrifying aura swept out.


Puff puff puff... Whoa!

Thousands of top Yin demons all knelt down, and none of them could stand up.

Even if they were kneeling on the ground, their bodies still trembled violently, their blood was congested and they vomited wildly, and their breathing was extremely disordered.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, spare your life!"

"We know everything and say everything!"

"Whatever you want to know, let's talk about it!"

Bang bang bang!

Everyone kneeled and kowtowed, trying to save their lives.

The girl ignored them.

Looking at the void with a blank face, in the two black hole-like eye sockets, there are spirit lotus spinning again.

"I found you... Hey, there is still a trace of the fetters of heaven, hehe, interesting!"

"However, let's devour the few lotus seeds that are about to wake up first!"

The girl seemed to sense something, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But then, it changed direction and swept towards the other side.



In the void not far from the Sky Realm.

Mo Sihong, who just appeared, frowned.


Spread out his right hand, and a token with black light flickering appeared in his palm.

This is a secret message from the Demon Family.

Seeing the content of the summons, his face suddenly changed!

"The ancestor is dead!"

"How can it be?"

"I have just left the Yin Demon Realm, and all these accidents happened. What happened over there?"

Mo Sihong muttered to himself, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Mo Siyuan is the hidden ancestor of the Mo family.

And he is one of the nine hermit elders under the ancestor.

It is also a strong competitor of the ancestor after a thousand years.

But now, the ancestor suddenly collapsed, and the competition for successor will start a thousand years earlier.

At this time, he was supposed to compete for that seat in the family.

But now, he came to the front of Qingtian Realm.

go back now?

Mo Sihong's thoughts turned, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Going back now, I will definitely be ambushed by those old guys and beheaded together!"

Mo Sihong immediately dismissed the thought in his mind.

He has already left the family, and no matter how fast he goes back, he is not as fast as the other competitors.

And compared with those few people, he has no absolute advantage.

Improving strength is the top priority!

"Sky Sky Realm, Momou is here!"

With a roar, Mo Sihong turned into a magic rainbow that tore through the void, and forcibly broke into the Qingtian Realm!

Bang, click... Boom!

The void swept wildly, and the terrifying mutation frightened the warriors of the Qingtian Daomeng.

"what happened?"

"what happens?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao both swept out of the hall and stared at the sky.

I saw a huge black rainbow coming straight to the Qingtian Temple, with an extremely terrifying momentum!

"No, it's the demons!"

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