Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7597--Andrew Suppression of two races

"Hahahaha! Elder Yu Family, have you succeeded?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't succeed, our Fu family and Han family are here to help you!"

Laughter came from above the clouds.

Silver and white wild clouds spread across the sky and surged towards them.

"It's the powerhouse of the Fu family and the Han family!"

"They are coming!"


Yu Yinjiao's fists were clenched, and there was a cold light in his eyes!

The current Yu family is really in turmoil.

In the past, the Great Elder led the rebellion, and later, the Fu and Han families came to attack.

If Jiang Tian hadn't arrived in time, the Yu family might really be doomed!

"It's just in time, Jin Tianxing, I'll leave it to you!"

"Yes, Mrs. Jiang!"

Although the Fuhan family is powerful, at best there are only a few mid-stage Taixu Realm powerhouses.

And Jiang Tian brought hundreds of people with him on this trip.

Among them, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao are both late stage Taixu Realm.

"Leader Jin, let me come this time!"

Qin Yao took the first step and rushed out.

This time, she did not have the Yinxu Kunmu in her hand.

That strange tree had already been taken away by Mo Sihong, and it became a shame in her heart.

But this does not affect her strength!

Because now she is a strong late stage Void Realm!

"Is that the Fu family or the Han family? I heard that you want to annex the Yu family. Did you ask us, Mrs. Jiang?"


Qin Yao rushed towards the two rapidly converging clouds, and shot wildly.



"Late Void Realm!"

"You are... not good!"


The powerhouses of the Fu family and the Han family were hit head-on before they could react.

After the death of several elders, they discovered that the person who shot was actually Jiang Tian's confidant, the former chief supervisor of the Sitian Supervisor—Qin Yao!

Boom...crack...bang bang bang!

Palm domain!

Qin Yao used her once unique skill - palm domain!

In today's palm domain, the power is not what it used to be.

A palm blasted out, and the palm area was shaken.

The elders of the Fu and Han families were killed and injured, screaming again and again.

They came here on the spur of the moment, eager to swallow up the Yu family, and they were completely defeated at this moment, and they were killed and retreated frantically.

"Damn it!"


"The Yu family... we don't want it anymore!"


Everyone was eager to flee, but Qin Yao didn't intend to stop.

She will not stop unless Jiang Tian orders.

But for such a rebellious force, Jiang Tian certainly would not tolerate it.

If these people are not killed, what is the use of keeping them?


Boom... bang bang bang!

Qin Yao rushed to fight among the strong men of the Fu and Han families, and started a ruthless harvest.

The members of the Yu family looked up at the sky and saw blood flowers bursting one after another.

Pieces of corpses kept falling.

The tragic scene shocked their minds!

"What a Qinyao chief supervisor!"

"As expected of a late-stage Taixu Realm powerhouse!"

"Jiang Taishang has just returned, and he has cultivated such two capable generals!"

"His methods are simply amazing!"

The members of the Yu family were all distracted at this moment, and some people who had a little bit of whimsy completely calmed down after witnessing such a scene.

Although the Heyuan Realm experienced several turbulences, the Qingtian Realm also suffered great changes.

However, Jiang Tian did not fall, and he stood still, getting stronger as he fought!

Such Jiang Tian, ​​how could he allow betrayal?

"Jing Taishang, Jiang Taishang!"

The members of the Yu family raised their arms and cheered for Jiang Tian.

Bang, bang, bang... Boom!




Qin Yao raged wildly, and the strong men from the Fu and Han families were killed by her!

A terrifying crisis in the Yu family was wiped out before it even started.


The members of the Yu family exclaimed, feeling extremely excited.

After killing hundreds of strong men, Qin Yao returned to Jiang Tian with hundreds of storage rings.

"Jiang Taishang, all the strong men from the Fu and Han families who came to commit crimes have been punished!"

"very good!"

Jiang Tian ignored the trophies.

He didn't need those things at all, and neither did Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing.

Only those warriors in the early and middle stages of the Taixu Realm with low strength will use it.

These things will be filled into the treasure house of Qingtian Dao and distributed as resources.

"Thank you Jiang Taishang for your protection, and thank Senior Qin Yao for your kindness!"

Yu Yinjiao didn't dare to neglect, and hurried forward to thank him.

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly: "The Fu and Han families have good backgrounds. If I leave, they are afraid that they will not die. Come on, follow me to destroy these two families!"

"Step...step down?"

Yu Yinjiao's heart was shocked!

The top battle strengths of Fu and Han have been wiped out by Qin Yao, so it is said that there is not much threat.

But Jiang Tian's decisiveness was beyond his expectation.

"Yu Yinjiao thanks Jiang Taishang!"

Turning her mind around, Yu Yinjiao was overjoyed.

The Fu and Han families pose no threat to Jiang Tian at all, and they can't even get into his eyes.

By doing this, Jiang Tian is helping the Yu family to gain prestige!


Jiang Tian took hundreds of strong men, as well as Yu Yinjiao, and went straight to the Fu and Han families.

"Jin Tianxing, you go to deal with the Han family, Qin Yao, you come to deal with the Fu family!"


Jiang Tian stood in the air, with Yu Yinjiao standing beside him.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao rushed into the two houses immediately and launched a merciless suppression.

"Jin Tianxing, under the order of Jiang Taishang of the Qingtian Dao League, came to destroy the Fu family!"

"Qin Yao, under Jiang Taishang's order, come to destroy the Han family!"

"Damn it!"


Bang bang bang... bang!

In the late stage of the Taixu Realm, no one can be an all-in-one enemy when the strong fight.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao made crazy moves, and quickly wiped out these two big families.

At the same time as they made their move, the news spread rapidly and spread throughout the entire Heyuan Realm.


"Jiang Tian is not dead!"

"He also brought hundreds of Taixu Realm powerhouses to flatten the Heyuan Realm?"


All over the Heyuan Realm, the warriors who heard the news were all shocked!

They have a deep understanding of Jiang Tian's ruthlessness and determination.

They had heard about it, and even witnessed it with their own eyes, when the planes were first conquered.

But this time, as soon as he arrived, he trampled out the Fu and Han families of the three major families, and established a prestige for the Yu family.

no doubt!

He is strongly supporting the Yu family, supporting Yu Jinfeng's son, Yu Yinjiao, who has served him loyally!

After the news spread, all the forces in the Heyuan Realm were terrified.

After a brief hesitation, the masters of all forces immediately rushed to Yu's house to show their loyalty to Jiang Tian.

"Sky Wolf Sect, may the generations be loyal to Jiang Taishang and Qingtian Daomeng!"

"He Guanggu, I will be loyal to Jiang Taishang forever!"

"Jiyuanguan, always be loyal to Jiang Taishang!"

"The Mu family, always follow..."


Thousands of first- and second-rate forces in the Heyuan Realm came to Jiang Tian to express their loyalty.

Jiang Tian was expressionless and waved his hands lightly.

"You don't need to be loyal to me!"

"What... what?"

Everyone was stunned!

Isn't Jiang Tian's conquest of various interfaces just to subdue these forces?

If you don't ask everyone to be loyal, is it possible to slaughter the entire interface?


Everyone gasped, completely terrified!

"You just need to listen to his orders!"

Jiang Tian pointed at Yu Yinjiao.

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