Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7603 irrigation

"Tell me Mo Sihong's clues, but I will spare you!" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"What... what?"

"I heard you right, right?"

"Hehe, hahahaha! I have lived for thousands of years, and this is the first time someone has spoken to me in such a tone!"

The three late-stage demon gods laughed wildly.

They were originally cultivating in the magic cloud, and in a sense, this magic cloud can be regarded as a place for them to stay, a cave.

Jiang Tian broke through the magic energy with one foot, which was equivalent to destroying their cave.

Now they are still threatening them and asking for news.


"Human boy, you don't have to go!"

"The Yin Demon Realm is not where you humans came from, and the Moni Forest is even more forbidden!"

"Die to me..."

Hum rumble!

Before the words fell, the Void Immortal Realm came down, covering the three of them.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, then you will die!"

Jiang Tian didn't tremble, and started searching for the soul directly.

It turned out that these three people did not know the whereabouts of Mo Sihong.

But it didn't matter to him.

After searching for the soul, he directly devoured the blood essence of these three people to nourish himself.


The bloodlines and spiritual power kept surging, hitting the bottleneck of cultivation again and again.

Jiang Tian felt the signs of advancement, but he did not choose to advance immediately.

"The blood essence of the late demon god is still so powerful!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

When he was in Qingtian Realm, he once devoured part of Mo Sihong's blood essence, which left a deep impression on him.

It's a pity that Yu Fu and others forcibly interrupted it later, so it is remembered that Mo Sihong escaped.

At this moment, I came to the Moni Forest and tasted the essence of the bloodline of the late demon god again, and the effect was gratifying!

"Very good!"

Qin Yao was overjoyed.

When he was in Qingtian Realm, Jiang Tian suppressed the realm and has not yet broken through.

When you come here, you don't need to have any reservations.

Now in this Devil's Rebellion Forest, with the help of the blood essence of many late-stage demon gods, it is definitely not difficult to advance to the Taixu Realm.

"It's coming soon, but it's not hot enough yet!"

Jiang Tian was not in a hurry to break through.

As soon as he took a step, he stepped on a cloud of magic again.


At the same time as he stepped down, more than a dozen strong demon gods in this demon cloud flew out first.

Seven of them are late-stage demon gods, and the remaining eight or nine are mid-stage demon gods.

"Boy, we didn't mess with you, did we?"

"Why are you provoking for no reason?"

"Do you really think that our Moni Forest is given for nothing?"

The seven late-stage demon gods shouted angrily, but none of them made a direct move.

They saw the scene just now and knew that Jiang Tian was not easy to mess with.

"Whoever tells the whereabouts of Mo Sihong will be saved from death!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

With these sinister and cruel demons, there is nothing to hesitate at all.


"Don't say we don't know his whereabouts, even if we know, how could you be able to..."


The purple light suddenly appeared!

A figure appeared in front of this person and chopped off the other person's head.


Everyone's face changed drastically!

This strong man of the human race is too powerful.

Killing the demon god in the late stage is like killing chickens and dogs!


The figure flickered, Jiang Tian grabbed the headless corpse and flew back upside down.

In front of everyone, using herself as a bridge, to help Qinyao pour her body!

"Master, this is the essence of devil's blood, I... can I really bear it?" Qin Yao was shocked!

"Whether you can bear it or not, you will know once you try it!"


After being converted in Jiang Tian's body, the magic blood essence has already become the purest bloodline spiritual power.

Pushing Qin Yao's aura, she moved towards the extreme peak of the late stage of Taixu Realm.

"So strong! Thank you, Master!

Qin Yao was extremely grateful.

Even began to look forward to the next big realm, the moving scene of the Vientiane Realm!

After the Taixu Realm, there is the Vientiane Realm!

This is a realm that she never even dared to think about. At that time, she only dared to look up and imagine.

Now, it is really about to touch this realm!

And all of this was given by Jiang Tian.

Without Jiang Tian, ​​she might not have reached this height in her life.


After the force-feeding was completed, Jiang Tian smiled calmly.

"A late-stage Demon God is not enough for you to break through."

"What the master said is very true!" Qin Yao smiled wryly.

A late-stage demon god, of course, can't let her break through.

She has advanced too fast recently, and all breakthroughs were driven by Jiang Tian.

It is very different from self-cultivation and advancement.

Everything has two sides. Without the daily hard work, it will be more difficult to advance on your own.

But without Jiang Tian's help, she might not even be able to reach her current state!

"I...we really don't know the whereabouts of Mo Sihong!"

Seeing the scene of Jiang Tian beheading and devouring that companion lightly, all the demon gods present were too frightened to move.

"Since you don't know, help me find it!"


With a flick of his fingers, Jiang Tian drove a series of spiritual power marks into the bodies of these people.

Everyone didn't dare to resist, and immediately turned and left.

"Huh! How dangerous!"

"It's a good thing he didn't kill indiscriminately, otherwise how would we survive?"

"Are we really going to listen to him?"

"What else can we do if we don't listen, he planted a mark in our body, can we... escape?"

Thinking of Jiang Tian's terrifying methods, these people were extremely afraid.

An old man with blood eyes sneered: "Are you stupid? No matter how strong those two human races are, their strength is limited. Let's gather a group of strong men of the same level to join forces and besiege them. Are you afraid that we won't be able to kill them?"

"Jie Jie! That's right!"

"That man's blood is extraordinary, and that woman's skin is tender and tender. The taste should not be bad!"

"It's good, of course we share it together, hahahaha!"

After getting away from the devil cloud, everyone's minds became active.

Just do it!

Immediately they dispersed, contacting their friends and helpers.

Soon more than 30 people were gathered to besiege Jiang Tian!

"Human boy, you are dead!"

"Do you really think that us late-stage demon gods will be at your mercy?"

"No matter how strong you are, there is a limit. More than 30 of us work together to kill you like a chicken!"



The violent roar resounded through the void!

More than 30 late-stage demon gods are preparing to besiege Jiang Tian and Qin Yao.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tianwu greeted him, leaving Qin Yao behind.


"Good boy, you are too confident!"

"However, it's good, so as not to accidentally hurt this thin-skinned and tender female cultivator, Jie Jie Jie!"

These demon gods glanced at Qin Yao excitedly, and they couldn't wait any longer.

But they understood that Jiang Tiancai was the primary target.

Only after Jiang Tian was resolved, could he make plans for the next step.

But what they didn't expect was that the siege of more than 30 people happened to be in Jiang Tian's arms!


Instant killing technique!

Buzz buzz!

Dozens of Jiang Tian suddenly appeared, and the purple light at the fingertips spat out wildly, killing them all!

"Bloodline devours, swallows!"


The magic blood essence gushed out frantically and poured into Jiang Tian's body.

The signs of advancement appeared again, but Jiang Tian was still suppressing it.

"Steady, continue to precipitate!"

Jiang Tian suppressed the urge to advance, and refined dozens of magic blood essences with all his strength.

"Dozens of late-stage demon gods, isn't that enough?"

Qin Yao was stunned!

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