Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7614 Treasure initiation

None of them are weaker than True Nine Spirits, or even stronger.

They went all the way, followed the true nine spirits, and went straight to the Yin Demon Realm!


Yin Demon Realm, Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon!

After spending several days, Jiang Tian finally completed the sacrifice of the fairy lotus in the meteor world.

At this time, this treasure with a huge space has turned into a white lotus flower about an inch in size, lying quietly on the palm of his hand.

Its surface exudes a little bit of crystal light, which looks quite dazzling.

"Congratulations, master, for the first treasure!"

"It is indeed infancy, and its power can be further enhanced!"

"Can it be enhanced?"

Qin Yao was very surprised!

It is already an amazing feat for Jiang Tian to refine the fairy lotus sacrifice of the meteor world into a treasure by himself.

And after the sacrifice is successful, it can even be strengthened.

How exactly?

"Meteor world fairy lotus, swallow it for me!"

Infused with spiritual power, Jiang Tian threw the lotus platform to the sky.


The violent roar resounded through the void!

The fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm erupted with terrifying spatial spiritual power, swallowing a large piece of void directly.

"What... what is this doing?" Qin Yao was taken aback!

What the fairy lotus devours is not any mountain peaks or spiritual veins, but directly devours the void.

What is Jiang Tian's purpose?

The next moment, she understood!

What Jiang Tian needs is the pure magic energy that is ubiquitous in the void.

The interior space of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm is vast, and simply using the method of summoning is already a waste of time.

Therefore, Jiang Tian directly let it swallow the void and absorb the essence of magic energy contained in it.

"Swallow again!"

Boom... Boom!

Jiang Tian urged Xianlian to devour it repeatedly.

After a full half a day, it didn't stop until the demon energy in the entire Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon and even within a radius of hundreds of millions of feet was extremely weakened.

"Master, with all due respect, the warriors in the Sky Realm are all human races, and I am afraid that no one can withstand the attack of this devilish energy."

Qin Yao was a little worried.

Because she had guessed Jiang Tian's plan, which was obviously to use the devoured demon energy to cover and protect the Sky Realm.

But these things are also a big threat to the human warriors in the Qingtian Realm.

"No!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled.

"These demonic energy will not penetrate into the Sky Realm, I will arrange them as a barrier to block the invasion from outside."

"I see, Master Shengming!"

Qin Yao nodded slowly, but her heart was even more shocked.

Setting up such a barrier must be extremely costly.

Every step of Jiang Tian's plan is an astonishing masterpiece!

"I've been in the Yin Demon Realm for so long, it's time to go back, let's go!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the large array of space transformation, and led Qin Yao to escape to the end of the sky.

This trip.

Not only helped Qinyao regain the Yinxu Kunmu, but also allowed him to improve his cultivation and break through to the great stage of the early stage of the Taixu Realm!

Today, his strength is no longer what it used to be.

The bloodline spiritual power has completely transformed to the level of Taixu Realm.

The sword intent, void immortal power, and thunder power skyrocketed, and even the physical strength of the Tyrannosaurus Immortal Physique was also driven to increase significantly.

His combat strength has reached unprecedented heights.

Even if you encounter the existence of the Vientiane Realm, you have the confidence to fight with it!

Of course, he hasn't really come into contact with the power of the Myriad Universe Realm yet.

How the specific situation, but also to try to know.

But there is no doubt that within the scope of the Taixu Realm, he can easily crush, and even sweep!


After a few days.

Jiang Tian brought Qin Yao to the vicinity of Qingtian Realm.

He did not immediately enter the Sky Realm, but overlooked the interface from the outside of the Sky Realm in order to prepare for the construction of the Realm Protection Formation.

"Master, I'm still a little worried. If covering the entire interface with the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm, will it cause turmoil in the interface, or some unpredictable changes?"

Qin Yao's eyes were full of worry.

She is too familiar with Sky Realm!

Because she used to guard this world for several years as the chief supervisor.

After meeting Jiang Tian, ​​she betrayed Si Tianjian and became Jiang Tian's follower.

"Turbulence is inevitable, but as long as it is handled carefully, there shouldn't be too much of a problem."

Jiang Tian must arrange for the big formation to protect the world.

Not for anything else, just for the great changes in the previous Qingtian Realm.

In the face of that great change, the seemingly mighty Qingtian Realm was almost powerless to protect itself.

The purpose of the world-protecting array is to keep the enemy out of the interface.

Taking a 10,000-step back, even if there are really powerful and terrifying powerful men who attack, at least they can be kept out of the formation for a period of time.

Only in this way can we gain valuable response time for the Qingtian Realm.

Whether it is planning a counterattack or sending a message for help, there is a certain amount of room for maneuver.

Not to mention anything else, Si Tianjian is a huge threat.

Si Tianjian did not take any action recently, but this does not mean that the other party has given up revenge.

Whether it's because of Qin Yao's rebellion or because of his suppression, Si Tianjian will never let Qingtianjie go easily.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to build a large array of protective circles!

All in all, with the large array of protective circles, Qingtian Realm will no longer be as weak as before.

In the face of powerful enemies from outside, you will have considerable self-protection power!


A white light flashed in Jiang Tian's palm, and the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm emerged.

"Is this the beginning?" Qin Yao's face changed slightly.

It is easy to say that the large formation of the protection circle is actually arranged, but it is not so simple.

The internal space of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm is larger than the entire Qingtian Realm.

Such a large-scale, large-scale, and large-space formation will inevitably have a strong impact and disturbance on the original space rules of the Qingtian Realm.

The situation is better, and there may only be slight turmoil in the Qingtian Realm.

If it is more serious, there may be space collapse, and even a certain range of interface collapse.

"Master... please be careful with your shots!" Qin Yao reminded.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Jiang Tian glanced around, and his eyes fell on a small adjacent interface.

To be precise, it is no longer a small interface in the true sense, but an interface ruin.

This adjacent interface collapsed unexpectedly hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After that, it turned into a pile of messy star fragments, wandering around the Qingtian Realm.

Because the state is extremely unstable, it poses a great threat to the surrounding interfaces, especially the Qingtian Realm.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the great powers of the Qingtian Realm have strengthened and prevented it more than once.

Today, the threat is basically lifted.

But its existence is always a hidden danger!

"Come on, try it!"

Jiang Tian aimed at the ruins of the interface and inspired the fairy lotus of the meteor world.

Hum rumble!

A strange roar suddenly sounded.

The fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm turned into a white light and appeared below the ruins of the small interface.

Pieces of lotus petals opened up, and after that, bursts of blazing white light exploded wildly.

"My God!"

Despite her preparations, Qin Yao was still terrified.

The white light was so intense that she couldn't see it.

Even with closed eyes, the eyes are still white!

"The vision inspired by the fairy lotus in the meteor world is really too big!"

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