Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7632 Chifeng Realm, Valley of Demons

That's more than a hundred and a half steps of the Vientiane Realm!

Give them a little time, at least a dozen Vientiane Realms can be born.

But it was such a group of strong men with unlimited potential who were instantly frozen and swallowed up by this strange young man.

Possessing such a powerful secret technique of swallowing blood, and this young man exuding a perfect human aura is obviously a demon cultivator among the human race!

More than a hundred and a half steps into the Vientiane Realm were swallowed up by Jiang Tian in an instant.

With a wave of his hand, more than a hundred storage rings were returned to him.

Jiang Tian put these storage rings into the Zixuan Realm, and looked at the three people opposite him coldly.

At this time, the three half-step Vientiane Realm looked at Jiang Tian with deep fear!

"There are quite a few demon cultivators like this in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm!"

"But there is no one who can reach his level. This kid is so terrifying!"

"The method is so monstrous, the fighting power is so exaggerated, he probably has unimaginable treasures and opportunities!"



The violent roar resounded through the void, and the three masters of the Vientiane Realm shot wildly and began to encircle and suppress Jiang Tian.

So what if he swallowed more than a hundred half-step Vientiane realms in an instant?

So what if the method is weird?

The three of them were also able to instantly kill more than a hundred half-steps of the Vientiane Realm, and the scene was even more violent than before.

The three of them teamed up to deal with this human demon cultivator, no problem!

"Boy, die!"

"Do not kill directly, remember to search for the soul!"



The violent roar resounded through the void, and the three mighty members of the Vientiane Realm launched a frenzied attack on Jiang Tian.

The coercion of the huge Vientiane Realm intertwined into a terrifying martial arts will pressed against Jiang Tian, ​​making it impossible for him to avoid it.


Bang bang... click!

The void twisted violently and began to collapse under the pressure of the three.

This martial arts will is truly frightening, and wherever it goes, a large number of star fragments are instantly reduced to dust.

As if to crush everything wherever it goes!

"The Will of the Vientiane Realm, or the Three Ways, is a good time!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, and shouted happily.

He was still thinking just now, how to clean up the three Vientiane Realms.

To be honest, if it was one-on-one, even if there were a few more, they would not be his opponents.

But one-on-three, if you want to instantly kill three people at the same time, it will take more or less effort.

But he didn't expect that the three of them would directly crush the will of the three martial arts.

In this way, it was exactly in his arms!

"The power of attraction, open!"


Jiang Tian resolutely activated the power of receiving and attracting, and greeted the will of the three realms of the Vientiane Realm.

"Extreme arrogance!"


"How dare you use a small will of the Void Realm to force our Will of the Vientiane Realm, you really..."

The three Vientiane Realm masters were full of disdain, and suddenly felt that they had overestimated each other.

The gap between the realms of the two sides is so great, but if there is a little sense, the other party should not use martial arts will to confront head-on.

Doing so is simply courting death!

But when the martial arts will of the two sides came into contact, they were stunned!

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian's attracting power instantly gained the upper hand, directly crushing the Will of the Vientiane Realm released by the three of them.


"How can it be?"

"Impossible, no, this must be an illusion!"


The three of them were shocked and increased their coercion again.

The will of the three Vientiane realms merged into one body, pressing hard on Jiang Tian.

However, their efforts are doomed to be in vain!

Instead of turning the situation around, such an offensive allowed Jiang Tian to gain greater benefits.

"The power of attraction, swallow!"

Jiang Tian yelled, and the power of attracting and attracting was wrapped in three wills of the ten thousand corners and crazily rolled into his body.


The moment the three wills entered his body, his aura also rose rapidly amid violent shocks.

To an astonishing extent!

"Damn it!"


"Damn it, damn it!"

The three Vientiane Realm masters were horrified.

With their rich experience, they have never encountered such a situation.

The juniors of the Taixu Realm, who were a big difference in realm, went against the trend and swallowed the martial arts will of the three of them.

"His aura is getting stronger!"

One of them pointed directly at Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes full of horror.

Jiang Tian's aura climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which already made them feel jealous, and even had a trace of fear.

"Kill him quickly!"


Boom, click... Boom!

The three of them did not dare to ask for more.

Each of them activated their magic weapons and made wild moves, trying to kill Jiang Tian in one fell swoop.


The moment they shot, Jiang Tian disappeared!


The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically!

"not good!"


Chi, chi!

Before he finished speaking, two heads flew up instantly!

At the same time, a black lightning fell into another sea of ​​gods!


Jiang Tian directly devoured the blood essence of the two Vientiane realms that he had beheaded.

After devouring it, he turned around and looked at the Vientiane Realm opponent who was attacked by the evil thunder.

Press the palm of your hand on top of the opponent's head.

Soul search!

"still none?"

After some searching, Jiang Tian was disappointed again.

This person also knows very little about the Purple Feather Realm, and there is no trace of the Dragon Clan in his memory.

This made him very disappointed, and he was ready to end this soul search and finish this person.

"Huh? Wait!"

Jiang Tian stopped suddenly.

In the memory of this Vientiane Realm expert, an inconspicuous piece of news caught his attention.

"The Scarlet Phoenix Realm, Human Demon Valley, Dust Sealed Palace... What's going on here?"

This seemingly inconspicuous news made Jiang Tian feel puzzled.

A strong man in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm, he has searched a lot of souls, but this is the first time he noticed this news.

It seems that this is just an inconspicuous clutter in the other party's sea, an insignificant corner memory.

But he was keenly aware that things were not that simple!

After writing down the news, Jiang Tian quickly launched a bloody devour and finished this person.

"Eighty percent of the bloodline's spiritual power, so fast!"

More than a hundred and a half steps of the Vientiane Realm, plus three Vientiane Realms, made his bloodline spiritual power skyrocket again.

It reached 80% in an instant!

He has just advanced to the early stages of the Taixu Realm, and now he has boosted his bloodline spiritual power to 80%.

I have to say, this speed is really amazing!

If things go on like this, there will be about ten more great powers in the Vientiane Realm, which will almost allow him to reach the peak of the early stage of the Great Void Realm.

Next, you can challenge the mid-stage bottleneck of the Void Realm!


Jiang Tian was very excited.

But just when he wanted to continue to devour his opponents and improve his bloodline spiritual power, he discovered a depressing fact.

The strong man from the Chifeng Realm who chased and killed him disappeared in one go!

"Are you scared?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

The movement just now was too violent, and it was inevitable that someone would be attracted.

But those people must have been terrified after witnessing his feat.


The three Vientiane realms were all easily crushed by him, who else could be his opponent?

No one can threaten him unless there is a powerful shot in the middle of the Vientiane Realm.

But in the mid-stage of the Vientiane Realm, is there any in the Chifeng Realm?

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