Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7636 The great powers of the Chifeng world come out in full force

"This power...is not one, but two mixed together!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and after confirming again, his heart was shocked.

You know, this "untouchable land" has existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

In other words, these two mixed forces, like this dusty ancient temple, have existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

You must know that even the magic weapon of time, the Yuantian Holy Bell, has its power greatly degraded after hundreds of thousands of years of consumption.

And the power emanating from the dusty ancient temple, even after hundreds of thousands of years, is still above his realm.

What was the state of the masters of these two powers back then?

Jiang Tian couldn't figure this out.

But one thing is certain, no matter what realm those two people are in, they are definitely far above the existing powerhouses in the Chifeng Realm!

"The strength of those two great powers is definitely not limited to the Vientiane Realm, and may even not be limited to the Guiyuan Realm!"

Jiang Tian pondered the cultivation bases of those two great powers back then, and his mind was already filled with turbulent waves.

He has never seen the super power of Guiyuanjing.

Even if it is a strong person in the middle and late stages of the Vientiane Realm, he has not encountered it yet.

But after hundreds of thousands of years of baptism, such terrifying power can still be retained. The masters of these two powers back then were definitely extraordinary existences.


Jiang Tian suddenly understood a question: Why is the valley of human demons and dust sealed the palace called "the untouchable place".

Why was it banned here for hundreds of thousands of years by that "Sky Curtain".

Because the current power remnants are still so terrifying, and once the power of the past spreads, I am afraid it will destroy the entire Chifeng Realm!

Those two terrifying powers with unpredictable strength back then, perhaps in order to keep the Scarlet Phoenix Realm from being destroyed, set up this "sky curtain" to isolate this terrifying force from the outside world.

The "Sky Curtain" has disappeared now, but these two intermingled forces have merged into one, blocking his progress.

It makes the vicissitudes of the ancient palace close in front of you, but you can't touch it.

what to do?

The easiest way, of course, is to let the Spirit Swallowing Mouse break through a passage and go to the ancient temple.

But Jiang Tian suddenly changed his mind, he had another plan!

Jiang Tian immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, immersing himself in the realization.

That's right!

He must try his best to comprehend this blending power and absorb its benefits!

"The power of attraction, open!"


Jiang Tian activated his proud attracting power.

After the cultivation base reaches the Taixu Realm, this power is still preserved, and has been significantly improved.

But what happened next took him by surprise!

The power of receiving and attracting, which has always been proud of, has actually been deflated!

"How can it be?"

A look of horror flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

The power of reception is blocked!

This is the first time this has happened.

Could it be that his "receiving power" is not enough to spy on this power, let alone disintegrate it and use it for himself?

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian didn't give up, and pushed the power of reception to the limit.

After trying again and again, it was never successful.

He finally understood that the power of receiving and guiding had encountered an unsolvable problem.

at this time!

Suddenly, bursts of violent roars came from far behind!

"Found him!"

"Where is he!"



The violent roar resounded through the void, and countless powerful men from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm fled like locusts.

They saw Jiang Tian sitting cross-legged, but they didn't know what was going on here.

"What the hell is that kid doing, why is he sitting cross-legged for no reason?"

"Is he going to break through?"

"Breakthrough? What kind of breakthrough is the breakthrough? In front of him is the dusty palace in the legendary Valley of Human Demons. Will he choose to break through here and now? Only a fool would believe it!"

"Then what is he doing?"

"I guess he was probably injured!"

"Injured?" Everyone was taken aback!

"Don't you guys understand? You and I are very aware of the power of the 'Sky Curtain'. Although we don't know what method he used to break it open, he must have paid a huge price. He is currently healing his wounds! "

"It makes sense, doesn't this just give us a chance!"

"Everyone, act quickly, take him down, and share his opportunities and treasures!"


Boom... Boom!

There were violent roars one after another, and everyone couldn't wait to run forward, preparing to take down Jiang Tian first, so as to take the initiative in the subsequent division.

But then, a terrible scene appeared!

Bang bang bang... bang!

"not good!"

"Go back!"

"Don't come here... ah!"

Bang bang bang... click... rumble!

Accompanied by bursts of exclamations, the dozens of strong men who rushed to the front exploded to death as if they had hit a hundred invisible giant walls.

And the place where they fell was more than a dozen to tens of feet away from Jiang Tiandu!

"How can it be?"

"Is this the enchantment he set up, or the defensive circle?"

"No, there is no trace of artificial formation here, but an extremely terrifying coercion!"

"Damn! We were fooled!"

"This kid did it on purpose!"

Everyone stopped and retreated a hundred feet away to glare at Jiang Tian.

At this moment, Jiang Tian didn't even lift his eyelids.

Still with his back to them, he felt the terrifying power on his own.

Now he has no intention of wasting time with these people.

He was able to come here, relying on his own strength and cultivation.

And those people, no matter whether they are in the Taixu Realm or the Myriad Phrases Realm, are unable to reach within ten feet of him.

At least for now, he's safe!

"It turns out...he is not healing, but feeling this mysterious coercion!"

Soon someone saw something was wrong and shouted loudly.

"I see!"

"His strength is obviously stronger than ours. If we let him gain insight, wouldn't we have no chance?"

"No, he must be stopped!"

"Everyone, don't be dazed, fellow Taoists of the Vientiane Realm, come over and fight together!"


Violent roars came out one after another, and more than a hundred Vientiane Realm powers gathered here, using the most powerful force to bombard Jiang Tian.

Crack... Rumble!

Hundreds of spiritual powers gathered into a terrifying torrent, rushing straight at Jiang Tian.

But the next moment, the scene that shocked them appeared again!

This seemingly powerful torrent was crushed directly by the mysterious coercion, and disappeared ten feet away from Jiang Tian!

"Damn it!"

"That coercion is too terrifying, it's useless for us to join forces!"

"It's really useless! Don't you understand yet? That mysterious coercion has unintentionally become his shelter. The strength of the early stage of the Myriad Objects Realm can't even get close to him!"

"Then what to do?"

More than a hundred strong people in the early stages of the Vientiane Realm looked at each other, their faces extremely ugly.

"Hmph! I can only retreat for thousands of years, and the Chifeng Realm has come to your generation, has it fallen to this level?"

"What a bunch of worthless, useless waste!"

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