Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7647 The strong man on the giant mountain

Compared to the huge mountain with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, this place can only be regarded as the foot of the mountain, or the position of the ankle.

Jiang Tian wanted to fall, but was held up by that special coercion.

It wasn't until he opened the Void Immortal Domain that he forcibly fell down.

Sitting cross-legged under tremendous pressure, he began to comprehend and refine this special coercion.

"The coercion here is at least equivalent to a strong man in the middle of the Vientiane Realm, and he is a top master within the same level!"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

In terms of hard power, a strong man of this level, with this level of coercion, is stronger than him.

He was able to kill the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm without too much effort, mainly by relying on various powerful means.

In a purely hard power competition, he suffered a little.

"The power of attraction..."



There was a loud shout, and a giant red palm was suddenly slapped on the top of his head. Jiang Tian was caught off guard and was thrown thousands of feet away.

At the same time, it was pushed outward by the coercion of the giant mountain, and landed thousands of feet away at the foot of the mountain!

"who is it?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and his heart was extremely furious.

He just wanted to adapt to the coercion here and improve his own strength, but he didn't expect to be attacked unexpectedly.

And the person who made the shot was obviously stronger than him!

Looking up, I saw an old man in a red robe cross-legged at a position of about 30,000 feet, looking down at him.

"Hey, he didn't die?"

The old man in the red robe looked at Jiang Tian, ​​a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't know Jiang Tiansu, and he just shot wantonly on a whim.

"Boy, get out of here, this is my old man's territory!"

The red-robed old man shouted in a deep voice, like a god looking down on an ant.

"Late stage of Vientiane Realm?"

Jiang Tian found out the opponent's strength, and he was in the late stage of Vientiane Realm.

But the other party was able to reach that position, obviously because he had adapted to the coercion here, and it was by no means an ordinary late stage of the Vientiane Realm!

no way!

The opponent's realm is much higher than him, and his strength is stronger than him. Although he is angry, he can only bear it temporarily.

"Wait for me!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, secretly determined to catch up with the other party and make the other party pay the price.

"Well, do you dare not accept it?"


The red-robed old man's face flashed fiercely, and he slammed down another palm.

This palm is more powerful than before!


Jiang Tian immediately teleported to dodge, and the anger in his heart became more raging.

The two were strangers to each other, but the other party shot wantonly.

But this shot made him more aware of the gap in strength between the two!

no way!

The opponent is too strong!

Although he has some hole cards, it is not wise to fight recklessly now.

What is he doing here?

It's here to improve your cultivation!

It's just a waste of time to fight the opponent now!

As long as he works hard to become stronger, will he be afraid of the other party when he also has the ability to reach the height of 30,000 feet?

of course not!

"Just wait for me, I will definitely beat you down!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, changed a place, sat cross-legged at a height of ten thousand feet, and continued to adapt to the coercion here.

"Where is the boy, get out of here!"


Pfft... um!

A fragrant wind hit, and Jiang Tian, ​​who was not on his feet, was blown away again!

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian's face was extremely ugly.

I thought that by avoiding the red-robed old man, I would be able to find stability for a while, and then quickly improve to go back to fight back.

Unexpectedly, there is a powerful female cultivator hidden in this seemingly deserted place.

This caught him off guard!

But the opponent's strength was significantly lower than that of the red-robed old man.

"In the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm, it's all my fault for being too careless!"

Jiang Tian suddenly realized that his spiritual thoughts were greatly suppressed around this huge mountain.

So much so that he failed to detect the surprise attack behind him in advance.

"Boy, get out of my mother's sight, or you will surely die next time you make a move!"

This is an old woman in a blue robe, whose cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm.

Threatened him wantonly!

"Do you really think you are strong?" Jiang Tian sneered.

He can't beat the red-robed old man for the time being, but he is still capable of fighting the blue-robed old woman.

"court death!"

The old woman in blue robe didn't talk nonsense.

For those who can come here, time is very precious, what they want is to become stronger.

Otherwise, she would not directly attack like the red-robed old monster.

"You can stand in this place in the middle stage of Taixu Realm. You must have some ability, but your martial arts development is just over!"


The blue-robed old woman has made a move!

It turned into a blue hurricane and swept towards Jiang Tian, ​​and the coercion in the middle of the Vientiane Realm broke out in an all-round way.

"So strong?" A cold light flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

The blue-robed old woman's cultivation was stronger than he expected.

But he is not afraid!

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire!"


"not good……"

The extremely cold flames swayed, and the blue hurricane froze instantly!

The blue-robed old woman was fixed in mid-air like a sculpture, her eyes were full of shock and regret.


Without hesitation, Jiang Tian beheaded him with one sword!


The bloodline engulfment unfolded, and the blue-robed old woman in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm was quickly engulfed by him.


Jiang Tian's aura rose accordingly, and his blood spiritual power approached 35%!

"The effect is so strong?"

Jiang Tian was surprised and delighted.

The cultivation of this blue-robed old woman is a bit stronger than that of the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm!

This also confirmed Jin Tianxing's statement that the people who came to the star field battlefield were all existences whose cultivation had reached the limit.

It can be said that all of them are freaks!


Jiang Tian found that the blue hurricane did not disappear with the opponent's fall.

It still exists, and the breath is quite strong!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian devoured the refining decisively.


The bloodline spiritual power has increased again, reaching 35%!


Jiang Tian is excited!

A blue-robed old woman made him improve so obviously, Starfield Battlefield really came at the right time.

As long as there are a few more such existences, it will be no problem for him to reach a height of 30,000 feet.

It is not a problem to kill the red-robed monster!

However, looking around, there were no other targets.

Jiang Tian dodged, swept up a thousand feet again, and sat down cross-legged.


He must adapt to the coercion of the giant mountain as soon as possible, and reach the height of the red-robed old monster as soon as possible.

"The power of attraction, open!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian activated the power of receiving and attracting, and a scene that surprised him appeared.

Within the range covered by the attracting power, one after another strange fluctuations flowed backwards.

This is the power emanating from the giant mountain, which is poured into the body under the traction of the force of reception.


Jiang Tian's aura rose rapidly, and the strength of his blood spiritual power rose again and again.

It's a pity that the total amount of spiritual power has not changed significantly.


Although the power of receiving and attracting can absorb the power of the giant mountain into the body, it cannot be directly converted into bloodline spiritual power.

If he wants to increase the total amount of spiritual power, he still has to use his housekeeping skills—bloodline devouring!

"Hey, it's cheaper than that crazy woman, scoff!"

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, the red-robed old monster sensed the fluctuations below, but because his sight was blocked, he couldn't see the real situation clearly.

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