Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7678 Swallow Linghu, advanced to the late stage of Vientiane Realm!

"Squeaky, yes, master!"


With a flash of silver light, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse went underground to investigate.

Jiang Tian followed closely behind, exploring all the way down.

When they came to the bottom of the ground, they found a huge underground spiritual lake with an area of ​​several thousand feet!

A huge amount of psychic fluid came from the ground, accumulated here, and the pressure continued to rise.

The huge pressure pushes the spiritual liquid upwards, forming three channels to flow out.

Although the initial directions of these three veins are different, it is a coincidence that they converged with each other for various reasons during the process of spewing upwards, forming three spiraling divine veins.

In this way, three divine veins from the same source are formed!

Among them, the most powerful one is the ancient divine vein.

And this thousands of feet of spiritual lake is the source of the three veins!

Below the spirit lake is the real source of spiritual veins.

The essence of heaven and earth originating from the extreme depths of the ground has been transformed into strands of spiritual liquid, which is continuously integrated into this spirit lake, keeping its pressure at an extremely high level.

After finding the source of the spiritual pulse, all problems were solved!

"Spirit Swallowing Mouse, well done!"

Jiang Tian swept directly into the spirit lake, ready to devour this huge amount of spirit veins.

Just as he expected, the pressure inside Spirit Lake was extremely high.

The spiritual lake, which seems to be only a few thousand feet in radius, actually contains more than ten thousand feet of psychic liquid!

If the pressure disappears, it will turn into a small-scale sea of ​​psychic liquid that exceeds ten thousand feet.

Such conditions are most beneficial to Jiang Tian.

It means that he doesn't need to wait too much, and he can directly devour it with his own powerful means.

By the time the strong Hua family realizes something is wrong, everything is over!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian activated the Void Swallowing Art and directly swallowed the entire Linghu Lake.


Crack... bang!

The disappearance of thousands of feet of spiritual liquid caused the pressure in the ground to suddenly weaken.

And the disappearance of the pressure made the ground lose its strong support.

The spiritual liquid flowing upward from the three divine veins stopped flowing instantly.

At this time, dozens of elders and disciples who were retreating in the hall of Huajia Shenmai all woke up!

"Hey, why is the spiritual power of the spirit vein broken?"

"What happened?"

Everyone was puzzled and looked at the elders in the hall.

"Calm down! This should be the normal fluctuation of the spirit vein, and it will recover after a while!"

An elder immediately spoke out to appease everyone.

In the history of the Hua family, it is not uncommon for the spirit pulse to fluctuate and fluctuate.

The length of time also varies, some are just a moment, some last longer.

But according to the family records, the longest time was no more than half a quarter of an hour.

Generally speaking, the three spiritual veins of the Hua family are still very stable.

But what happened next made everyone feel wrong!

The power of the spirit vein dropped rapidly, and after a while, it even disappeared!

"No, the situation is wrong!"

"The power of the spirit veins is gone!"

"Something went wrong, it must be something wrong with the spirit vein!"

Seeing that the power of the spirit veins has completely disappeared, there is not even a little bit of spirit liquid at the exit of the spirit spring.

Not only the disciples were shocked, but even the elders couldn't sit still.

"It's really not right!"

"In the history of the family, there has never been such a serious spiritual fluctuation!"

"What, is there something wrong with the other two spiritual veins?"

The elders of the three spiritual veins met urgently and realized the seriousness of the situation.

They immediately activated the magic circle buried deep underground to check the situation.

All of them suddenly changed their faces, and they were completely shocked!

"How can it be?"

"The spiritual veins in the ground have all dried up!"

"These three spiritual veins are the foundation of our Hua family. Now that they are all cut off, the consequences are...unimaginable!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, quickly report to the patriarch!"

The three elders immediately rushed out of the forbidden area and reported to the patriarch.

The upper echelons of the Hua family were completely shocked!

At this time, Jiang Tian had already left the territory of the Hua family.

After devouring the entire spirit lake, he directly opened the large array of space transformation underground, and came to the boundless primitive barren hills of the Silver Rain Realm, where he retreated and refined under the leadership of the spirit swallowing mouse.

"let's start!"


The power of swallowing the void was released a little bit, and a huge amount of psychic liquid gushed out frantically, setting off a huge wave of psychic liquid in his sea of ​​energy.

If it was Jiang Tian in the past, for example, when he was in the Absolute God Realm, such a violent psychic liquid would be released in an instant, and he would definitely be severely injured.

But for him now, there is not much risk.

Jiang Tiankuang stimulated the spiritual power of his blood, and tried his best to refine the surging spiritual liquid.

The breath rose rapidly, rising again and again!

When he left Moyang Realm, his blood and spiritual power had already reached full state.

Needless to say, the spirit lake that swallowed Huajia this time is aiming to advance!

"Late stage of Vientiane Realm, rush for me!"


With the support of a whole spirit lake's spiritual liquid, Jiang Tian charged directly to the next bottleneck while refining, without any extra waiting.

Violent roars emanated from his body, and even the sound of waves stirred in the sea of ​​air.

It was the turbulent sea of ​​Qi caused by the release and refining of the spiritual liquid, and at the same time, there was a wave of terrifying coercion constantly surging.

The spiritual liquid has not been refined yet, and the bottleneck of cultivation has already been broken!

Crack... Rumble!

Accompanied by a loud thunderous noise, Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and his blood spiritual power broke through the bottleneck and transformed rapidly like a volcanic eruption.

Driven by the spiritual power of the bloodline, the unrefined spiritual liquid of the Linghu Lake rushed into the bottleneck dike!


Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power rapidly transformed towards the late stage of the Vientiane Realm, and his whole body's cultivation level rose sharply.

After several hours, the advanced vision completely subsided.

At this time, Jiang Tian's cultivation base has firmly reached the late stage of the Vientiane Realm, and his blood spiritual power has reached 30%!

"Late Vientiane Realm, it's done!"

Thirty percent of the spiritual power of the blood was neither too high nor too low for him.

But this result made him a little scared!

Because looking back, it was precisely the support of this spiritual lake that allowed him to successfully complete this transformation.

If there is no spirit lake, just relying on the normal accumulation of spiritual power, even if it is devoured by blood, it may not be possible for him to break through smoothly.

Such a large spiritual lake, coupled with its own spiritual foundation, has transformed into 30% of the bloodline spiritual power. Without the support of the spiritual lake, this step-up will undoubtedly fail!

"The effectiveness of super divine veins and even ancient divine veins is also declining!"

Jiang Tian is deeply aware of this problem.

With the improvement of the realm, it is no longer possible for the general super divine veins to bring him enough nourishment.

But now, he has just reached the early stages of the Vientiane Realm, and there is still a whole big realm plus a quasi-small realm to break through.

How stressful is it?

"I hope that the cultivation resources of Silver Rain Realm will give me more help, let's go!"

Jiang Tian didn't have time to stabilize his realm, or even feel the transformed power carefully, so he couldn't wait to get up and run away!

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