Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7692 Soul Light Killing


Suddenly someone let out an exclamation, and the breath began to rise sharply.

Everyone stared and saw a huge vortex where the person was.

A large amount of destructive power poured down and poured into the person's body.

"In the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, the old man is here!"

Click... Boom!

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the vortex collapsed in an instant, and the power of destruction accelerated, pushing the man's aura to skyrocket, reaching the late stage of Guiyuan state!

"In the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, it's done!"

Rumble, click!

That person raised his arms and shouted wildly, bursting out with a powerful coercion in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and he was one of the three supreme elders of Wan Mie Sect!

"Congratulations to the right lady, congratulations to the right lady!"

"My Guiyuan sect is led by the Right Taishang, and I will become the leader of martial arts in the Torch Dragon Realm!"

Hula la!

Everyone worshiped.

The three supreme elders are divided into left, middle and right.

Originally, the Central Grand Priest was the first, the Left Grand Priest was next, and the Right Grand Priest was the last.

But as Taishang You took the lead in entering the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, the positions of the three of them might change.

"Congratulations to Mrs. Right, the old man is willing to let Xian!"

Zhong Taishang's eyes were a bit complicated, but due to the gap in strength, he had to give up his position.

"Congratulations to Mrs. Right, oh no, you are now Mrs. Zhong!"

Mrs. Zuo hurriedly congratulated, with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"You two don't have to be like this. I think you are about to break through. When you all reach this level, it won't be too late to divide your seats!"

Taishang You is relatively cautious.

Although he advanced one step earlier, but before the advancement, the strength gap between the three was there, so he didn't dare to be rash.

"I would like to borrow your good words!"

"I hope so!"


Not long after the words fell, Zuo Taishang and Zhong Taishang also had their auras soared, breaking through to the late stage of Guiyuan Realm!

"Hahahaha, hard work pays off, and the two of us have successfully broken through!"

"It seems that our ranking doesn't need to be changed, let's keep the original pattern."

The aura of Zhong Taishang was unusually strong, left and right were slightly weaker than him, and Right Taishang, who broke through first, was still overwhelmed by the two of them.

But with the humble words just now, he is not embarrassed at the moment.

"Hehe, hahaha! The three of us have all entered the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and it is indeed the fortune of Wan Mie Sect!"

"With such background, we can challenge Tianxuan Dao first. As long as we win Tianxuan Dao and occupy Tianxuan Dao's veins, the throne of Candle Dragon Sect's hegemony will exist in name only!"

The three laughed loudly and began to look forward to the follow-up actions.

The Sect Master of Wan Mie Sect laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha, congratulations to the three grand masters who have advanced together. With you in charge, why should we worry about being unhappy? Our goal is not just the Candle Dragon Realm?"

"The three supreme gods are invincible!"

"The suzerain is wise!"

Hula la!

Thousands of people bowed down in the Great Formation of Myriad Extinction, with indescribable excitement surging in their hearts.

Bark... boom boom!

At this moment, a large purple thunder formation suddenly flashed above the Great Formation of Wan Mie!

Standing in the formation was a young figure, once it appeared, the entire Wan Mie Sect was in an uproar!


"This is the space escape technique!"

"It's so courageous. How dare you put the Space Magic Formation on top of my Great Destroyer Formation. Don't you want to live?"

"Shoot him down!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and dozens of elders and disciples in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm rose into the air and bombarded the large array of Huakong.

But before they touched each other's fur, they were wiped out by a beam of world-destroying soul light in the air.



"What method is this?"

Seeing those fellow disciples falling like raindrops, there was an uproar in the Wan Mie formation!

"Don't act rashly!"

"This person is handed over to us!"


The three Supreme Elders were all furious!

They had just arrived at the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and they encountered the provocation of this uninvited guest. If they didn't take action to suppress it, what would their faces be?

The three of them stepped up into the air, and shot at each other with the mighty power of the late stage of Guiyuan Realm.

"Your Excellency is very powerful, but if you want to wreak havoc on my Wan Mie Sect, I'm afraid you came to the wrong place!"

"Early stage of Returning to the Yuan Realm? What an arrogant boy!"

"Die to the old man!"

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the three of them erupted with the terrifying strength of the late stage of Guiyuan state, and shot crazily at Jiang Tian.

The three destructive forces filled the void, and they bound Jiang Tian without any explanation.

"The power of destruction?"

The corner of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, not surprised but happy!

From the shots of the three of them, he felt the aura of destruction, and this aura was extremely tyrannical.

If it was before entering the Yuanyuan Realm, this aura would be enough to make him afraid.

But now, he has nothing to fear!

"It's just in time, Void Immortal Realm, go up!"

Jiang Tian opened the Void Immortal Realm and directly slammed into these three destructive forces.


"court death!"

The three grand elders of Wan Mie Sect laughed wildly.

The other party has a powerful space evasion technique, and it is really not easy to avoid them with all their strength.

But the opponent did not retreat but advanced, and bumped into him on his own initiative, it was simply courting death!

"Boy, you found this by yourself, no wonder I waited..."


Before they finished speaking, the three of them were shocked!

The three destructive powers they blasted together were forcibly suppressed by the opponent's Void Immortal Realm.

"Void Immortal Physique, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian violently urged the immortal body, releasing the immortal power of the void to forcibly swallow the power blasted out by the three of them.


The Void Immortal Physique is nourished by this, and the aura rises rapidly, becoming stronger in an instant!

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed!

Since the creation of the Void Immortal Physique, it has not changed much for a long time.

But this time, the destructive force blasted by the three gave him hope.

Void immortal power, to some extent, also has the ability to destroy, enough to annihilate everything it goes.

The power of destruction also has such power. Although the two methods are somewhat different, they can be regarded as the same goal by different routes, and the same source of different methods.

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Shoot together and kill him!"


The three empresses are naturally dissatisfied!

How can they, who have just reached the late stage of Yuanyuan Realm and have begun to look forward to the entire interface, be intimidated by a mere junior in the early stage of Yuanyuan Realm?

The three of them soared into the sky, forming a triangular formation to besiege their opponents frantically.

"World-destroying soul light!"


With a wave of Jiang Tian's big hand, the silver-purple halo suddenly rippled, and the three strong men in the late stage of returning to the original state fell to the ground.

But before he had time to fall into the void, he was wrapped up in front of Jiang Tian by the spiritual power of space, and he swallowed the blood essence.



The purple light flashed, and the essence of the three bloodlines poured in, pushing Jiang Tian's aura to rise steadily, approaching the limit time and time again.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

The three Guiyuan Realm late stage brought him a very strong promotion indeed.

But still not enough to break his bottleneck.

His recent breakthrough speed is really too fast. There are roughly two ways to complete the realm precipitation:

First, rely on the accumulation of time for precipitation, so as to fully digest the disadvantages of previous advanced superpositions;

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