Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7694--Andrew Daolian breath

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and felt a subtle aura of deja vu on them!

"Is this... Daolian's breath?"

Jiang Tian asked with a frown.


"Who are you, and why do you know about this?"

The face of the Patriarch of the Red Lotus Sect changed slightly, as if he was very afraid of this topic.

Jiang Tian didn't hide it either.

"Not only do I know the existence of Dao Lian, but I have also seen at least two Dao Lian!"


"Your Excellency is serious?"

The Patriarch of the Chilian Sect's complexion changed for a while, with surprise and joy in his eyes, as well as a bit of anxiety.

Originally, Jiang Tian wanted to shoot directly, but because he sensed Daolian's subtle breath, he had to deal with it calmly.

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly communicated with the Zijin lotus platform in his body, releasing a trace of the remaining breath of the lotus.


"It really is Daolian!"

"Hey, why is there still a trace of magic energy?"

The Patriarch of the Red Lotus Sect and the three Supreme Elders were taken aback!

They felt Daolian's subtle aura from Jiang Tian, ​​and besides that, there seemed to be a trace of obscure devilish aura mixed in.

"That's right, among the two dao lotuses I've seen, one is indeed a magic lotus!" Jiang Tian said.

"So that's it! I don't know why you came here?" Chilian Sect Patriarch frowned and asked, his eyes not without guard.

Although the other party showed Daolian's aura, it didn't mean there was no malice.

"To tell you the truth, I came to this world to find someone who is strong in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and who has top-level resources to devour and nourish."

"What... what?"

"The strong in the late stage of returning to the original state, devour tonic?"


The faces of the Patriarch of the Red Lotus Sect and the three Supreme Elders all changed!

It can be seen that this is not a sigh.

There are two daolian auras hidden in the opponent's body, and it is obvious that he is not an ordinary evildoer.

Although their realm is only in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm, which is one stage lower than them, they definitely possess superior combat power, which will be a huge threat to them.

"If your Excellency came here for this, I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

"Although my Chilian sect has limited background, I will not let you do as you please!"

"Either your Excellency will leave, or we will meet each other in life and death, the Scarlet Lotus Sect is absolutely unambiguous!"

The breath of the three Supreme Elders was turbulent, and they were ready to strike at any time.

The Patriarch of the Scarlet Lotus Sect slowly shook his head: "The three princes are calm. Since this fellow Taoist possesses the aura of Daolian, it means that he has a good chance with Daolian. If so, he should not be the enemy of my Scarlet Lotus Sect!"

The three princes suppressed their breath a little to wait and see.

The Patriarch of the Chilian Sect said in a deep voice: "To be honest, we also have a Daolian in our sect, but we just encountered some troubles."

"What? You have a dao lotus here!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes contracted, he was taken aback!

Didn't he advance crazily for the purpose of finding the nine dao lotus and saving the almost perishing lotus?

Although the realm has not yet been achieved, he has met the Red Lotus Sect who owns Daolian. For him, this may be some kind of special opportunity.

"Where is it?" Jiang Tian asked eagerly.

The Patriarch of the Chilian Sect frowned and said, "That Daolian is in the forbidden area of ​​our sect, but why should I let you in, unless your Excellency can let us get rid of our scruples."

"Simple! As long as you don't harbor ill intentions towards me, I will naturally not attack you, and I will never embarrass you Chilianzong." Jiang Tian said.

Tonic resources can be found elsewhere, but Daolian can't find them.

No matter what, he must seize the opportunity to meet the Daolian of the Scarlet Lotus School.

"Just a promise is not enough, Your Excellency must swear an oath of martial arts!" The Patriarch of the Scarlet Lotus Sect was not at ease, and made further demands.

"It's easy to say, you and I make a vow of martial arts together!" Jiang Tian said.


Boom, boom!

The Patriarch of the Chilian Sect was also unambiguous, and raised his hand decisively, and made a martial arts oath with Jiang Tian to eliminate each other's wariness.

Then, he took Jiang Tian into the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Lotus Sect.

"Jiang Daoyou, please follow me!"


Jiang Tian followed the Patriarch of the Chilian Sect straight into the forbidden area, accompanied by several elders of the Chilian Sect.

Although the two parties have made an oath, they are obviously not completely relieved, so they follow closely in order to prevent accidents.

For Jiang Tian, ​​the number of people actually didn't matter.

No matter how many people come to the opponent, he can crush them with powerful means.

Considering that both parties have made an oath, the other party should not make any threats to him, but there are contingencies in everything.

The Patriarch of the Scarlet Lotus Sect did take an oath, but those elders were not within the scope of the oath, and there must be a strong restriction on the existence of Daolian in the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Lotus Sect.

So still not to be taken lightly.

In the depths of the forbidden area, there is a scorching scene.

A group of people were blocked by a huge red formation.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, don't worry, this is our sect's large formation of prohibition and cover, which is used to cover Daolian's aura to avoid accidents."

The Patriarch of the Scarlet Lotus Sect raised his hand to make a seal, and immediately a passage appeared in the restriction formation in front of him for several people to enter.

Inside the restriction formation, the scene was even more astonishing.

The scorching breath made the void continue to be annihilated, giving birth to terrifying ripples of spiritual power, which made the vision here a masterpiece.

"This is the fluctuation caused by Dao Lian's Dao Yun, Jiang Daoyou must be careful!"

"No problem!"

As soon as Jiang Tian came in, he had already released his divine sense and opened his phantom eyes to investigate.

Although Daolian's power can incinerate the void and annihilate it layer by layer, it doesn't have much effect on him who is carrying the void body.

As for Daolian's fire spirit power, it didn't have much effect on him either.

First of all, he was carrying a powerful incinerator with real fire, and he was almost not afraid of any fire spiritual power.

Secondly, even if Daolian's fire spiritual power is beyond imagination, he still has the extremely cold flame of Xuanbing forbidden fire to resist, and there will be no danger.

On the other hand, the Patriarch of the Scarlet Lotus Sect used some special secret technique to resist Daolian's aftermath.

Jiang Tian's calm reaction surprised her and the three elders beside her.

You must know that ordinary warriors, even those in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm or even at the peak, cannot resist Dao Yun's aftermath so calmly.

But Jiang Tian seemed to be in no one's land, which really shocked them.

"From this point of view, Jiang Daoyou and Daolian do have a deep relationship. I am afraid that coming to our sect this time is also due to chance, and there is God's will in the dark!"

The Patriarch of Chilian Sect couldn't help admiring, looking at Jiang Tian with more and more complicated eyes.

The eyes of the three Supreme Elders became deeper and deeper.

At first they had some doubts about Jiang Tian, ​​but now, they don't think so.

Perhaps the arrival of this young man will indeed be an opportunity for the Red Lotus Sect!

Who knows?

"Maybe it's because I have been in contact with Daolian, so I am more accustomed to their breath."

Jiang Tian didn't say much, after observing for a while, he walked straight to Daolian.

The Patriarch of the Red Lotus Sect and the three Supreme Elders were a little nervous!

The influence of Dao Yun is obviously different from the distance, can Jiang Tian really withstand the pressure of Dao Yun and solve Dao Lian's problem?

Wait and see!

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