Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7701 Green Lantern Ancient Pulse

Buzz... bang bang bang!

A moment later, with Huo'er's attack, the lampshade of the blue lamp burst open, exposing the blue flame core inside.

And at the moment of exposure, the flame core, which originally looked like a candle in the wind, suddenly burst out with terrifying energy.


The brilliance of the flame core skyrocketed, and the terrifying green flame soared into the sky, turning into a giant flame that lifted the sky, shaking the void!

"Master, hurry up!"

"very good!"

Bloodline devours, swallows!

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, his arms were all on the field, and two long dragon-like purple lights burst out.

Boom, boom!

The blood talent unfolded immediately, and the cyan flame core declined at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The energy contained in this flame core should have annihilated the void and collapsed layer by layer.

But under the suppression of Huo'er's transfigured red flame giant lotus, he was powerless to wreak havoc, and could only watch himself being swallowed up by this mysterious strong man from outside.

A moment later, a sigh suddenly came from the rapidly shrinking green flame core.

"Phew! The ancient flame of the blue lamp that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, after all, is still cheaper than an outsider!"

"Huh? You are the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

"It's the old man!" A helpless voice came from the cyan flame core, which sounded vague and uncertain, as if it might perish at any moment.

"This flame core is formed by the condensed power of the ancient Qingdeng vein, and swallowing it means that the ancient Qingdeng vein will also perish."

"So what? Your descendants won't be able to keep this inheritance. Even if I don't make a move today, sooner or later, I will take advantage of others."

Facing Jiang Tian's scolding, Qingdeng Ancient Buddha was speechless for a while.

After a moment of silence, he sighed helplessly again.

"What the benefactor said is true. For hundreds of thousands of years, there have been countless outstanding geniuses and monsters in Qingdeng Valley, but even so, no one can really take over the inheritance of the old monk. This can only show that it is God's will. Since it is God's will, the old monk has nothing to regret."

"Hmph!" Jiang Tian sneered, not paying attention.

"The old monk's benefactor is also a predestined person, how about just taking over the legacy of the old monk and becoming a person with a predestined relationship with the Buddha?" The voice of Qingdeng Ancient Buddha sounded again, full of unwillingness.

"There are so many people who are related to me. Do I have to accept the inheritance? You have not been able to find the person who inherited it for hundreds of thousands of years, which means that your inheritance has come to an end. You want me to accept your unwilling memorial. Do you really think I am a fool?"




With a sneer on Jiang Tian's face, he swallowed hard.

The power of the ancient Qingdeng vein dries up rapidly, and the blue flame core is quickly annihilated.


The red lotus shadow also disappeared, because the ancient vein of the blue lamp had disappeared, and there was no need to rely on its power to suppress it.

Looking down from mid-air at this time, the entire Blue Lantern Valley has become a place of silence, without any fluctuation of spiritual power.

The warriors in Qingdeng Valley fled in all directions, but Jiang Tian didn't stop them.

Ordinarily, after the ancient vein of Qingdeng died, this place should become a place of death, but to Jiang Tian's surprise, after a moment of silence, green waves erupted in Qingdeng Valley.

"This is……"

"The vitality of the wood spirits can no longer be suppressed. They have been suffocated for hundreds of thousands of years, and they finally exploded!"

Huo'er spoke in a deep voice, looking at the emerald green tide below.

That is nothing else, but patches of green grass, after hundreds of thousands of years of suppression by luck, ushered in the moment of explosive growth.

"It's just ordinary grass and vulgar wood, it's incredible!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help being amazed.

At first he thought it was a piece of spiritual grass and wood, but in fact it was just the opposite, it was just an ordinary piece of grass.

It is only because the vitality and luck have been suppressed by the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha for hundreds of thousands of years, and now after the old Buddha's will dissipates, and can no longer be suppressed, there will be a retaliatory rebound growth.

"All things generate and restrain each other, and there is God's will in the dark!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sigh.

Gather your mind and observe silently.

After devouring the ancient Qingdeng vein, his bloodline spiritual power increased by half again, reaching 30% of the total!

"The huge blue lantern ancient vein has only increased half of its spiritual power?"

Jiang Tian frowned, somewhat depressed.

After coming to the late stage of Guiyuanjing, his demand for resources soared sharply.

If it was before the advanced stage, this ancient vein could at least increase his spiritual power by more than 10%.

But now, it has only increased by half, which somewhat disappoints him.


Hum rumble!

The purple thunder pattern reappeared, and Jiang Tian and Huo'er disappeared over the Qingdeng Valley.

The next moment, they came to the last one of the three major forces in the Red Lotus Realm - Bailin Academy!

Bailin Academy is located on a huge peak, surrounded by large mountains, stretching outward like a scroll of bamboo slips.

As soon as Fang arrived, Jiang Tian sensed a special aura filling the void.

Even the clouds above the Bailin Academy seem to exude a special fragrance of books, which makes people feel admiration.

But he didn't come here to admire some erudite Confucianism, let alone a pilgrimage.

Instead, come here to devour tonic and improve your strength!

"Bailin Academy, it is said that there is an ancient vein of sages. Those who are nourished by this vein can communicate with the will of the heaven and the earth. When they cultivate to a high level, they can speak the law and command the heaven and the earth!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes scanning uncertainly.

This point, he already understood when searching for the soul in Qingdeng Valley.

At this moment, he was overlooking the mountain range where the huge Bailin Academy was located. As far as his eyes could see, there were many beautiful peaks and mountains.

There is nothing better than this!

"It's not easy to say that a friend comes from afar!"

"A person who doesn't know but doesn't feel stunned, isn't he a gentleman?"


While speaking, two strong men with elegant aura came from above the clouds.

Dressed in white shirts, they showed the air of a scholar, but their cultivation had reached the peak of the Guiyuan Realm, and their words had a special will that was deeply convincing.

"White Scale Academy Returning to Yuan Realm peak power?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, and he was quite curious about these two people.

There are three thousand avenues, and the methods of martial arts cultivation are all kinds of strange.

When he was in the lower realm, he had also been close to a few Confucian and Taoist monks, but it was the first time he had seen such a pure Confucian monk.

One of the two is writing and the other is taking the paper, which makes people inexplicably feel an impulse of admiration.

It seems that the best principles in the world are all in their pencils. If you don't follow their teachings, you will beat your chest and feet, regretting endlessly.

"Good! Your Excellency is obviously also a person who knows the book and respects the rituals. I don't know why you came to my Bailin Academy?"

The person holding the scroll asked with a smile.

Jiang Tian's face was calm: "I came here for nothing else, but to borrow the Confucianism of your courtyard!"

"Borrow Confucian veins? Hehe, your Excellency is joking. Confucian veins are forbidden by this academy, and are only open to direct disciples and elders of this academy. Unless you join this academy, you will have the opportunity to enjoy it through competition within the academy."

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