Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7703 Lingwu Daohui

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

This is the end of his journey to the Red Lotus Realm, and his bloodline spiritual power has only reached 35% in the end.

This speed was much lower than his expectation!

Looking at the path of improvement since the late stage of Guiyuanjing, he deeply realized that every step of improvement now must be counted by the interface!


It should be said that counting several or even a dozen interfaces, it is far from the past when one interface can break through the first order.

"Next interface, let's go!"

Hum rumble!

The large array of Huakong was fully deployed, and Jiang Tian took Huo'er to the next large-scale interface--Lingwu Realm!

Lingwu Realm!

It is said that it is the gathering place of the spirit bird clan, where the bells and spirits are beautiful, and all kinds of heaven and earth are integrated into one.

Strictly speaking, the spirit bird clan is a monster clan, but in fact, they never regard themselves as a monster clan.

He even regards his own ethnic group as superior to the human race.

at this time! The Lingwu World is holding the Lingwu Daoist Meeting every few years.

Powerhouses from more than a dozen races gathered on Lingwu Mountain to exchange martial arts.

Lingwu Mountain is the holy mountain of Lingwu Realm, and it is jointly controlled by all the top ethnic groups in this realm.

There are more than a dozen ancient spiritual veins here, more than half of them have declined significantly, and the remaining half are still in their heyday.


At this time, hundreds of top powerhouses from more than a dozen spirit bird races gathered on the mountainside of Lingwu Holy Mountain, each releasing the spiritual power of the blood veins, urging all the spiritual veins to tumbling upwards, spewing out streams of pure spiritual power.

These spiritual powers turned into a huge volleying cloud ring, suspended above the peak.

When this cloud ring reaches its limit, it will be the time for these top powerhouses to feast on it!

At that time, with the powerful nourishment of the cloud ring and the aura blending of more than a dozen top powerhouses of the ethnic groups, they will gain huge benefits.

Some powerhouses who are at the critical point may usher in an opportunity for a breakthrough!

Rumble... boom!

The cloud ring is getting bigger and bigger, and the spiritual energy is getting thicker and thicker, and it is about to reach its peak.

"It's almost done, let's work harder!"

"This time, our Lingwu world is expected to give birth to hundreds of Guiyuan Realm peaks in one fell swoop. If we are lucky, we may even give birth to super powers beyond this realm!"

"If that's the case, our Lingwu world is about to usher in a real rise!"

"At that time, the surrounding interface will surely submit to the feet of all the clans in the Lingwu Realm!"

The mighty and strong men of more than a dozen ethnic groups can't wait.

At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded in midair!

Two figures emerged from a purple thunder formation supported by two figures, one big and one small!

It was Jiang Tian and Huo'er!

"What a gathering of all races in the Lingwu Realm!"

"Master, this is a cloud ring of spiritual power gathered by more than a dozen top powerhouses of the spirit bird group, swallow it quickly!"


Even if Jiang Tiandang wanted to devour it, the experts in the Lingwu Realm below had already reacted, and immediately set foot on the house to stop it.

"Master, continue, I will block them!"


Huo'er's body flickered, and it turned into a huge fire lotus lying under the cloud ring, crushing the strong men of more than a dozen ethnic groups so that they couldn't charge up.

At the same time, Jiang Tian has already activated the Void Swallowing Art!



The power of the Void Swallowing Art swept across, and the cloud rings accumulated by more than a dozen ethnic groups in the spirit bird world were swallowed up in an instant.


Jiang Tian's blood spiritual power has steadily increased, reaching 40%!


Excitement flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

Although 40% is still not too high, but it has finally improved step by step, and is gradually moving towards the peak of Guiyuan Realm.

Only 60% of his bloodline spiritual power is left to reach his goal, and Lian'er's resurrection is just around the corner!

"Huo'er, you can stop!"

"Master, don't be impatient, I want to stop, but they don't want to!"

When Huo'er's voice came, hundreds of strong men from more than a dozen ethnic groups broke out in violent aura, preparing to suppress Huo'er forcibly.

"Dare to devour the cloud ring that we worked so hard to create, you are really damned!"

"No matter who you are, you don't have to leave today!"

"Return our cloud ring, if you can't, then die!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and hundreds of top experts in the Lingwu world shot wildly, gathering together a shocking offensive.


Huo'er's face darkened, and he urged the red flame giant lotus to suppress it downward.

Buzz buzz!

The red flame lotus burst into pieces, and the terrifying high temperature swept down, swallowing the opponent completely.

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"This... is this Daolian?"

"Rush out!"

The perception of the spirit bird clan is stronger than that of the human race. At this time, everyone finally felt the powerful breath of dao power, and realized that this was most likely the terrifying existence of the legendary dao lotus transformation.

But their awakening came too late!

"I want to escape now, it's too late!"


Huo'er exerted all his strength, and the Chi Yanlian merged with a bang, and hundreds of top experts in the Lingwu world were instantly reduced to ashes.

The powerful blood essence turned into a lotus core beam of light and spewed out.

"Daolian feeds back, the master devours it quickly!"


Jiang Tian swallowed the lotus pillar that was fed back, and his breath improved again.

Although it's not even half of it, it's not without benefits for him.


The large formation of transforming space was opened again, and Jiang Tian took Huo'er away from Lingwu Realm and went to the next interface, Xuancang Realm.

After Xuancang Realm, there is Linyuan Realm... After each interface, Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power increased less and less.

The situation annoyed him greatly, but it wasn't too unexpected.

After all, during this period of time, he has advanced too intensively, so that his cultivation has not had time to stabilize, so he has to continue to climb upwards.

This makes the speed of practice repeatedly lowered and slowed down, which is really a normal phenomenon.

A few days passed in a flash.

Jiang Tian visited as many as a dozen interfaces in the past few days.


With one month and a few days left before the deadline given by Empress Fuyao, his cultivation reached the threshold of the peak of Guiyuan Realm.

"It's only a thin line away from the peak of Guiyuan Realm!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, and his heart was extremely excited.

Thinking back to two months ago, the advanced task of returning to the original realm peak was still an unbelievably grand goal for him.

But now, in less than 60 days, he has actually reached the threshold of the peak of Guiyuan Realm!

Now, with just one small step, we can reach this grand goal that once seemed out of reach.

But this line of separation was like a moat, forcibly suppressing him.

"Master, if it really doesn't work, let's lower the target to those medium levels. With the help of Dao Lian's feedback, as long as it takes a little time, hard pushing can also push the level up."

Facing Jiang Tian's predicament, Huo'er suggested.

"it's useless!"

Jiang Tian shook his head again and again.

During this period of time, he devoured almost all the spiritual power essence of the large interface, and he was picky about cultivation resources to an almost abnormal level.

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