Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7712 The formation is strengthened and the foundation is greatly increased!

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"Anyone who steps back will definitely regret it!"

The elders and disciples supported him forcefully and did not want to take a step back even if they were crushed.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao frowned when they noticed this situation.

"Deputy Leader Qin, how do you feel?"

"Don't you even need to ask? How can people like them be able to withstand the pressure that even you and I can't bear? They are still too eager for quick success. Not everyone can take advantage of some opportunities and good fortune."

"What should I do?" Jin Tianxing's face was solemn.

"What else can we do, tell them to step back!"

Qin Yao finally couldn't stand it anymore.

How could anyone be able to withstand Jiang Tian's pressure?

These people didn't even consider their abilities, so they just held on here. Not only would they not get much benefit if they continued like this, but it would be counterproductive and result in serious injuries, which was against Jiang Tian's original intention.

"Everyone, don't hold on. If you really can't bear the pressure of the Supreme Alliance Leader, just retreat until you reach the range you can bear and then stop!"

"But...but we don't want to retreat!"

"Everyone knows that the closer the distance, the greater the benefits!"

"Vice Leader Qin, can you understand us?"

Everyone refused to retreat and wanted to maximize the benefits.

Qin Yao shook her head and sighed.

"Your feelings are understandable, but your actions are still a bit overestimating your capabilities."

Seeing the situation like this, Qin Yao couldn't persuade her anymore.

After all, spiritual practice is a personal matter, and it is not good for outsiders to interfere forcefully.

If they insist on holding on, they can only bear the consequences themselves.

"Master, if this continues... I'm afraid it will be counterproductive." Qin Yao said bravely.

Jiang Tian had actually noticed this situation, so he gave everyone half an hour to adapt.

But now it seems that half an hour can't change much.

The cultivation of the vast majority of elders and disciples is still relatively weak and cannot be raised to a sufficient level within this period of time.

If time passes, the situation will change, but it will be extremely unfair to those who can adapt.

Martial arts practice is like sailing against the current. Only by spawning more powerful masters can the Taoist alliance's orthodoxy be stabilized.

"Our Qingtian Dao Alliance will never have only three or five Guiyuan Realm experts in the future, let alone the early Guiyuan Realm. There will also be mid-term, late-stage and even many peak experts. It is understandable that you are eager to improve, but it is also You can't make fun of your own foundation and life!"

Jiang Tian spoke in a deep voice, which shocked the hearts of everyone who was holding on.

Suddenly, a glimmer of fantasy appeared in their hearts!

Are the Supreme Alliance Leader's words intended to prolong the time for them to adapt and give them more relaxed conditions?

"The time has come, the next step is 40% coercion!"

Surprisingly, Jiang Tian did not stop releasing his pressure.

Still, when half an hour came, 40% of the pressure was unleashed.


Only this time, he slowly unfolded and pushed outward.

In everyone's perception, it seemed as if turbulent waves were hitting them one after another, pushing them back involuntarily.

"Oh my God!"

"The Supreme Leader deliberately cast the spell like this, is he afraid of hurting us?"

"Does this need to be said?"

Everyone understood Jiang Tian's painstaking efforts, but their unwillingness to admit defeat still made them choose to hold on, and even wanted to resist Jiang Tian's pressure.

However, despite their large number, not everyone can withstand the pressure that has been weakened countless times.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of people were pushed back step by step.

There are only about 10,000 people, which can barely support it.

But these people's faces are not good-looking!

Because they understand that this is not the highest intensity of the 40% pressure, and Jiang Tian's release has not yet been truly completed.


Next, Jiang Tian's pressure became higher and higher, pushing everyone back step by step and continuing to divide.

Thousands more people were pushed out a long way, and less than half were still struggling to hold on.

When the 40% pressure was fully deployed, less than 2,000 people could stand within 2,000 feet.

"Fifty percent!"

Changing once every half an hour, Jiang Tian released his pressure step by step.

After reaching 50%, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were blown away.

The two of them were knocked thousands of feet away. At this time, they were the only two people within three thousand feet in front of Jiang Tian.

The other elders and disciples were all sent flying three thousand feet away, unable to get close.

The two looked at each other with wry smiles, shaking their heads and laughing at themselves.

"I thought we could hold on for a little longer, but we didn't expect it to happen."

"Fifty percent of the pressure is already very proud. You must know that the master is not an ordinary peak Guiyuan realm!"

Qin Yao's eyes were filled with excitement.

She had experienced the coercion of the Jade-robed Chief Supervisor from afar, and knew very well how powerful Jiang Tian was.

Being able to stand within three thousand feet in the face of 50% of the pressure of such a strong man is already an astonishing feat.

Half a day passed.

Jiang Tian's baptism has finally come to an end!

In the past half a day, thousands of the hundreds of thousands of Dao Alliance warriors have broken through.

More than 300 of them broke through the bottleneck that was once thought to be impossible and entered the Vientiane Realm!

Next, these people need to practice and improve on their own, but with the support of the huge resources Jiang Tian brought back, their advancement will not be too difficult.

Therefore, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao acted quickly to quickly distribute the resources in the batch of storage rings provided by Jiang Tian for everyone to practice and improve.

An unprecedented cultivation frenzy has begun in the Qingtian Dao Alliance!

More than half a month passed in a flash.

There are still ten days left before the deadline given by Empress Fuyao!

In the past half a month or so, the Qingtian Dao League has produced hundreds of Vientiane Realm powerhouses, more than 3,000 people have advanced to the late stage of the Taixu Realm, and more than 5,000 people have reached the middle stage of the Taixu Realm.

There are more than 10,000 warriors in the early stage of Taixu Realm!

This amazing event shocked Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao!

"Strong, so strong, it's incredible!"

"That's right. It used to be difficult for us to advance to the Vientiane Realm, but now, there are many strong people in the Vientiane Realm. It's an unprecedented feat, a shocking miracle!"

Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing inspected the current situation of the Taoist alliance, and their thoughts were ups and downs, and they could not calm down for a long time.

All of this is due to Jiang Tian's efforts alone.

It was he who gave birth to a large number of strong men, causing the Dao Alliance's strength to skyrocket and grow rapidly in more than half a month.

At this moment, Qingtianjie has actually become the true overlord of hundreds of interfaces around it!

What surprised the two of them even more was that three of the few remaining late-stage elders of the Vientiane Realm had now reached the threshold of the Guiyuan Realm.

I have begun to practice hard in seclusion and prepare for a breakthrough!

"My lord, the world-protecting formation has been repaired. The damaged areas have been renewed and its power has increased by a full 70% compared to before!"

"We have tried it. If we encounter the previous situation again, it is no problem to support it for a few days. If the situation is better, it may not be impossible to support it for more than half a month!"

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