Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7714 The grand occasion of the Taoist Alliance

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This experience of advancing in succession within a few days, transforming bloodline spiritual power, and becoming stronger in combat power, made them feel incredible.



Violent roars resounded through the void, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao exerted their strength crazily, fully comprehending the will of mid-term martial arts.

Time passed slowly, and half a day later, the two people's advancement officially came to an end.

Both are firmly in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm!

At this time, their auras were completely different from before, becoming unprecedentedly powerful!

"Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, congratulations, you are the first two strong men of Qingtian Dao Alliance to advance to the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm!"

Jiang Tian congratulated them with a smile on his face.

"I've praised you too much. Our current strength is all due to your efforts!"

"Without the master, we may not be able to reach this height in our lifetime!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were excited and deeply thanked Jiang Tian.

"Go and show your martial arts will to the elders and disciples and give them some motivation!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, master!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao did not hesitate and came to Daomeng Square to show off their cultivation aura.

Boom, boom!

Two streams of martial arts will filled the air, triggering enthusiastic shouts from the elders and disciples in the Dao Alliance territory!

"Oh my God!"

"Middle stage of Guiyuan Realm!"

"Alliance Leader Jin and Deputy Alliance Leader Qin Yao broke through so quickly!"

"Amazing! Except for the Supreme Alliance Leader, these are the first two Guiyuan Realm stages of our Dao Alliance's birth!"

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you quickly feel their martial arts will?"


There was a roar in the Dao Alliance territory, and everyone activated their bloodline spiritual power to fully feel the martial arts will of the two.

Compared to Jiang Tian's baptism of will, although the strength of the two is far inferior, it is still a rare opportunity for them.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao's cultivation methods are different from Jiang Tian's, which can give them a richer will experience.

Some warriors who did not respond to Jiang Tian's martial arts will suddenly gained rare insights under the cross sweep of the two men's wills.

"Strong, too strong!"

"Coalition Leader Jin's martial arts will is exactly what I like!"

"I'm more interested in the coercion of Deputy Leader Qin Yao!"

Boom, boom!

There was a dull roar one after another, and in less than half an hour, many elders and disciples of the Dao League had advanced reactions.

More people also have their own gains.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were also extremely excited.

They did not expect that their advancement would bring such great benefits to the Dao Alliance. No wonder Jiang Tian would rush them to show their martial arts will.

Obviously, this is the greater significance of Jiang Tian's push for their rapid breakthrough!

"Deputy leader Qin Yao, continue!"


Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao did not hesitate and continued to show their strength.

Half an hour is obviously not enough. They want to benefit more elders and disciples, so that more people can make breakthroughs and gain enlightenment.

A few days passed by.

Driven by Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, thousands of warriors of different levels within the Taoist Alliance have successively made breakthroughs. The overall strength has grown sharply, and the martial arts level has rapidly improved.

Under Jiang Tian's guidance, the other three Dao Alliance elders also broke through the limit at an astonishing speed and entered the Guiyuan Realm!

"Guiyuan Realm, I didn't expect that I could reach this height in my lifetime!"

"All of this is a gift from the Supreme Alliance Leader!"

"Yes, without the Supreme Alliance Leader, I may not be able to reach the Vientiane Realm in this life!"

The three newly born people in the early stage of Guiyuan Realm were filled with emotions.

He immediately paid homage to Jiang Tian.

"My subordinates thank you, Supreme Leader!"

"Thank you, Supreme Alliance Leader, for your grace!"

"The Supreme Alliance Leader is with me, and my subordinates will swear loyalty to me and never betray me!"

Boom boom boom!

The three of them kowtowed to Jiang Tian one after another, unable to conceal their excitement and excitement.

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian glanced at the Dao League area, his eyes shining brightly.

In just over half a month since his return, he has already created five strong Guiyuan Realm experts for the Qingtian Dao Alliance, two of whom have already reached the middle stage of the Guiyuan Realm.

This allowed the Qingtian Dao Alliance, which had been reborn after a calamity, to reach its highest level in history!

"Although the five Guiyuan realms are quite a lot, they are far from enough. I need more!"

Jiang Tian made a domineering declaration, causing everyone in the Dao League to shout wildly.

The five Guiyuan Realm members seemed to them to be an incredible lineup, but Jiang Tian was obviously not satisfied.

Everyone has no doubt about Jiang Tian's will. He can create five Guiyuan realms in more than half a month, and he can give birth to more powerful men of the same level in the subsequent time.

"Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, and all the elders of the Guiyuan Realm, release your martial arts will with all your strength and let everyone feel your power!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, master!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The five Guiyuan Realm members jumped into the air in front of the main hall and unleashed their martial arts will into the Dao Alliance territory.

The five people have different cultivation paths, and even their spiritual powers are different.

Although the strength of their will is far less than that of Jiang Tian, ​​even if they are combined together, their willpower is far richer than that of Jiang Tian alone.

This kind of will spreads, benefiting the elders and disciples more, and can benefit more disciples with weaker cultivation levels.

Within just a few days, thousands more breakthroughs were made, and tens of thousands of people gained enlightenment.

During this period of time, the Qingtian Dao Alliance completely set off a cultivation frenzy, and its overall strength and martial arts level reached the highest level in history!

"Amazing, amazing!"

"All of this is the result of the Supreme Alliance Leader!"

"That's right, without the Supreme Alliance Leader, our Qingtian Realm is at best a mid-level interface on the upper plane, and it's not outstanding among the mid-level interfaces."

"Since the Supreme Alliance Leader came to power, our strength has risen again and again, reaching the incredible point today!"

"Looking at the hundreds of interfaces around us, who dares to compete with us?"

"That's right! From now on, even if we are attacked by strong men like the Taichu tribe last time, we can definitely break out of the world-protecting formation and compete with them!"

The Qingtian Taoist Alliance is filled with a fanatical atmosphere. The confidence of the elders and disciples is unprecedentedly high, and their vision and structure have also been sharply improved.

Disciples who once did not even dare to think about the Wanxiang Realm are now looking forward to the Guiyuan Realm.

The elders and disciples who are in the Vientiane Realm can't wait to prepare to enter the Guiyuan Realm.

At this time, there was still one day left before the deadline set by Empress Fuyao.

Jiang Tian can only rely on one paragraph to generate more ideas of returning to the Yuan Realm.

But so far, the situation of the Qingtian Dao Alliance has been shocking.

There are two middle-stage Guiyuan realms, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao.

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