Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7719 Star Lotus

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Seeing that there was no way to escape, the remnant soul of Saint Ancestor Anlong instantly turned into a black flame and shot towards Jiang Tian.

Seize the house!

It wants to seize the body by force!

Although Jiang Tian is not a member of the Anglong clan, he is of dragon clan blood.

Anglong is also a dragon, but an evil dragon with dirty and low blood.

Seizing Jiang Tian's body can just make its bloodline transform rapidly and become the noblest dragon bloodline.

This is also a feat that it has longed for, but it didn't expect that it would have the opportunity to achieve it today!


With a flash of black light, Ancestor Anlong had already escaped to Jiang Tian, ​​and was about to escape between his eyebrows and forcefully occupy his divine sea.

As long as it invades the divine sea, it will be done and will seize the body!

"Jie Jie! Hahahaha, Eastern Dragon Clan warrior, your body and blood are mine!"


A cold voice suddenly sounded.

A silver soul ring suddenly appeared in front of it, imprisoning it firmly.

"Hiss! No...don't!"

The remnant soul of Saint Ancestor Anlong was completely horrified!

It turned out that Jiang Tian had been prepared a long time ago and let it get close in order to capture and kill it completely.

"A remnant soul also wants to take away my body. It doesn't overestimate its own capabilities. Just die!"



The silver light instantly twisted, and the remnant soul of Saint Ancestor Anlong let out a howl, and was completely wiped out with a pop!

"Void Immortal Realm, close it!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and put away the Void Immortal Realm.

"Oh my god! Ancestor Anlong...is dead!"

"The Holy Ancestor is dead!"


The Anlong clan warriors outside the fairyland had already seen this scene, and they were all horrified and roared crazily.


Jiang Tian stepped on his right foot, and a giant wave swept out of the void.

Bang bang bang bang... boom!

Amidst the loud noise, a large number of Anglong warriors were killed by the giant waves and exploded to death.

"Hey, what is this?"

Jiang Tian was about to return to the forbidden area when he discovered that there was faintly strong spiritual power coming from the retreat of Saint Ancestor Anlong.

Although this kind of spiritual power made him extremely unhappy, it was still a powerful spiritual vein.

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian grabbed an old man from the Anglong tribe who had not yet fallen, searched for his soul, and then killed him.

"It turns out to be Anlong's ancestral vein!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

According to the results of the soul search, Anlong's ancestral lineage will not be extinguished, and the fate of the Anlong clan can be continued.

Of course he would not let go of such an ancestral lineage.

"Swallowing Spirit Rat, give it to me to swallow up, don't let it have any chance of rebirth!"

"Zhizhi, yes, master!"


With a flash of silver light, the spirit-swallowing rat escaped into the ground and began to crazily devour Anlong's ancestral veins.

Boom, boom!

Violent roars followed, and the mountains and mountains shook in the Anlong Clan's territory, strange phenomena appeared, and the color of the world changed.

The stench and evil wind that filled the void before disappeared sharply at this moment, which represented that the evil fate of the Anlong clan was ending.

Jiang Tian returned to the depths of the forbidden area to check on Lian'er's condition.

At this time, Kunlun Daolian has merged with Lian'er.

But its size has shrunk from its original size of ten thousand feet to about a thousand feet.

"Lian'er, how's it going?"

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​my aura has stabilized and my lotus body has been successfully fused, but it's not enough to restore my human form."

"It doesn't matter, there are eight Dao Lotuses behind you. If eight are not enough, I will take you to find more!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, letting go of his worries.

With this lotus body, Lian'er's resurrection is only a matter of time, and there is no need to worry about her as before.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​what's going on down there?"

Lian'er felt the great changes in Anlong's territory and couldn't help but ask.

"It's the spirit-swallowing rats that are devouring Anlong's ancestral veins. There is no need for this evil group to continue to exist."

"I see, brother Jiang Tian did the right thing!"

In the process of recasting the lotus body, Lian'er has already learned about the experiences of Daolian in Kunlun, and has long hated Anlong's lineage.

If it were her, she would destroy them without hesitation.

"The thousand-foot lotus body is still too big!" Jiang Tian said.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​don't worry, Lian'er can shrink the lotus body. In addition, the purple gold lotus platform can still bring rare benefits to Lian'er!"

"So that's the case, just stay in my sea of ​​qi for the time being."


Jiang Tian performed the Tunxu Jue, swallowing the shrunken lotus body of Lian'er into the sea of ​​​​qi, and receiving the nourishment of the Zijin lotus platform.

The first step of Lian'er's resurrection has been completed, and Jiang Tian is about to leave here.

"Spirit Swallowing Rat!"

"Squeak! Master, the mouse has completely sucked up the Anlong's ancestral vein and destroyed its foundation. This evil vein can no longer be reborn!"

"Good job, let's go!"

Bah, buzz, boom!

The purple thunder pattern suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian was carried away from the blue interface.

Kunlun Mountain in the East.

The leopard-headed goddess guarding there has already sensed the changes in luck in this world, and she is very excited.

"Kunlun lineage, thank you fellow Taoist for your great kindness!"

Hum rumble!

The purple thunder pattern appeared in the starry sky, and Jiang Tian returned to the front of Fuyao Empress.

"Completed?" Empress Fuyao leaned on the throne of stars and asked expressionlessly.

"The lotus body has been recast, but it is not enough to reshape."

"Well, come with me!"

Empress Fuyao nodded lightly, and the light of the stars filled the air again.

When the light settled, Jiang Tian had arrived in another starry sky.

"There is a Dao Lotus here. It is more mature than the previous one. It is time to bloom."

"It doesn't matter!"

Hum rumble!

The sky formation formed, and Jiang Tian immediately escaped into the starry sky and began to search for Daolian's whereabouts.

Because this Dao Lotus is about to open, its aura is far stronger than the Kunlun Dao Lotus.

Jiang Tian locked its position without much effort.

Star Lotus View!

This is a Taoist force that has protected this Taoist lotus for generations.

This lotus is called "Star Lotus", and it is a Tao Lotus that has been nurtured and nourished by the Star Lotus Contemporary for generations, condensing the power of stars.

Its aura made Jiang Tian very excited, but in order to resurrect Lian'er as soon as possible, he suppressed all the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Jiang Tian directly stated his intention, but was immediately strongly opposed by the powerful people of Xinglian Temple!

"Want to swallow the Star Lotus?"

"I'm telling you, it's impossible!"

"We will defend Xinglian to the death and will never allow you, an outsider of unknown origin, to get involved!"

Boom, boom!

The strong men in Xinglian Temple were soaring in aura that they were ready to fight Jiang Tian to the death.

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed.

The highest cultivation level of these people is the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm, and they are no match for him at all.

But looking at these warriors, they don't have any evil attitude. They are steady and upright, and they are upright. They are definitely not evil people or strangers.

If you want to kill them by force, it will inevitably be somewhat unfair.

"Everyone, my mind will not change, and the conditions can be negotiated." Jiang Tian showed the greatest sincerity, trying to impress the other party.

"No need to talk!"

"There's no need to say anything, we don't welcome you at Xinglian Temple!"

"Get out of here quickly, otherwise we have to protect Xinglian even if we fight to the last man!"

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