Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7725 Devouring like crazy!

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The earth-yellow storm filling the void was suddenly knocked away by a giant, and then, a terrifying giant that looked like a tiger was not a tiger, a lion was not a lion, and an elephant was not an elephant was revealed.

And it exudes incredible power of the law of the earth system, wherever it goes, the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the void is all surrendered to it.

Earth is the master of the five elements, and as a giant bred by the unimaginable spiritual power of the earth, it possesses a terrifying power that ignores the attacks of the five elements.

He opened his huge mouth and swallowed Jiang Tian involuntarily.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian didn't dodge, but let it be devoured, and he was in the belly of the giant in an instant.

This is a special space that is dim to dark.

Surrounded by unimaginable laws of the earth system, torrents of the earth system raged and permeated around Jiang Tian.

At this moment, he felt that all the spiritual power in his body seemed to be useless.

Even if he wanted to make a move, he couldn't mobilize the blood and spiritual power.

"What a monster of the earth system, you are unlucky to meet me today!"

Inside the giant earth system, Jiang Tian didn't use the real mine field to attack.

Instead, he activated the Void Swallowing Technique and began to devour it crazily!

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"

Swallow, swallow, swallow!

Boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the belly of the giant, and streams of extremely pure earth elements crazily poured into Jiang Tian's body.

And began to sharply refine it, blending it into his bloodline spiritual power, contributing to the steady improvement of his aura.

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled.

This way of cultivation is more enjoyable and exciting than devouring any spiritual vein.

Boom, click, click!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian's power transformed violently.

The body of the star sword, the body of the Tyrannosaurus dragon, the body of the real thunder, and even the body of the void fairy are approaching the limit one after another!


The giant earth beast roared in pain, suddenly realizing that devouring its opponent was not a wise choice.

On the contrary, it allows the opponent to take advantage of it, and in its body, it cannot use certain methods, and falls into a difficult situation of self-deception.


The internal law of the earth giant beast was raging, brewing a terrifying earth tide, trying to spit Jiang Tian out.

But Jiang Tian was already in it, how could he leave easily?

"Tun, tun, tun, swallow it for me!"

Boom, boom!

Strains of earth-attribute spiritual power poured into the body crazily, one man and one beast ebbed and flowed, and Jiang Tian's aura continued to grow.

And the aura of the earth giant fell crazily, constantly sluggish.

Not long after, the situation between the two sides changed drastically!

Jiang Tian began to gain the upper hand and firmly took the initiative.

The voice of the earth giant beast became more and more tragic, and its breath became turbulent.

"True thunder field, broken!"


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the power of the True Thunder Field erupted wildly, blasting away the body of the giant earth beast.

Jiang Tian broke out of his body, stood in the air, and looked down at the giant below.

At this moment, its size has shrunk by more than ten times, but it is still as huge as more than ten thousand feet.

"What a giant of the earth system, I think you were born in accordance with the good fortune of this world, but the law of martial arts is that the weak prey on the strong. When you meet me, you can't escape!"


Jiang Tian once again urged Zhen Leiyu to attack.

The ten thousand zhang thunder field fell suddenly, the head of the giant earth-type beast exploded instantly, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

But in a blink of an eye, it turned into a frenzied earth-yellow storm that scattered and disappeared into the void.


Jiang Tian frowned slightly and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

This giant earth beast could not leave behind a huge corpse as he imagined.

After his head was smashed by him, the body quickly collapsed. It has to be said that the earth spirit type also has its own peculiarities.

"The threat has been removed, Lian'er, go!"

"Thank you so much, brother Jiang Tian!"


The thousand-foot lotus body reappeared, and Lian'er slowly turned, sensing Daolian's breath with all her strength.

Soon, it turned into a strange light and flew out far away, then quickly rotated and blasted away a mountain peak and blasted into the ground.

The next moment, two rays of light rose into the sky from the collapsed mountain peak, intertwining with each other and arguing.

One of them, intertwined with green and blue, originated from Lian'er's thousand-foot lotus body.

The other one is earthy yellow, which is the Daolian born in this world.

Soon, the brilliance belonging to Lian'er gained the upper hand and completely suppressed the other brilliance.

Finally, the two rays of light merged into one, leaving only Lian'er's breath.


The thousand-foot lotus body rose into the sky, and after some transformation, it turned into a thousand-foot lotus body.

Lian'er's aura more than doubled in size, rumbling and turning as she came to Jiang Tian, ​​and then with a burst of light, it returned to a radius of a thousand feet.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I'm fine!"


Jiang Tian did not hesitate.

Coming to this world, one person and one lotus will gain a lot, it can be said that the trip is worthwhile.

He immediately activated the void formation, left this huge interface, and returned to Empress Fuyao.

"Fourth flower, come with me!"

Empress Fuyao had no expression on her face and waved the light of the stars to lead the way.

The next moment, everyone came to a star field filled with water.

"Water star field?"

Jiang Tian had been to places like Star Ruins and Star Territory Battlefield, and had also seen some special beings with water attributes.

But this is the first time I have seen a place like this where the entire star field is filled with water.

"There is a water-type Daolian here, find a way to find it and devour it!"


Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian activated the void formation and took Lian'er to escape into the water star field.

After half a day, no effective clues were found.

"Water Daolian, is it so well hidden?"

Jiang Tian frowned, feeling incredible.

Even in the huge interface where earth laws are rampant, finding Daolian is easy.

But after arriving in this water star field, things became extremely difficult.

Even Lian'er was a little helpless.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​this water star field shakes me too much. I can't sense it from too far away."

"It is indeed a problem!"

Jiang Tian realized the difficulty of this trip.

Continuing the search like this is obviously not an option.

"Xuan Bing Forbidden Fire, rising!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand and summoned the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire, freezing a large area of ​​the starry sky.

In his opinion, this relatively stable area is easier to search.

But in fact, there hasn't been much change, and it's still not easy to find the water-type Daolian.

In desperation, he could only withdraw the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire and give up this wasted move.

"Hey, maybe there is another way!"

When Jiang Tian was feeling depressed, he suddenly thought of a way.

With a wave of his right hand, a special drop of water appeared in his palm.

Xingxuan heavy water!


Jiang Tian raised his hand and waved, and Xingxuan Heavy Water broke through the air.


A large area of ​​​​stars exploded, and the terrifying water wave spread crazily, sweeping across a large area of ​​​​the starry sky.

The Xingxuan heavy water also split into countless water droplets that rapidly traveled through the water system starry sky.

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