Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7731 Jiang Tian shot

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"Purple Golden Lotus Platform, hurry!"

Jiang Tian used all his strength, and the purple golden lotus platform opened the gap, turning into a dazzling purple light and blasting into the turquoise shield.


The next moment, the purple gold lotus platform overlapped with Lian'er's lotus body.

The thousand-foot-long lotus body shook violently, and Lian'er woke up instantly!

"Brother Jiang Tian? Hiss!"

Lian'er took a breath of cold air and was extremely frightened for a moment.

If Jiang Tian hadn't taken action in time, she would have been forcibly devoured and refined by the wood-type Daolian.

"It's all my fault for being careless. Don't hesitate. I'll use the Purple Gold Lotus Platform to help you refine the wood-type Dao Lotus. Hurry!"


Jiang Tian used all his strength to activate the purple lotus platform, and the light of the purple lotus platform skyrocketed, transforming into a 100,000-foot purple lotus shadow that slowly rotated and erupted with powerful pressure.

The wood-type Doren's power was greatly suppressed, but he still continued to resist.


Lian'er's spirit was greatly boosted, and she immediately activated her lotus body and began to devour the refining wood Dao Lotus.

Buzzing, booming!

The violent roar resounded endlessly, and the power of the three lotus rhymes of the Purple Gold Lotus Platform, Lian'er, and Wood-type Daolian gathered together, triggering bursts of astonishing visions.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Dao Lian of the wood system crazily summoned the law of the wood system in this star field, and the boundless green light turned into a terrifying blue tide and rolled back, trying to forcibly suppress Lian'er and Zijin Liantai.

"Tun Tun Tun, Tun Tun for me!"

Jiang Tian decisively activated the Xu-Swallowing Technique and swallowed into his body the turquoise green tide that surged from all around.

These crazies are all condensed from the purest wood laws. After entering the body, they push his aura to continuously rise.

His shot blocked the green wave and bought Lian'er time.

Under the joint suppression of Zijin Lotus Platform and Lian'er's ten thousand-foot-long lotus body, the wood-type Daolian who lost the supply of wood-type laws was finally suppressed and let out bursts of whine.


"Purple Golden Lotus Terrace, give it to me!"

"Lian'er, hurry up!"

Jiang Tian urged the Purple Gold Lotus Platform's aura to rise again, and at the same time reminded Lian'er to speed up the devouring.

The laws of wood in this star field are too turbulent and huge, and if it continues for a long time, changes will inevitably occur.


Lian'er didn't dare to neglect, and used all her strength to activate the ten thousand feet lotus body, and forcefully swallowed the fused wood-type Dao Lotus.

But facing the wood-type Daolian's full struggle, she couldn't overcome it overnight.

Seeing that the situation was about to reach a stalemate again, she decided to take a risk!

"The rhyme of Daolian, strong fusion!"

Buzz, boom!

A strange buzz suddenly sounded, and then turned into a terrifying loud noise.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's expression changed!

I saw the lotus rhyme below surged, setting off a lotus rhyme frenzy.

This is the power that Lian'er burst out, forcibly wrapping the wood-type Daolian with irresistible momentum, unfolding to devour and fuse.

"Purple Golden Lotus Platform, go!"

Jiang Tian knew the dangers involved and was worried for a moment.

It is too risky for Lian'er to do this. Once it fails, it is likely to be completely destroyed.

He couldn't accept that outcome no matter what.

In order to prevent an unwanted situation from happening, he decisively activated the Purple Gold Lotus Platform and forcibly merged into Lian'er's lotus body.

Hum, boom!

The purple-gold light exploded, and the ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-foot-thousand-foot purple lotus phantom turned into a streak of purple light, which was forcibly poured into Lian'er's ten thousand-foot lotus body.

"Brother Jiang Tian?"

Lian'er was shocked!

Zijin lotus platform is a special hole card for Jiang Tian, ​​even more valuable than her to some extent.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian did not hesitate to integrate it into his lotus body. What kind of support and trust is this?

"Don't be distracted, use all your strength to fuse the Wood Element Daolian!"


Lian'er put aside all distracting thoughts, and with the help of the Zijin Lotus Platform, began to forcibly devour and fuse the wood-type Daolian recklessly.

Boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the emerald green starry sky, and terrifying lotus rhythms rippled in all directions.

Lian'er's aura rose again and again, and with the help of Zijin Liantai, she completely suppressed the wood-type Daolian at a disadvantage.


The wooden Daolian gradually stopped struggling, and let out a weak whine, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

Gradually, the frenzy of the Wood Element Law that it had summoned subsided, like a calm blue sea, floating around quietly, with slight fluctuations from time to time.

At this time, Jiang Tian no longer needed to use the Tunxu Jue, but swallowed and consumed.

Seeing that with the help of Zijin Liantai, Lian'er was completely on the right track, his worries were completely eliminated.

"Although the law of the wood system is not known for its attack power, its victory lies in its vigorous vitality!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, scanning the starry sky.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the power of Taiyi Lingmu was so great.

Perhaps it is precisely thanks to the support of the laws of the wood system that the terrifying coercion of "returning all laws to their original origin" can erupt.

"Taiyi Lingmu, appear!"


Jiang Tian raised his left hand, and a dark green short stick emerged.

Take a closer look and your eyes will light up!

The four or five green buds that had emerged a long time ago are now growing stronger again. Although the change is not great, it has indeed grown.

And the dark green lines on the surface of the Taiyi spirit wood became deeper and deeper, exuding an indescribable charm.



Suddenly Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and the Taiyi Lingmu trembled slightly in his palm, as if a thirsty drinker saw the oasis he longed for, ready to move and couldn't stop.

At this moment, he couldn't wait to release the Taiyi Spirit Wood to devour the ubiquitous wood laws here.

But when he looked at Daolian below, he still stopped this thought.


The power of Taiyi Lingmu is terrifying. Once it gets out of control, it will most likely affect Lian Er. If something goes wrong, he will definitely regret it.

"Calm down! Old man, wait a little longer!"

Jiang Tian stretched out his hand to stroke the Taiyi Lingmu, gently soothing.

Taiyi Lingmu seemed to understand his words, and the trembling momentum immediately subsided, lying quietly in his hand, waiting for the opportunity.

After half a day, Lian'er finally completed the devouring and completely integrated the wood-type Daolian.

"Six flowers!"

Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled as he stared at Lian'er's tall lotus body.

At this moment, her lotus body became more and more solid, and her aura became extremely powerful, as if she could transform into a human being at any time.

"Lian'er, how do you feel?" Jiang Tian asked excitedly.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​the Wood Dao Lotus is very powerful and nourishes me greatly. I suspect that it may have swallowed other Dao Lotus, or even more than one!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was taken aback!

The wood-type Dao Lotus actually swallowed other Dao Lotuses, and more than one?

If Lian'er's judgment is true, then the benefits this fusion will bring to her will be beyond imagination.

"Good, come back!"

Jiang Tian raised his hand and made a move, preparing to restore Lian'er's thousand-foot-long lotus body.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​wait a moment!" Lian'er smiled leisurely, and the lotus body turned around, and suddenly a dazzling purple light burst out.

In an instant, a purple lotus condensed in mid-air.

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