Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7740 The strong need to be responsible for the weak?

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"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​when I was following Sister Fuyao in Fuyao Heavenly Palace, I once read some classics. There is a kind of 'Dao Yan Sky Searching Technique' in it that can be used to track special targets. You might as well give it a try!"

"Do you know how to use Daoyan's Heaven-seeking Technique?"

"Of course, I can cast it now!"

"Then let's start!" Jiang Tian urged.

"Okay! But I'm still in a lotus body and haven't transformed yet, so I need your help."

"no problem!"

Lian'er immediately unfolded its 100,000-foot lotus body, and the lotus petals opened, releasing the mysterious lotus charm.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​if you use the magic formula that Lian'er said, it will be: Tao generates one, one generates two, two generates three, and three generates all things. The number of great evolutions is fifty, and its use is ninety-nine forty..."


Jiang Tian quickly cast the spell according to the method taught by Lian'er, and with the help of Daolian's power, he opened the "Daoyan Sky-Seeking Formation" and searched with all his strength.

Daolian's lotus charm continued to extend, and finally disappeared into the void.

Half an hour later, the formation suddenly felt something!


A certain petal of the 100,000-foot Dao Lotus slowly stretches out, pointing to the distant eastern starry sky.

There was a subtle aura coming from there, and it was suspected that the traces of the giant demon's hand bones were sensed!

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​look!" Lian'er immediately reminded.

"It should be. Hey, why is there only one? It should be two!" Jiang Tian looked ugly.

"Indeed, I only sensed one, and the breath was very weak!" Lian'er said.

"Lock its specific location immediately!" Jiang Tian urged anxiously.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​this breath is too weak, and it is fading and disappearing. It can only point out the general direction, but cannot effectively lock it. What should I do?" Lian Er was more anxious than Jiang Tian.

"Just a general direction?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, seeing that he couldn't force it, he could only face the reality and find another way.

"At least we have a general whereabouts, and we can figure out a solution next!"


At this moment, the induction was completely interrupted, and Jiang Tian and Lian'er had no choice but to put away the Daoyan Heaven-seeking Technique.

"Lian'er, can you transform now?"

"Let me try!"


Lian'er has already swallowed nine Dao Lotuses, and it is said that she has met the requirements for transformation.

But after some attempts, I found that I still couldn't transform.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I can't do it. I always feel like something is missing?" Lian'er was deeply confused.

"Didn't Fuyao say that swallowing nine Dao Lotuses would lead to resurrection? Are you lying to me?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go find her and ask her!"


Jiang Tian activated the void formation, and the scene in front of him surprised him slightly.

The purple formation appeared, but there was no thunder like before, and it was also different from the previous space formations.

This is the Void Law Formation!

The next moment, one person and one lotus disappeared into the void, and soon returned to Empress Fuyao.

"Empress Fuyao, Lian'er has swallowed nine Dao Lotuses, why can't she transform?" Jiang Tian asked.

Empress Fuyao had no expression on her face: "I'm going to ask you this!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tian frowned.

"Normally, swallowing nine Dao Lotus should be enough, but it is not absolute." Empress Fuyao said lightly.

"What did you say?" Jiang Tian's face darkened and he suddenly became angry.

Fang Yan categorically said that finding the Nine Dao Lotus would resurrect Lian'er, and set a three-month deadline for him to reach the peak of the Guiyuan Realm.

Now that he had fulfilled everything, the other party changed the subject, which really annoyed him.

"Fuyao, you are an empress, you must be responsible for what you said!"

"Ha! What qualifications do you have to make me, the empress, responsible for you? A strong person needs to be responsible for the weak?" Fuyao's eyes were cold and his face was sarcastic.

"What, you don't accept it?"

Fuyao's eyes turned cold and he looked threatening!


Jiang Tian responded directly with a surge of breath.

"Tsk! You're just at the peak of the Guiyuan Realm. You really think you're very strong. But in front of me, you're still far behind!"


Empress Fuyao leaned on the throne of stars, waved her hand, and the dazzling starlight instantly enveloped Jiang Tian.

Kaka, boom!

Under the terrifying pressure, Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and strange explosions came from his body, as if he might explode and die at any time.

"No! Sister Fuyao, stop it, don't hurt brother Jiang Tian!"

"What a 'Brother Jiang Tian', you are so devoted to him!"

Empress Fuyao's face darkened, and she glared at Lian'er's thousand-foot lotus body.

"Sister Fuyao, it was my fault for leaving without authorization last time, but please don't hurt Brother Jiang Tian, ​​as long as you promise me, I will do anything to you." Lian Er begged bitterly.

"Lian'er, don't ask her!"

Jiang Tian resisted the pressure of Empress Fuyao, roared like thunder, and activated the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body and the Void Law Body at the same time.

Buzz, rumble, bang!

Two huge auras intertwined, and they suddenly opened up the pressure of Empress Fuyao.

The abnormal sound in Jiang Tian's body disappeared, and he stood in the air, looking at Fuyao coldly.

The void is filled with murderous intent, and a terrifying war is about to break out!

"Hahahaha!" Fuyao laughed wantonly and arrogantly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you really think you can compete with me, you are naive and stupid!"


Before he finished speaking, the light of the stars surged again, and the pressure in the void instantly doubled, pressing down heavily on Jiang Tian.


"Well..." Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and he was pressed down nearly a hundred feet in the air. A mouthful of blood hit his throat, and he swallowed it back.

But his heart was shocked!

Empress Fuyao's power is too strong, and with her hard power, she is truly unstoppable.

"Is this the power of the Chaos Realm? It's really amazing!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, deeply feeling the other person's will.

This is definitely the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered, bar none!

The peak of the Guiyuan Realm is only one step away from the Chaos Realm.

But just this one step away was like a chasm, separated by a chasm of qualitative change. The huge gap shocked him.

"Chaos Realm? Hmph!"

Fuyao was noncommittal and sneered again and again, with a look of aloofness on his beautiful face.

She did not answer Jiang Tian's questions quietly, showing her aloof and strong will.

"Even if you are in the realm of chaos, don't think you can be superior!"

"Oh?" Empress Fuyao looked disdainful.


Jiang Tian directly activated the power of his bloodline, once again holding back the opponent's pressure.


This time, Empress Fuyao raised her eyebrows slightly, and for the first time there was a solemn look in her eyes.

But then, it turned into sneer and disdain.

"The power of blood is inherited from the Dragon Clan, right? That's useless!"


Empress Fuyao's aura rose again, and the pressure that had just been stretched came down again regardless of the obstruction.

"Uh... poof!"

Jiang Tian finally couldn't help it and spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling horrified in his heart.

He had already activated the power of his bloodline, and yet he was easily crushed by the other party. It seemed that ordinary means could not resist the empress of the Fuyao Heavenly Palace.

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