Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7743 interface secrets

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"How many interfaces?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up.

Although there is still a big gap between this method and Dao Yan's search for the sky, it is still quite good to be able to search at the interface level.

This is exactly what he needs!

"Qin Yao, I need this formation to find a lost treasure!"

"Master, this kind of formation only needs two people who are close to each other, a man and a woman, to work together. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the power." Qin Yao said excitedly.

"Okay, get ready and start as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Yao immediately began to mobilize all kinds of resources needed by the "Qiankun Space Hunting Array".

A day later, everything was ready.

"Jin Tianxing, Qingtian Daomeng will be handed over to you, wait for me to come back!"

"Farewell to my lord!"

"Congratulations to the Supreme Leader!"


Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian activated the Great Formation of Transforming Space, took Qin Yao to escape from the Qingtian Realm, and fled all the way towards the direction where the giant monster's hand bone was sensed by the "Daoyan Sky Searching Art".



The light of the stars suddenly appeared!

Empress Fuyao took Lian Er back to Fuyao Tiangong.

"Lian'er, you are so stupid!"

After Fuyao landed on one side, he said to Lian'er's thousand-foot lotus body.

"Am I stupid?" Lian'er didn't understand why.

Compared to the shrewd and powerful Fuyao, her resourcefulness may indeed not be enough.

Compared with Jiang Tian, ​​who came all the way in blood, her experience is far behind.

But she didn't quite understand, what was the meaning behind Fuyao Empress's words?

"Forget it, I can't explain to you." Empress Fuyao shook her head and sighed, her eyes seemed a bit melancholy.

It was no longer the arrogance and tyranny that he faced Jiang Tianshi before.

She invited Jiang Tian before, not on a whim, but for a certain plan of Fuyao Tiangong.

"Lian'er, do you know the pattern of the upper plane?"

"As far as I know, the upper plane is divided into the lower plane, the middle plane, and the higher plane. The status of Fuyao Tiangong is higher than that of the high plane, and it can be regarded as a relatively independent existence."

When Lian Er first took shape, she followed Fuyao Empress to stay in Fuyao Tiangong for a period of time, during which time she read many Tiangong classics.

I have some understanding of the situation on the upper plane, and in some directions, I know much more than Jiang Tian.

"You are right, but this is only the superficial pattern. In fact, there is a deeper hidden pattern."

"Secret pattern?" Lian'er was taken aback!

What secret pattern, why is it not recorded in the classics?

This made her deeply puzzled.

"The so-called hidden structure refers to several existences above the high-level interface, some of which are relatively independent, such as Fuyao Tiangong and Star Clan are such forces;

There is also a part that is more powerful than Fuyao Tiangong and Star Clan, they are the unknown super interface and hidden interface! "

"What, on top of Fuyao Tiangong and the mysterious Star Clan, there are super interface and hidden interface?" Lian'er was taken aback, her heart was full of waves.

This was a huge shock to her.

She has long known that the high-level interface is not the end of the plane, and on a larger scale above the upper plane, there may be a more grand and mysterious existence.

But she didn't expect that in the upper plane, there are still unknown super interface and hidden interface hidden!

"Super interface and hidden interface, are they powerful?"

"Of course! Their power is far above that of Fuyao Tiangong and Star Clan, and they are existences that the Lord of Tiangong and the strong Star Clan are extremely afraid of!"

Speaking of these existences, Empress Fuyao's eyes were filled with unprecedented solemnity, and she no longer had the tyrannical aura of arrogance and disdain for everything.

Between the words, there was even a hint of awe!

"It turns out that such an important secret is hidden in the high places of the upper plane!" Lian'er fell into deep thought, deeply feeling her own insignificance.

At this moment, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Does Brother Jiang Tian know this?

In her opinion, nine times out of ten she doesn't know!

Because the strongest power that Jiang Tian has ever seen may be Empress Fuyao.

And he himself has never stayed in Fuyao Tiangong, and he learned many things about Fuyao Tiangong and the upper plane from her mouth.

It can be said unceremoniously that some of Jiang Tian's knowledge and experience are not even comparable to her, let alone the powerful existence of Empress Fuyao.

Based on such an analysis, Jiang Tian almost certainly does not know the existence of the super interface and the hidden interface!

Thinking of this, Lian Er became more and more worried.

"Why, are you worried about him?" Empress Fuyao's eyes were slightly cold, with a mocking look on her face.

"Sister Fuyao, I told you that if I hadn't met Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I might have withered and withered long ago, and I would never have reached the threshold of transformation."

"Hmph, that's why I didn't force him. Let him go just because of your face, but you, a little guy who eats everything, even treats me as a villain. Do you think it's right? beat?"

Empress Fuyao said with a pretty face.

"Sister Fuyao, I know I was wrong, so I will apologize to you!"

Clap clap!

Lian'er transformed into two lotus petals, and slapped her thousand-foot lotus body continuously, as if she was slapping herself.


Fuyao sneered, making the stars pale for a while!

"Okay, okay, don't fool your sister Fuyao, it's better to transform quickly, it's really inconvenient."

Empress Fuyao restrained her smile, shook her head and sighed.

Although Lian'er is stronger than before when she transformed into form, the body of Qianzhang Lian'er is too huge after all, which is very inconvenient.

It must be transformed as soon as possible!

"I knew, Sister Fuyao must have a solution!" Lian'er suddenly became excited.

At this time, I also understood that Empress Fuyao said before that she could not transform into form, but she just wanted to use this reason to put pressure on Jiang Tian.

It's a pity that Jiang Tian's temperament obviously won't be coerced by others, so he broke up unhappy.

"Heh, of course I have a solution. Although it will take a little time, it's better than that stubborn guy!"

Empress Fuyao looked in a certain direction, snorted coldly, and waved Lian'er into the depths of Fuyao Tiangong.

"Lian'er, have you heard of the Dao Realm?" Fuyao asked.

"The Dao Realm? That seems to be the existence of the lower plane." Lian Er said.

"Wrong! The lower plane is the Dao Realm, not the Dao Realm. To put it bluntly, it can barely be regarded as a small branch of the Dao Realm that has been lost outside, and it has not been recognized by the Dao Realm to this day."

"So that's the case, what kind of interface is the Dao Realm? Compared with the super interface and the hidden interface, how strong is it?" Lian'er asked.

"The Dao Realm is not an interface of the upper plane, but an interface independent of the upper plane, but its scope is far larger than the entire upper plane!"

"What?" Lian'er was taken aback!

I thought that Dao Realm was just a special interface, but I didn't expect it to have such a big background.

"Then where is it?" Lian Er asked.

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