Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7751 The spirit-swallowing rat takes action!

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Qin Yao has noticed something strange.

After reaching the peak of Guiyuan Realm, her spiritual senses became extremely sensitive and she was able to detect abnormalities that could not be detected before.

Jiang Tian had naturally discovered this situation, and even noticed it earlier than she did.

At this moment, the two giant demon hand bones were imprisoned in the starry sky by some strange force, trembling slightly, but unable to escape.

"It's really weird. Could it be the power of the void?"

Jiang Tian immediately opened the body of the Law of the Void and sensed it.

His expression became strange.


What traps the giant demon's hand bones is not the power of the void, nor the law of the void or the law of space, but a special power - the power of the interface!

"What a powerful interface!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were extremely solemn.

This kind of power is not unfamiliar to him.

I had been in contact with it as early as in the lower realm.

After coming to the upper realm, he came into contact with this power more than once.

But what shocked him was that the power of the interface here was far beyond his imagination. It was definitely not comparable to the power of any interface he had seen before.

You know, in the past few years, especially in the past few months, he has traveled intensively among various large, medium and small interfaces.

The feeling of the power of interface has reached an unprecedented level.

But none of the interfaces he has experienced can compare with the power of the interface here!

"Why is the power of the interface here so terrifying?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he was horrified.

The power of the giant demon's hand bones is out of control and can easily destroy an interface, but here it is trapped and can only struggle helplessly, like a trapped animal trapped in a quagmire!

For other people, they might have despaired when facing this situation, but for Jiang Tian, ​​it might not be a desperate situation!

"What can Master do?" Qin Yao was a little surprised.

Judging from Jiang Tian's reaction, there doesn't seem to be any despair. Could it be that he really has a way to solve it?

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian unfolded the body of the Void Law, tried to crack the power of the interface, and retrieved the giant demon's hand bones.


As a result, once the two forces collided, his strength fell to the disadvantage and it was difficult to break through the interface barrier in front.

"Qin Yao, Si Tianjian controls so many planes, there should be some special means for the power of the interface, right?"

"Indeed, there are, but most of those interface masters go to places where the power of the interface cannot be compared with here. Si Tianjian's methods are not good here at all." Qin Yao shook her head and sighed.

"It doesn't matter, I'll think of a way!"

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and stared ahead.

The body of the law of the void didn't work, so he opened the field of the law of the void.

"Void Law Domain, open!"


The Law Domain opened, and he slowly swept forward, fearing that the movement would be too violent, which would blow away the bones of the giant demon's hand, or cause some unimaginable changes.

But what happened next proved that he really thought too much!

The Void Law Domain was also unable to shake the power of the interface in front of it, which made Jiang Tian even more shocked and surprised.

"The power of the interface here is simply ridiculously powerful!"

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed, and had no choice but to put away the body of the Law of the Void and use other methods to try.

"The power of attracting is rising!"


The force of the guiding force swings away and touches forward.

But the method he had high hopes for was still useless!


Jiang Tian withdrew his strength with a cold face.

After a second thought, I decisively activated the Xu-Swallowing Technique!

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"


This method has always been successful.

At the beginning, the world spirit told him that if he practiced the Void Swallowing Art to a high level, he could devour everything.

Presumably, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the power of the mere interface.

But what happened next shocked him completely!

"That doesn't work either?"

A look of horror flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

The power of the Void Swallowing Art was unable to suppress the power of the interface in front of him, and the giant monster's hand bones were still trembling hundreds of meters in front of him, but he couldn't touch it.

Jiang Tian tried several times, but to no avail, so he had to stop and think of another way.

He has tried all the methods related to space, but none of them worked, and other methods obviously didn't work.

After excluding all means, Jiang Tian's thoughts became clear instantly!

Now, there are still two ways to try in front of him:

One is to call out the giant monster's skeleton, use its powerful power to attract the giant monster's hand bone, and see if it can be forcibly recalled;

The second is to let the Spirit Swallowing Mouse take action, break through the power of the interface, and open a channel so that he can forcefully collect it.

Of course, there is another way, I don't know if it is feasible.

That is to use his body of the law of the void to teleport over there forcibly, and force the power of the interface to forcibly collect the giant monster's hand bones.

But this method is extremely dangerous!

If you miss it, you may even risk falling.

And among these three methods, the relatively safest one is to devour the spirit rat!

This kind of spirit beast is very talented and can deal with all kinds of dangerous situations.

"Spirit Swallowing Rat, come!"

"Zhizhi, what are your orders, master?"

"Try to open a passage for me!"

Jiang Tian pointed at the giant monster's hand bone opposite and issued an order.


Boom boom boom!

With a flash of silver light, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse spit out silver waves and opened the way forward.


Silver waves were everywhere, and the power of the interface was undulating. Sure enough, there were signs of melting, but it was very fast!

"It really works!"

Jiang Tian is overjoyed!

Although the speed is very slow, it is better than being helpless.

Next, as long as he waits patiently, he can take back the giant demon's hand bones!



The spirit-swallowing rat kept spitting out silver waves, but there was a look of surprise in its small eyes as big as rice grains.

With its power, even the most powerful magic circle can be broken instantly, but the seemingly nihilistic power of the interface makes it feel extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the distance is only a hundred feet, so just give it a little time to solve the problem.

"Master, please be patient, the mice are working hard to open up!"

"Don't rush, just take it step by step!"

Jiang Tian quickly comforted the spirit-swallowing rat to prevent it from getting anxious.

You must know that this little beast is actually extremely perverse and violent. When we first met him, he was a terrifying existence that killed people without batting an eyelid.

It was only after following him that I changed a lot.

Of course, this change is only for him as the master, and he is still perverse, violent and extremely dangerous to others.

Ninety feet, eighty feet, seventy feet... After three hours, the spirit-swallowing rat advanced fifty feet.

This speed made Qin Yao feel incredible!

But Jiang Tian frowned!

To be honest, it's too slow, beyond imagination.

But he didn't rush the spirit-swallowing rat because he understood the difficulty involved.

It takes so much effort to swallow a spirit rat. If it were anyone else, unless they had the strength of the Chaos Realm, they would probably be helpless.

Two hours later, the spirit-swallowing rat advanced another twenty feet.

At this moment, there is only less than thirty feet away from the giant demon's hand bones!

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