Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7754 Master’s Mission

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At that time, she also used the body-protecting spiritual light to resist, but she was completely vulnerable to the terrifying black flames.

Even her robes were instantly vaporized. If Jiang Tian hadn't unfolded the body of the Law of the Void in time, wrapped her in layers with the power of the Law of the Void, and held her in his arms, he would have endured the life-and-death crisis for her.

She had already died at that time. How could she have the chance to return to Qingtian Realm to tell Jin Tianxing and the elders this?

"The power of the chaos realm, what a terrifying method!"

The corners of Jin Tianxing's mouth twitched, and his heart was extremely horrified.

All the elders gasped, feeling deep fear in their hearts.

They also wanted to see such a scene.

But at the same time, they're glad they didn't experience it firsthand.

Otherwise, where is the life left at this moment?

At the moment of life and death, Jiang Tian may be able to protect Qin Yao alone, but with so many people present, the protection must not be complete.

"No wonder the master insists on sending you back. That's all. We really can't go, otherwise it will only cause more trouble for my master."

Jin Tianxing shook his head and sighed, and could only give up the thoughts in his heart with shame.

After calming down, he and the elders noticed that Qin Yao's military robe was completely different from before.


"Isn't this... the military robe my lord wore?"

"Qin Yao, why are you wearing my lord's martial robe?"

Everyone stared at Qin Yao with strange eyes.

Qin Yao has an extremely hot figure. In the past, they were used to wearing women's robes and didn't think there was anything special about her.

But now that she has changed into a men's robe, her hot figure still cannot be concealed, and she even has a different charm.

It was an eye-opener for everyone!

"Vice Leader Qin, is it possible that...what I told you has come true?"

Jin Tianxing said excitedly with a bright light in his eyes.

"That thing, what happened?" Qin Yao looked confused.

Jin Tianxing showed a strange smile: "Why should Leader Qin Yao ask questions knowingly? Jin once told you that you often travel with my Lord. One day, you may have the opportunity to be by his side. Now it seems that maybe a good thing has happened." !”

As soon as these words came out, the Dao League elders suddenly became excited and teased Qin Yao.

Some people even saluted her in an exaggerated manner and said something like "Meet the Supreme Alliance Leader's Wife" and other rude words.

"You...you guys, stop talking nonsense, nothing happened between me and the master!"

Qin Yao was ashamed and annoyed, blushing and refuting their speculation.

"Hehe, Leader Qin Yao doesn't have to be like this. Since it has happened, it is a good thing. You should be happy!"

"Jie Jie! No wonder the Supreme Alliance Leader insists on sending you back even at the expense of precious time. It turns out that is the reason!"

Everyone stared at Qin Yao and laughed strangely.

Qin Yao simply couldn't laugh or cry: "I misunderstood, you all misunderstood, the master gave me this martial robe just because..."

"Because of what?"

"Deputy Leader Qin, tell me, why do you seem to have something to hide?"

Everyone looked at Qin Yao, and the fire of gossip ignited in their hearts.

It seems that there are some secret things that are not allowed to be told to others, and everyone's expressions become more and more weird.

Qin Yao's face turned red. Thinking of her embarrassment at that time, she was indeed a little embarrassed to speak.

At that time, she was shaken away by the giant black hand to protect her body, her martial robe disappeared, and she almost died.

She survived only because Jiang Tian used the power of law to protect her. Afterwards, Jiang Tian gave her this martial robe to cover her body. How could it be as exaggerated as everyone imagined?

But how should she explain these details to everyone?

It's really inconvenient for her to talk about personal privacy!

"It seems that Deputy Leader Qin has acquiesced!"

"Hahahaha, congratulations to Alliance Leader Qin Yao, and congratulations to Deputy Alliance Leader Qin!"

Everyone bowed their hands to Qin Yao and looked at her differently.

At one time, Qin Yao was only the deputy leader and the second-largest figure below Jiang Tian in the Qingtian Dao Alliance.

But now, her identity and status may be superior to Jin Tianxing's.

Jin Tianxing didn't care about this, because he had such expectations and psychological preparations.

Without Jiang Tian's full cultivation and infusion, how could Qin Yao reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm in a short period of time?

"Unexpectedly, our Qingtian Dao Alliance already has a peak Guiyuan realm!"

"Quick, too fast!"

"I think it won't be long before our Qingtian Dao Alliance may give birth to the first great master of the Chaos Realm in history!"

"Who could this person be?"

"Is it the Supreme Alliance Leader who comes out on top, or the Vice Alliance Leader Qin who is one step ahead?"

“Worth looking forward to it!”

Everyone stared at Qin Yao with fiery eyes.

"Don't say anything! I tell you clearly that nothing happened between the master and me. The master sent me back this time on a mission!"

"Oh, what mission?"


Qin Yao waved her hand, and a pile of storage rings like a hill appeared in everyone's eyes.

Everyone was stunned and shocked!

Qin Yao solemnly said: "These are the trophies gained during this trip. They all come from the strong men of the Guiyuan Realm, and more than half of them come from the late and peak stages of the Guiyuan Realm!"

"My master ordered me to bring back these resources so that everyone can practice hard and strive to give birth to more powerful Guiyuan Realm masters!"

"I see!"

"Don't worry, Deputy Leader Qin, we will definitely live up to the expectations of the Supreme Leader!"

Everyone was shouting excitedly and their blood was boiling.

With such a huge amount of resources guaranteed, if you can't cultivate to a strong strength, it will really be a waste.

"We must not let down the master's painstaking efforts. We will sort them out immediately and distribute and receive them according to the level of cultivation!"

Jin Tianxing waved his hand, and the elders and disciples immediately started to sort out these cultivation resources.

"What are Deputy Alliance Leader Qin's next plans?"

"I have no other plans but to carry out the master's orders!"

"Oh, what other orders did my Lord give you?" Jin Tianxing asked.

"Go into seclusion with all your strength and strive to break through the realm of chaos as soon as possible!"

"Chaos realm... hiss!" Jin Tianxing gasped, with a look of awe in his eyes.

His cultivation level is still in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm.

If Qin Yao really reaches the realm of chaos, she will truly become his "senior".

"Time is precious, so without further ado, Deputy Alliance Leader Qin, please start retreating immediately and strive to become the first Chaos Realm member in the Tao Alliance!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Yao wasted no time and immediately went to the forbidden area to start retreat.

The next thing will be fully controlled by Jin Tianxing.

"Vice Leader Qin has only been out for less than a month and has already reached the peak of Guiyuan Realm. Everyone, we are under great pressure!"

"Next, everyone will work hard for me and strive to break through as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Alliance Leader!"

Countless cultivation resources were distributed, and a cultivation frenzy set off within the Qingtian Dao Alliance.

These rare resources from distant interfaces bring them powerful nourishment.

There are many things they have never seen or even heard of, and there is no problem with these brand-new resources declining in effectiveness.

In a short period of time, a large number of Dao Alliance warriors broke through.

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