Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7795 Forbidden God Curse

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts were flying in Jiang Tian's mind, which shocked him extremely.

However, at this moment, he had no time to think too much and could only deal with the immediate crisis first.

"World-Destroying Soul Light, give it to me!"

"Hmph! A mere Heavenly Soul Master wants to fight against my 'Forbidden God Curse'. He is really an ant who doesn't know the heights of the world!"


In the roar of filial piety, a mighty coercion suddenly spread out, sweeping across Jiang Tian's divine sea.


Jiang Tian held his head and screamed, and Shenhai almost lost control.

At this moment, he was extremely shocked!

The world-destroying soul light was actually unable to stop the opponent's "Forbidden God Curse".

And those two divine rays that turned into villains were devouring him crazily in his divine sea, as if they wanted to drain his soul.

Extreme pain enveloped him, and that feeling was indescribable to any severe physical pain.

Along the way from the lower world, Jiang Tian experienced countless near-death situations.

His physical body has endured too much pain, his spiritual mind has also undergone some transformation, and he has experienced all kinds of unimaginable scenes.

But there has never been a time when it was as painful as it is now!

"No! Get out of my divine sea!"

! .

Jiang Tian screamed filial piety and once again urged Nie Lei to suppress it.

But even if the evil thunder and the world-destroying soul light exerted their power together, they still could not suppress the golden figures transformed by the two divine lights.

It seems that he is unable to reverse the situation. Once his soul is swallowed up by these two little golden figures, he will definitely become a walking corpse!

"No, I can never die like this!"

! .

At the moment of life and death, Jiang Tian had countless strong thoughts in his heart.

The giant demon's hand bones have not yet been recovered, the Star Law has not yet been obtained, and most importantly, his long-cherished wish since the lower world is to find his long-lost mother, but there is still no clear clue yet!

All his long-cherished wishes have not been fulfilled, and he must not perish here!

"The power of bloodline is rising!"


The purple light around Jiang Tian surged, and his bloodline will suddenly exploded, instantly blasting into the divine sea.

"Dragon bloodline? Huh, it's useless. There are countless dragon monsters and strong men who have died in my hands. Even if you are of dragon bloodline, don't even think about it... Well, no, what is going on?"

The old man's voice suddenly became surprised.

Shockingly, he discovered that the power of his blood had become extremely violent, pouring into the divine sea and crazily suppressing his "Forbidden God Curse".

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to have some abilities. It seems that your bloodline is not ordinary, but this is better, and my gains will be greater, hahahaha!"

The old man laughed wildly, as if he had seen some rare treasure.

"Forbidden God Curse, swallow it for me!"


The old man's voice sounded again, and the two little golden figures turned their spearheads and began to crazily devour the power of Jiang Tian's blood.


Violent roars resounded, and a crazy battle took place in Jiang Tian's divine sea.

The power of the bloodline of the Savage Blood Dragon suppressed the two little golden figures, and at the same time, they were also forcibly swallowed by the opponent.

Jiang Tian was extremely shocked!

If it is an external opponent, he still has various methods at his disposal.

But in his own divine sea, there are really not many methods he can use.

The evil thunder and the world-destroying soul light were suppressed, and the power of the bloodline was passive again at this moment.

There seems to be no way to resolve the current predicament.

At this critical moment of life and death, a surprising scene appeared!


A sudden movement occurred in the divine sea, and a purple gold lotus platform suddenly appeared!

"Well, what is this?"

There was a hint of surprise and confusion in the old man's voice.

But then he became disdainful.

"Tsk! A broken lotus platform dares to show off in front of me, so let me control it!"


As soon as he finished speaking, one of the two little golden figures landed on the lotus platform. It was the one that looked exactly like Zi Shuang Qiu Xian.

The other little golden man who looked exactly like Jiang Tian was still devouring and resisting the power of Jiang Tian's blood.


On the purple-gold lotus platform, the little golden figure who resembled Zishuang Qiuxian was furiously kneading, and wisps of divine light came out of the purple-gold lotus platform, trying to suppress it.

But the next moment, two strange lights, one black and one white, suddenly emerged from the center of the lotus platform, firmly suppressing the little golden man.

"The Law of Time! Damn it, how is that possible?"

The old man's voice became panicked.

What surged out from the center of the purple golden lotus platform was the powerful law of time!

If it were the laws of space, he would have nothing to fear.

The law of time cannot be ignored.

What's more, he is still in the opponent's divine sea.

"Are you scared?"

The moment the law of time emerged, Jiang Tian regained his composure and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Hmph, do you really think you can do anything to win over me?"

The old man's voice became ferocious again.

"Yes, what emerges from this lotus platform is indeed the rare law of time, but its power is not strong enough and may not be able to restrain me!"


At the same time as the words rang out, the little golden man surrounded by strange black and white light suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light, trying to break away from the shackles of the law and escape.

But the next moment, without waiting for Jiang Tian to move, the purple-gold lotus platform suddenly opened its layers of lotus petals, wrapping the little golden man in it, making it impossible for him to escape.

"not good!"

The old man was shocked, but he was unable to change the situation.


The purple-gold lotus platform turned around, and the lotus petals continued to shrink downwards, and a terrifying abnormal sound came from inside.

"No... stop it, how dare you, I am... ah, no!"

! .

Furious roars came from the purple golden lotus platform, and the old man's voice already revealed a hint of uneasiness, even fear and regret.


In a moment, the lotus petals of the purple golden lotus platform were completely suppressed.

The golden figure in the center of the lotus platform turns into pieces of golden divine light and blends into the lotus platform.

The strange black and white lights also disappeared.


The lotus platform flashed with purple light and appeared under another little golden figure.

It was the little golden man who looked exactly like Jiang Tian, ​​who was devouring the soul, but stopped suddenly at this moment.

It was surrounded by lotus petals that suddenly bloomed on the purple lotus platform.


The old man's roar of filial piety was heard again, and strange lights of black and white appeared.

Not long after, the little golden man was completely destroyed.

The moment the purple golden lotus platform disappeared, two golden lights spurted out.

It turned into layers of golden ripples and spread out, nourishing Jiang Tian's divine sea.


Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he was greatly surprised.

Just now, the two little golden figures devoured his spiritual thoughts and even the power of his divine soul, causing him great loss and damaging his divine sea.

The feedback at this moment not only repaired the previous wounds, but also made his divine sea grow stronger.

After the golden ripples merged into the divine sea, his divine soul grew by nearly 30%!

The evil thunder and soul-destroying soul light were also nourished, and their power was significantly increased.

"There are such benefits, but who is that mysterious old man?"

Jiang Tian stared at the two stone statues, his brows furrowed and puzzled.

There is no doubt that the other party can seal the two divine lights in the stone statue, and it is still so powerful after countless years of baptism.

It is enough to prove that his cultivation is powerful and his methods are extraordinary!

But he was completely confused about the other party's identity.

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