Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7875 Powerless

"Star Bow Technique?"

Qin Yao was confused.

"This is some kind of forbidden technique taught by Empress Fuyao. It is extremely powerful. It gathers the power of the stars into arrows and can blast through solid interface barriers!"

"So strong!"

! .

Qin Yao was shocked!

"Will there be any problems if this kind of main attack technique is used to repair magic weapons?"

"No, with the help of its abundant starry sky power, there is great hope to repair the sky-shielding umbrella!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said.

"The master is wise!"

"let's start!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the two of them immediately got busy.

Thousands of magic weapons containing spatial attributes were thrown into the array one after another.

After activating the "Qiankun Sky-Seeking Small Formation", a large amount of starry sky power gathered.

Jiang Tian activated the body of law, poured the law of void into it, and began to refine the sky-shielding umbrella.


As a quasi-Taoist weapon and a magic weapon for confinement and suppression, the sky-shielding umbrella is inherently extremely strong.

The force of Qiankun Xunkong's small formation was slightly closer, triggering its instinctive self-preservation reaction, and it was rebounded away in the blink of an eye.


After several attempts, the sky-shading umbrella's rejection became stronger and stronger.

Qin Yao turned pale with fright and felt very uneasy.

"Master, if this continues, I'm afraid something will go wrong!"

The power of the sky-shielding umbrella is terrifying. Once it gets out of control, not to mention the weapon refining hall and the newly built Dao Alliance territory will be razed to the ground.

"It's really not that simple."

Jiang Tian was already prepared to face difficulties.

After all, this is a quasi-Dao artifact, and it is not a native quasi-Dao artifact, but one that fell from a Dao artifact.

Its sturdiness far exceeds that of the original quasi-Taoist weapon, and it is indeed difficult to be sacrificed.

But that doesn't mean he's helpless.

"The burning weapon is really fire, start it!"


Jiang Tian summoned the weapon-burning true fire and used it simultaneously with the weapon-refining array and the Qiankun Xunkong small array in the weapon-refining hall.

Three forces wrapped around the sky-shading umbrella, trying to penetrate continuously.

But he soon discovered that this method was useless!

"It still doesn't work, what should I do?" Qin Yao frowned.

She knew almost nothing about the art of weapon refining and could do nothing about this situation.

Jiang Tian remained calm.

Immediately take out Huo Ruyi and call out the spirit of earth flames.

"What are your orders, Master?"

"Control the true fire of the incinerator and help me refine the sky-shielding umbrella!"

"Master, don't worry!"

The Earth Flame Spirit is full of confidence.

Isn't it just a magic weapon to be sacrificed? It is really not worth mentioning.

But then, it was dumbfounded!

Even if it exerts all its strength, the real fire of the burning weapon cannot touch the surface of the sky-shielding umbrella.

"This... what kind of treasure is this, with such strong defense?"

"This is a quasi-Dao weapon."

"Quasi Taoist weapon!"

The Earth Flame Spirit's heart twitched and he was suddenly speechless.

Its power is not comparable to that of a quasi-Taoist weapon. Even if it is blessed with true fire, it cannot do anything.

After several repeated attempts, he was almost annihilated by the power of the sky-shielding umbrella, and was too frightened to step forward.

"Master...Master, this magic weapon is too terrifying, Yanling is really...powerless!"

"..." Qin Yao rolled her eyes beside her.

The bullshit was blown just now, but now it is cowardly. This Earth Flame Spirit is also unreliable.

"It's not your fault."

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but was not surprised.

Although the Earth Flame Spirit is full of spirituality and powerful, it is still powerless in the face of the astonishingly powerful quasi-Dao weapon.

Qin Yao sighed silently in her heart.

Looking at this formation, the sacrifice may not be completed.

"Master, even if the sky-shielding umbrella is damaged, it is still a quasi-Dao weapon and its power is still considerable."

On the invisible side, no one should be able to break through the sky-shielding umbrella.

Therefore, whether the sacrifice can be successful or not actually has little impact.

"You are wrong. If the damage is not repaired, the power of the Sky-shading Umbrella will continue to be lost, and every time it is used, its Daoyun will lose one point. As time goes by, the level will decline. When it falls to the artifact At this level, it will be difficult to return to a quasi-Dao weapon."

"so serious?"

Qin Yao's face looked ugly.

There is a huge difference between a quasi-Dao weapon and a divine weapon. No wonder Jiang Tian is eager to repair it.

But how to solve this dilemma?

"As things stand now, there is only one way!"

"What can I do?" Qin Yao was curious.

"Recognize the Lord with blood!"


Jiang Tian flicked his fingers and dropped a drop of blood essence into the sky-shading umbrella.


The sky-shielding umbrella shook violently throughout its body, actually rejecting this drop of blood, as if it didn't want it to penetrate.

"All the strong men from the Taichu clan have been repulsed by me. Everything is not up to you!"

Jiang Tian sneered and directly activated the blood aura suppression.


The powerful bloodline aura enveloped the Sky-shading Umbrella, and then there was a violent backlash.

"Master, be careful!"

Qin Yao's face changed drastically!

The power of the sky-shielding umbrella is terrifying, and if it gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It doesn't matter, just stay back!"

Qin Yao stepped back helplessly.

Jiang Tian took a step forward and came directly under the sky-shading umbrella.

Withstanding its pressure, he activated the body of law and forcibly infused it.

Rumble, rumble!

The sky-shielding umbrella is still struggling fiercely, and it is obvious that it cannot be easily suppressed by blood and will alone.

After all, this is a quasi-Taoist weapon, not a monster beast.

If it were a monster, Jiang Tian could suppress it by just releasing the power of his bloodline.

But as a quasi-Dao weapon, its corresponding martial arts level is above Jiang Tian's level, so it does not yield to Jiang Tian.

"It's just a quasi-Taoist weapon. Do you really think you're great?"

Jiang Tian sneered and sacrificed the Taiyi Spirit Wood.


The dark green spiritual light surged wildly, and the Taiyi Spirit Wood was suspended above the sky-shielding umbrella, stretching out a large number of dark green rattans to hold down the umbrella surface, suppressing it forcefully.

At the same time, billowing dark green spiritual energy surged out, transforming into the eight-character magic formula.

Taiyi Mitian, all laws return to their original state!

The sacred tree hung above the head, and the sky-shading umbrella had to mobilize most of its strength to resist.

Jiang Tian's pressure suddenly decreased, he urged his bloodline will and forcibly started the master recognition ceremony.



With a loud noise, the sky-shielding umbrella shook violently, and Jiang Tian's blood seeped into the umbrella handle.

The umbrella body trembled violently and made a strange buzzing sound.

Waves of Tao rhyme rippled out and echoed around.

At this time, thousands of magic weapons suspended in the void were all activated to absorb and suppress these Taoist charms.

Qin Yao glanced around nervously, her expression suddenly changed!

"Master, this is not good!"


Jiang Tian turned his head and looked, his expression changed immediately!

I saw that the more than a thousand magic weapons were unable to completely and completely resolve the invasion of Tao Yun from the main position.

"Being suppressed by Taiyi Lingmu, you still have such great power?"

Jiang Tian felt something was wrong.

The body of law was immediately activated, but it was still unable to completely suppress the abnormal movements of the sky-shielding umbrella.

"Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were filled with stern expression.

If he had known this, he might have considered performing sacrifices in the Zixuan Realm.

But now, it is obviously too late to move the venue.

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"


In desperation, Jiang Tian launched the Void Swallowing Technique and forcibly swallowed the ripples of Dao Yun in the void.

At the same time, step up the bloodshed to identify the master!

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