Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7880 Late stage of Hongmeng Realm!

of course not!

Therefore, his only and most urgent goal now is to break the bottleneck and enter the late stage of Hongmeng Realm.

Once he reaches that level, it will be difficult for a powerful person from the Taichu realm to threaten him.

Even if he is at the level of Taichu Hai who is half a step into the Origin Realm, he is still confident to fight against him!


Violent roars resounded throughout the secret land, and waves of blood frenzy arose within Jiang Tian's body.

The bloodline spiritual power increased sharply at an astonishing speed, reaching the late stage of Hongmeng Realm.

Half a day later!

Ang, groan!


The Nine Heavens Dragon Roar resounded over the Taoist Alliance, and a huge vortex covered the sky and blocked the sun, spitting out a pillar of spiritual power and pouring it down crazily.

This is a sign that Jiang Tian has advanced, he is filling his body with spiritual energy!

"In the late stage of Hongmeng Realm, rush for me!"

In an instant, Jiang Tian's bottleneck was broken.

The craze of blood originating from the body and the pillar of spiritual energy coming from high altitude both exerted force, pushing him to the late stage of Hongmeng Realm!

"Late stage of Hongmeng realm, it's done!"

Jiang Tian let out an excited shout, exuding unprecedented martial arts will.

Officially entering the late stage of Hongmeng Realm!



Click, click!

There were constant strange sounds in Jiang Tian's body, and there were bursts of heart-stopping roars.

The body of the true dragon and the body of the star sword were the first to undergo changes.

The two powers merged with each other, causing an unprecedented wave of fluctuations in his body.

"The physical body and the sword body can actually reach such a harmonious state?"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

There was a time when the body, the sword, and even the spiritual power of blood were incompatible with one another, or even incompatible.

But now, there is a strange blend between the true dragon's body and physical power and the star sword intention of the star sword body.

What a wonderful thing!

Immediately afterwards, the body of law began to transform, and the power of law became more and more powerful, even reaching a new level at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The seven laws of the five elements, thunder and lightning, and void were intertwined crazily, turning into an unprecedented huge wave of laws, surging crazily in his body.

The next moment, it surged out of the body again, causing ripples of the law of formation in the secret land of the Dao Alliance!


On the outskirts of his secret retreat, a piece of spiritual bamboo was swept by the law of fire and withered instantly!

But the next moment, with the caressing of a wood element law, it instantly glowed with astonishing vitality.

The newly withered spirit bamboo began to grow crazily, reaching hundreds of feet in height!


Another law swept across, the law of metal!

Kaka, boom!

All the spiritual bamboos instantly turned into powder, unable to withstand the crushing force of the metallic law.

The next moment, the water law passed by, saving a little bit of life for Lingzhu.

The earth laws swept in, and the spiritual bamboo began to breed again. When the second wave of wood laws came, the spiritual bamboos skyrocketed like a mountain peak!

Repeating this cycle, this piece of spiritual bamboo staged a crazy cycle of reincarnation.

The laws of thunder passed by, and countless thunder threads entangled on the spiritual bamboo, carving mysterious thunder patterns on it.

In the blink of an eye, this piece of spiritual bamboo was endowed with the mysterious power of thunder and turned into a rare thunder bamboo.

The Law of the Void swept across, and this piece of spiritual bamboo was directly annihilated, as if it had never existed!

At the same time, a mountain peak on the outskirts of the secret land was also being swept away by the law.

A lake not far away has also undergone tremendous changes.

Jiang Tian stared at the changes caused by various laws, as if witnessing the reincarnation of time and space.

A sense of vicissitudes of life surged inexplicably in his heart.

The seven laws of the five elements, thunder and lightning, and void are constantly wreaking havoc and fluctuation.

Scenes of reincarnation were staged.

He was stunned!

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly woke up!

The vicissitudes of life, the reincarnation of time and space?

Isn’t this the power of time? !

"The power of time, the law of time?"

Jiang Tian's heart was shocked, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, I remembered the treasure I relied on most, the Holy Bell of Yuan Tian!

When he was in the lower realm, that was his biggest trump card.

Even for a period of time after crossing over, it was still one of his strong trump cards.

It's a pity that he was forced to self-destruct by the powerful Si Tianjian, leaving behind regrets that still cannot be healed.

But amidst all the great changes that followed, he discovered that the power of the original Holy Bell had not completely disappeared.

It still stung in his body in a special way.

He was always inspired when he was in desperate situation.

Although the power is no longer as powerful as before, it still has incredible miraculous effects, often helping him get out of trouble in the most dangerous moments.

"Original Holy Bell, Law of Time!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, as the black and white holy bell seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

If that important treasure is still there, maybe he can use it to understand the law of time?

But now, we can only imagine through the cycle of seven laws.

This made Jiang Tian feel extremely regretful.

Compared with the real Yuantian Holy Bell, this kind of imagination is like seeing flowers in the mist, and not only getting twice the result with half the effort in front of you, but the final result may be nothing.

Jiang Tian suppressed his thoughts and silently understood the changes in spiritual power in the later stage of Hongmeng Realm.

One day later, the retreat ended.

"Coming out so soon?"

"The aura of the Supreme Alliance Leader... is so powerful!"

"Advanced, the Supreme Alliance Leader has advanced!"

! .

In the main hall of the Dao Alliance, all the elders felt the change in Jiang Tian's aura and were all shocked.

"Congratulations to my lord on your successful advancement!"

"Congratulations to the Supreme Alliance Leader on your advancement!"

Jin Tianxing and all the elders congratulated Jiang Tian.

"Where's Qin Yao?"

"Reporting to my lord, Deputy Leader Qin is still in seclusion. If everything goes well, he might be able to enter the middle stage of Hongmeng Realm when he comes out of seclusion!"

Speaking of Qin Yao, Jin Tianxing couldn't hide his envy.

Qin Yao had just entered the early stage of Hongmeng Realm, and quickly retreated to enter the middle stage.

And all of this was achieved through Jiang Tian's infusion, which is really enviable.

"My lord, do you have any instructions? Do you want your subordinates to summon her?" Jin Tianxing asked cautiously.

"Don't bother her."

Jiang Tian waved his hand and refused.

What a warrior needs in retreat is peace and quiet, and should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary.

At this time, Zishuang Qiuxian was also thinking a lot.

Although her combat power is not as good as Jiang Tian's, she still has an advantage in realm.

But now, Jiang Tian has entered the late stage of Hongmeng Realm and has equaled her realm, and the gap in combat power between the two is getting wider and wider.

She originally thought she had the opportunity to take one step ahead of Jiang Tian and enter the Taichu realm.

But now it seems that there may be suspense again!

"Jin Tianxing, how are you mastering the sky-shielding umbrella?"

"Reporting to my lord, my subordinates have recently communicated with each other and used their own blood and spiritual power to nourish the sky-shielding umbrella. They have initially mastered the method of activating it, but they have not yet had the opportunity to feel its powerful power in actual combat."

"Although the sky-shielding umbrella is powerful, it is best if it is not used." Jiang Tian said lightly.

Jin Tianxing was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the deep meaning of Jiang Tian's words.

A magic weapon of this level like the sky-shielding umbrella would only be used when encountering a major threat.

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