Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8083 The mission is over

"Hahaha, brother Jiang, you're welcome. You and I can cooperate properly, both internally and externally, so that we can show some people that Hua is not just a talker."

Hua Wanhai laughed and looked at the three captains next to him with a look of pride on his face.

"If it were them, they would be scratching their heads and scratching their heads in anxiety, and they would be helpless. If Brother Jiang cooperated with that kind of person, he would be trapped in it and die!"

The three captains were embarrassed by what he said, but at this time, it was hard to argue with him.

He just stepped forward to congratulate Jiang Tian on his return, and at the same time asked about various details inside the dust nebula.

"Is there a storm of stars stirring in this dust nebula?"

"Fellow Daoist Jiang is inside, are you having any adventures?"

"Did Fellow Daoist Jiang really get lost before, or is there something else going on?"

The three captains asked repeatedly, obviously not thinking that Jiang Tian was really lost. They were more concerned that there might be some adventure or opportunity that caused Jiang Tian to waste time.

Hua Wanhai's so-called guidance may just be a coincidence. Jiang Tian may be able to escape without his help. The reason why he follows the guidance and returns is just to take advantage of the situation.

Naturally, Jiang Tian could not fail to see what the three of them were thinking.

He shook his head and said, "As you can see, this dust nebula is the same from the inside out, with no other changes."

"How can it be?"

The three captains were shocked and did not believe Jiang Tian's words.

Instead, I felt that Jiang Tian might be covering something up in order to hide his gains.

"Haha, speaking of which, fellow Daoist Jiang is in danger alone, and we can't help him. Even if he gets an opportunity, it has nothing to do with us."

"Of course we have no covetous and inquiring intentions. We are just curious. If Jiang Tiandao doesn't want to talk about it, forget it."

The two captains on the left and right seemed to use this rhetoric to ask Jiang Tian to provide further evidence. The one in the middle sighed: "I believe that Fellow Daoist Jiang's answer is inconsistent with the facts. It may not be that Fellow Daoist Jiang deliberately concealed it. Perhaps the dust nebula is so weird that Fellow Daoist Jiang has not been able to come into contact with its true meaning."

core. "

This seems to be relatively fair. It not only gives Jiang Tian enough trust and respect, but also does not blindly rule out more possibilities.

Jiang Tian nodded: "It is indeed possible, because there is no sense of direction or direction at all. If it weren't for the secret skills of Taoist Hua to guide the way, it would be difficult for me to escape now."

Both sides seemed to be very candid in their remarks, but as to how much they believed each other, only they knew best.

Hua Wanhai doesn't dwell on these things, because it's useless to dwell on them.

Even if Jiang Tian really gained something, it would be human nature not to share it.

"Haha, if you three don't believe it, you might as well go in and have a look yourself. Hua will never stop you."

"..." How could the three captains have such courage?

You see, with Jiang Tian's ability, they were almost trapped inside. How dare they dare to go in and die?

"Let's go, let's go somewhere else." Hua Wanhai waved his hand and prepared to leave.

"These star storms are really weird. If I had known this, I would never have let Brother Jiang go in."


Jiang Tian raised his hand to stop everyone.

He was once lost inside the dust nebula, and now that he was outside, he naturally had to take a closer look.

"Guys, please wait a moment."

Jiang Tian activated Star Leap and repeatedly traveled around the dust nebula in the starry sky, observing carefully from all angles.

After a while, he returned again and waved to everyone.

"Let's go."

Hua Wanhai had no objection.

The reactions of the three captains were a bit strange. They hesitated to speak and looked thoughtful.

If they were doubtful about Jiang Tian's answer just now, now they are more convinced.

Such behavior showed that Jiang Tian also had great doubts about this dust nebula, and it seemed that he did not get any benefit from it.

Of course, it may also be done on purpose to deceive others.

But if you think about it carefully, it's really unnecessary.

Everyone continued to move forward, looking for new targets to attack.

Dozens of star storms in this starry sky appear to be densely packed, but are actually extremely far apart.

The smallest Star Storm is at least as big as a small interface.

They are also quite far apart from each other, otherwise they would have collided or merged into a ball.

Those large-scale star storms are often dealt with by teams of dozens of people.

Many of them have been suppressed one after another.

And those warriors who have completed their basic tasks are also looking for new storms.

There are already very few targets who need help from Jiang Tian and others.

After the group of people suppressed the eleven groups of storms one after another, the mission was declared completed.

Everyone gathered again.

Of the original five hundred people, there were only more than two hundred left at this time, and more than half were lost!

Everyone's mood is heavy, but those who can stand here are survivors, or the final victors, so there is really no need to be too sad.

Many people had excitement on their faces.

"Everyone, please cheer up. Martial arts practitioners are not trying to survive in the face of death. Those fellow Taoists who died were because they didn't have enough opportunities, and it's not our fault."

"The mission is over, let's go back quickly to get the reward!"


More than two hundred people went straight to the starry sky teleportation array, and would then teleport back to the Zhenkong Hall through here.

Then they disbanded from Zhenkong Hall and returned to their respective places of origin.

In front of the temporary star teleportation array, there are strong men from Zhenkong Palace guarding it.

Jiang Tian discovered that the situation of some other teams was similar to theirs, with considerable losses in personnel.

Some came back with more than 300 people, some even only came back with more than 100, which was extremely tragic.

Hua Wanhai, who had always been carefree, became serious.

"Just to suppress the star storm, we lost so many people. What if it turns into a star storm?"

"What if it's a plane disaster?" Jiang Tian asked.

Hua Wanhai frowned and fell into silence.

Whether it's a star storm or a star storm, they can still avoid it.

But if a plane catastrophe occurs, the warriors in the entire plane will not be able to stay away.

The most pitiful people are the ordinary people.

They were already weak and had no chance of surviving the terrible plane disaster.

Unless there are warriors and powerful martial arts forces taking care of them.

But when a plane catastrophe occurs, the warriors and martial arts forces themselves cannot protect themselves, so what power can they have to take care of mortals?

The three captains also fell silent, frowning.

The calamity of the plane is like a huge shadow covering everyone's mind, and it is like a huge mountain that weighs down everyone and makes them breathless.

"If a plane catastrophe really occurs, how many more tribulations will we be able to survive?"

This question, no one can answer for the time being.

Which warrior doesn't want to be reborn and continue his path?

But the problem is, with the horror of the plane disaster, who dares to say that he will be able to withstand it?

Natural calamities are difficult and dangerous, Dao disasters are terrifying, and eternal calamities often make people despair. But in the face of the calamity of the plane, the first two seem to be just child's play!

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