After the dull loud noise, Jiang Tian crashed through several stone walls again and landed on an open space dozens of feet away.


Jiang Tian got up and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, with an extremely dignified expression.

A burst of purple light lingered all over his body, and a powerful aura of cultivation rose up again.

"Oh?" The gray-robed old man had a strange look. He didn't expect Jiang Tian to stand up even after he forcibly endured a spiritual attack from him.

If it were any other warrior, even a strong man at the half-step Profound Realm, the horror would have already been severely injured at this moment, how could this junior with a low cultivation level at the Moon Lane Realm still be able to forcefully support it?

It really surprised him!

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can last?"

The grey-robed old man's face flashed fiercely, and his mighty coercion swayed out again, and the fluctuation of spiritual power pierced through the air, and Jiang Tian was forced to fly again.


The roar gradually dissipated, and the figure of the gray-robed old man landed on the place where Jiang Tian stood just now.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was sent flying tens of feet again, and landed in a building ruin. It seemed that he had no power to resist.

However, at the next moment, a purple light rose suddenly, and Jiang Tian exuded a powerful aura of cultivation again!

"Hiss!" The gray-robed old man's mouth twitched, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"How can this kid be so strong physically?"

Jiang Tian was surrounded by purple light, and a phantom like a purple angry dragon spun around him endlessly, sweeping away the spiritual power around him, and at the same time, his cultivation base slowly recovered.

In fact, he didn't need to be so embarrassed, even if he lost to the opponent, he didn't need to be so forceful to withstand the opponent's attack.

The reason why he did this was to use the coercion of a quasi-xuan realm powerhouse to exercise the endurance of the tyrannical dragon body!

Since his Tyrannosaurus Body has reached the third level, it has not broken through again for a long time. He wants to take this rare opportunity to temper the endurance of his physical body, so that the sturdy and unbreakable Tyrannosaurus Body will appear advanced. opportunity!

He is very clear that if he has been going through it smoothly, the limit of the Tyrant Dragon Body will not be challenged, and there will be no pressure and motivation to advance.

It is very difficult to advance this kind of physique, coupled with his extraordinary aptitude, his real combat power far exceeds that of the same level and even crushes the peak warriors of the Chongyang Realm, and he rarely encounters any decent shocks.

This also determines that the body of the tyrannical dragon has little chance to reach the limit state. In this tepid state equivalent to a "greenhouse", trying to break through again is tantamount to a dream!

And as far as he feels, if he doesn't temper his body hard, even if his cultivation level breaks through to the Chongyang Realm, the body of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon may not be able to advance accordingly.

This is absolutely unacceptable situation for him!

Canglan Country is not a tiny place like Qingxuan Country. Quasi-Profound Realm powerhouses are not uncommon here, and there are even real Profound Realm powerhouses in the minority.

With his current cultivation base, he might only die if he encounters a real strong person in the profound realm!

Even if he possesses all kinds of magic weapons, it will be difficult to change his disadvantages in strength. After all, a strong man of that level can crush quasi-xuan realm warriors with just a wave of his hand.

But now, even a Quasi-Profound Realm warrior can't face him head-on. If the Tyrannosaurus Body is unable to break through, it will definitely become a major shortcoming for him.

"Is this the strength of your Quasi-Profound Realm powerhouse? I think the strength of your spiritual power is nothing more than that!"

A flash of determination flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, he wiped away the blood slowly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and provocatively said.

"Huh? How unreasonable!"

The old man in gray robe couldn't stop cursing when he heard the words, the other party had already been blown away by him three times, and he dared to say such wild words, it is really boundless arrogance!


A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the surging spiritual power surged out again, and Jiang Tianzhen flew out without any explanation.

"Hahahaha! Why is your spiritual power getting worse and worse?" Jiang Tian jumped up, with purple light flashing wildly all over his body, and laughed loudly.

"Extreme arrogance!"

The gray-robed old man was furious again, and Jiang Tian was sent flying with a powerful surge of spiritual power.

"Hahahaha! Are you tickling me?" Jiang Tian laughed wildly, his expression wild.

"Looking for death!" The gray-robed old man's eyes blazed coldly, and with a wave of his right hand, violent spiritual power swept out again.


This time, the strength of the spiritual power suddenly increased to a level, and it directly hit Jiang Tian's body, almost shaking away all the purple light from the body protection.

Jiang Tian groaned and vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, and flew out backwards, and flew out tens of feet away again. After getting up, he shook for a while, and the purple light on the body of the Tyrant Dragon's body was almost about to collapse.

Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, stretched out his arms and looked intently, a gleam flashed in his eyes!

"Hmph! A strong person in the quasi-xuan realm is nothing more than that. He wants me to lie down just because of the coercion of his spiritual power. It's just a daydream!"

Jiang Tian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his expression extremely insolent.

"What did you say? Damn you, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

Murderous intent flickered in the eyes of the old man in gray robe, he almost thought he heard it wrong.

What is he saying?

This minion at the Moon Grasping dare to despise the strength of spiritual power of a strong person at the Quasi-Profound Realm?

Simply arrogant, extremely ridiculous!


The gray-robed old man yelled angrily, and with a flick of his right hand, violent spiritual power swept out again.


The void was instantly shaken, and there was a sense of chill in the air, and the strange sound of "sizzling" resounded through the air, revealing a strange aura!

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Under his constant provocation, the gray-robed old man finally moved to kill. This time, the power of his attack was more than doubled, and the spiritual power attribute became extremely tyrannical, full of will to kill.

Faced with such a powerful method, he was not sure to take it smoothly with only the body of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, but if he used other methods, he could not make the Body of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon better tempered.


Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted, the purple light all over his body suddenly brightened, and a phantom in the shape of a dragon rolled wildly around him, bursting out amazing spiritual power!

"Hmph! A little trick!"

The gray-robed old man could already see something weird. This purple-clothed young man's body was far stronger than that of his peers, even stronger than Chongyang-level warriors.

However, it would be naive to want to block his attack with only this method!


The violent spiritual power bombarded with a dull and loud noise, and the sound of "hissing" in the void continued, forming a terrifying killing frenzy that rolled towards Jiang Tian fiercely.

Pfft... Jiang Tian groaned, vomited blood and flew back, and the purple light all over his body flickered several times, and it suddenly dimmed.


Without the protection of the purple light from the body protection, a strange scream rushed down, and he could not help but bombard him like a gust of wind and rain, making his clothes tattered, and countless bloodstains appeared on his body surface!

"Hiss..." The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, feeling as if countless sharp knives had been cut on his body, which was extremely painful.

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