Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0824 Tianluozong

Several young warriors with similar cultivation bases chatted endlessly, all of them were full of energy, obviously they were all wealthy people.

"Chongyang Realm Late Stage!"

Jiang Tian was somewhat surprised that he could feel their cultivation without turning his head.

These people's cultivation realm is quite not weak, and they seem to be stronger than the top geniuses of Purple Star Academy, but it is not difficult to find from their words that they are not sure about joining the three major sects!

"Has the martial arts level of Canglan Nation reached such a high level?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, concentrating on contemplation.

Taking the situation of Qingxuan Kingdom as an example, the highest-ranked disciples on the Zixing Academy's Tianjiao list barely reached the peak of Chongyang Realm, and those who went to the three major sects to become teachers have already had the late stage of Lunar Moon Realm. The strength is really surprising!

Looking around, apart from himself, there was almost no other moon-grabbing realm warrior in the inn.

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Canglan and Qingxuan's martial arts level is really quite great.

But to him, these are not important, what is important is that he can hear a lot of news about the three major sects in this restaurant without asking.

"The acceptance of Cangyun Sect is over so soon, it seems that I can only go to Tianluo Sect and Jin Yuanzong to try my luck."

After the food and wine were finished, Jiang Tian had already made up his mind, and hurriedly left the inn after paying the bill.

Although those warriors at Chongyang Realm were not sure about entering the sect smoothly, he was still very confident. Although realm was also an important criterion for measuring cultivation, in the final analysis it still depended on real combat power.

Because only combat power can determine the final outcome, and only combat power is the only criterion for measuring the strength of a warrior!


Next, Jiang Tian didn't hesitate any longer, and directly got up in a boat, left Wangdu, and flew towards the capital of Canglan Kingdom.

On the deck of the flying boat, he held a topographic map of the surrounding area of ​​Canglan Nation and examined it intently, his eyes flickering thoughtfully.

The three major sects each occupy a large area of ​​mountains, and they are not within the capital of the Canglan Kingdom. The closest one happens to be the Tianluo Sect.

"Tianluo Sect!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he silently pushed hard, and the flying boat under his feet became a little faster.


The silver boat flew across the sky, leaving behind a long silver light, and galloped through the sky in the direction of Tianluozong.

A few days later, the capital of Canglan Kingdom is already in sight!


Cangjing is located in a stretch of mountains. To the west of Kyoto, a large mountain peak soars into the sky, and it can't be seen at a glance. This is the gate of Tianluozong.

"Everyone, line up at the front and wait for the apprenticeship ceremony to begin!"

In the open space in front of Tianluozong Mountain, under a towering giant tree with dense foliage, many young warriors gathered together, waiting for the entry test.

There were bursts of noise from the crowd from time to time. Some people had just arrived, and some had been here for several days, and they were getting impatient.

"What's going on, I've been here for almost five days, why hasn't the entry test started yet?"

"I've also been here for three days. How did Luo Zong do it today? How could he be so negligent about such an important matter as the apprenticeship test?"

Several older and burly warriors in white robes gathered together, frowning tightly, and couldn't help venting the depression in their hearts.

"Important? Hehe, you guys are so naive!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and turned their heads to look, only to see a young warrior with a dark complexion and a rather mature face shaking his head and sneering, looking at them with disdain.

"Why did you say that?" The burly white-robed warriors frowned and questioned, as if they were dissatisfied with each other's statement.

"Why did you say that? Hmph, you don't even think about what kind of sect the Tianluo Sect is. It makes people speechless!" The mature-looking young warrior shook his head and sneered, casting contemptuous glances at several white-robed warriors.

"You..." A white-robed warrior's face darkened and he wanted to refute, but was pulled back by his companion.

"What he said is indeed reasonable, let's wait patiently!"

"That's right! Tianluo Sect is the most powerful of the three major sects. We disciples who haven't passed the entry test are just outsiders to them, and we have no qualifications to bargain at all."

"Hehe, let alone five days, as long as I can enter the Tian Luo Sect, I can wait even five months or five years!"

"That's right! As long as you enter Tianluozong, you can enjoy rich cultivation resources, have the opportunity to learn powerful exercises, and get advice from famous teachers. Compared with that, what is this price?"

Hearing the conversation between the two sides, the warriors next to him expressed their opinions one after another. Almost all of them were overwhelmingly inclined to Tianluozong, as if doing so would make it easier for them to pass the entry test.

Several white-robed warriors looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, and had no choice but to let go of their arrogant airs.

Yes, in their respective cities, they may have extraordinary identities and proud aptitudes, but before the behemoth Tianluozong, they have no qualifications to be proud at all.

He could only obediently bow his head and wait for the other party's inspection and selection in order to successfully enter the sect.

Not long after, a few melodious bells rang out from the mountain gate. Immediately afterwards, a silver-robed elder of Tianluozong came through the air with several red-robed disciples, and landed on a wide square beside the mountain gate.

In front of the mountain gate, the eyes of several deacon disciples brightened, and they immediately waved their hands to signal everyone to go to the square for a test!

Under the instructions of Elder Yinpao, those red-robed disciples had already arranged their positions and set up the equipment for the entrance test one by one, preparing to conduct qualification tests on these newcomers.

"It's finally started!"

"Great, I have been preparing for several years to enter Tianluozong, this time I will be selected no matter what!"

"Quick, I can't wait!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted, their enthusiasm soared, and they poured into the test square like a tide.


Suddenly, a ray of silver light galloped from the sky, pierced through the air all the way, and landed in front of Tianluozong's mountain gate in a moment.

"Finally caught up, but fortunately it was not too late!"

On the silver boat, a purple-clothed boy's eyes flickered, and his face showed joy.

This young man is none other than Jiang Tian who has been rushing for days to prepare to become a teacher of Tian Luozong!

"Hey! Who is that?"

"Heh! It's still coming by boat. I guess it's the son of a noble family in some city?"

"It may also be a genius disciple of a small sect, who probably exhausted his cultivation potential there, and came here after catching up with the Tian Luo Sect's disciples!"

Seeing the flying boat galloping through the air and drawing a long silver light in mid-air, several deacon disciples in red were pointing, but their expressions were a little complicated.

Some people had a sneer at the corners of their mouths, some had a hint of envy in their eyes, and some looked displeased.

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