"What do you know? As far as I know, this kid had a conflict with the disciple elders of Tianluozong. Speaking of it, it has nothing to do with our Jin Yuanzong, but it just happened. This kid's luck is really bad. If he knows Elder Ji of Tianluozong has been friends with our ancient elders for many years, and he will definitely regret it until his guts are green!"

"Hahahaha, this kid is indeed unlucky, and it is troublesome for such a young man to enter the sect!"

"That's right! Speaking of which, Jin Yuanzong would also like to thank Elder Ji of Tianluozong. If he hadn't sent a message, we might really accept this stunned young man!"

Just before Jiang Tian came to the mountain gate, he saw a few disciples guarding the mountain pointing at him, shaking their heads and sneering, and there was undisguised contempt and contempt in their eyes.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, his eyes gradually turned cold.

With his perception ability far surpassing that of ordinary people, he naturally heard what the other party was talking about, and couldn't help but feel depressed for a while.

He never thought that Elder Ji of Tian Luozong and Elder Gu of Jin Yuanzong would be close friends.

Although he didn't know the identity of this ancient elder of Jin Yuanzong, there was no doubt that if he wanted to worship Jin Yuanzong today, he probably had little hope.

"It's unreasonable! I didn't expect that Elder Ji would be such a despicable and shameless villain. It's extremely despicable for the dignified elder of the sect to be so vengeful!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and looked at the huge gold characters on the archway of Jin Yuanzong's mountain gate, and couldn't help shaking his head and sneering, his expression becoming very disdainful.

"Hmph! I thought that Jin Yuanzong would be better, but I didn't expect to have the same virtue as Tianluozong!"

"Boy! What are you mumbling about?"

"Boy! This is the important place of Jin Yuanzong's mountain gate. What are you doing here?"

Several disciples guarding the mountain turned their eyes when they saw Jiang Tian, ​​pretending not to know where he came from, and frowned solemnly and asked.

Jiang Tian had heard their mutterings a long time ago, and when he saw the situation, he sneered in his heart.

He shook his head and smiled, with an extremely disdainful look on his face, and said coldly: "It's nothing, I'm tired from the journey, and I want to find a place to rest and take a pee."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the people on the opposite side all changed, and they fell into silence for a while.

They didn't expect this young man to be so wild, and they didn't know how to respond for a while. After a moment of depression, several people immediately became furious.

"It makes no sense!"

"Boy, have you eaten the gall of a leopard?"

"Dare to provoke in front of the gate of Jin Yuanzong Mountain, boy, you are really asking for trouble!"

"A mere minion of the moon-grabbing realm, you dare to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of our masters of the Chongyang realm. I really don't know where your confidence comes from?"

The four disciples guarding the mountain were furious and cursed at Jiang Tian.

Although that Elder Gu only lightly explained that they should keep the purple-clothed youth away, but seeing the situation, they had to teach Elder Gu a lesson for this arrogant and boundless moon-grabbing realm minion.

Such ants dare to wantonly attack and humiliate the mountain gate. If it is spread, what is the majesty of Jin Yuanzong?

"Boy, I think you are impatient to live, and dare to come to our Jin Yuanzong Mountain Gate to provoke?"

"Stop talking nonsense, give him a good lesson, let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!"


As soon as the words fell, the two rushed out first.

The ancient elder had already explained that this purple-clothed youth was said to have extraordinary cultivation, so they should not be careless.

However, they didn't take it seriously. No matter how strong a junior in the Moon Grasping Realm was, how strong could he be?

Even if he can compete with one Chongyang Realm master, can he still be able to stop two?

"Remember, kid, don't be so arrogant in the future!"

"For a foreign warrior like you, you must know that the three Canglan sects are not something you can provoke!"


Amidst the roar of anger, two golden palm prints blasted down violently, and waves of spiritual power visible to the naked eye suddenly rippled away, setting off a wave of spiritual power.

The cultivation of these two mountain guard disciples is indeed good, and they can be regarded as masters at the level of the peak of Chongyang Realm.

It's a pity that they are destined to be unlucky when they meet Jiang Tian.

"Jin Yuanzong really has the same virtue as Tianluozong. I didn't provoke you but you provoked me. Don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and the breath around him suddenly rose.


A dull roar followed, the purple light in the void suddenly brightened, and a tyrannical aura surged up, directly knocking the two of them into the air.

With two muffled groans, the two fell to the ground in embarrassment, their faces becoming extremely ugly.

"Hiss! Why is this kid so powerful?"

"That's not right! Elder Gu just said that his strength is not bad, but he didn't specifically explain that he has such a high strength?"

"Accident, it must be an accident!"

The two disciples guarding the mountain looked at each other with suspicious eyes. If they were not sure that there was only one person coming, they would even think that someone was making a move secretly.

"what the hell?"

"What's the matter with you two?"

The other two mountain guard disciples frowned, puzzled, and asked coldly.

"It's nothing, just a moment of carelessness!"

"Hmph! Kid, you've caused trouble. Now you can't just teach you a lesson. You still have to pay for your arrogance!"


Amidst the dull roar, two disciples of Jin Yuanzong rushed out furiously, slamming several phantom fists and palms at Jiang Tian.

"I've already kept my hand, you are still so ignorant, you are really shameless!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and slapped his right palm across the air, purple light flashed in the void, and the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power directly blasted the two of them away.


"Damn it!"

After two screams, the two spewed blood and fell to the ground, extremely embarrassed.

"It makes no sense!"

"Why is this kid so strong?"

The other two finally found out that something was wrong. If the two companions suffered a loss for the first time and could be explained by "carelessness", then it would be unreasonable to be hurt this time.

"Jin Yuanzong's majesty cannot be challenged, let's teach him a lesson together!"


As soon as the words fell, the four of them rushed out at the same time, each fisting and palming towards Jiang Tian.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, and punched out with both fists shaking.


The violent roar resounded through the air, and two purple fist shadows exploded in the air, directly entrapping the test papers of the four people. Amidst the screams, the four figures fell back in embarrassment, vomiting blood on the ground.


"Damn it... what is this kid's background?"

"Is he really at the Moon Lane Realm?"

"I'm afraid that ordinary warriors at the peak of Chongyang Realm don't have such strength!"

The four of them were able to take on the responsibility of guarding the mountain, and they were all warriors at the peak of the Chongyang Realm, but they were completely vulnerable in front of this junior at the Moon Grasping Realm, which was really shocking.

"Boy, don't leave if you have the ability!"

"Go and call the elder!"

The two deacon disciples got up in embarrassment and ran into the mountain gate. The other two retreated to the mountain gate and looked at Jiang Tian warily, their eyes full of horror, as if they were afraid that he would make another move.

"Hmph! You all asked for this, no wonder me!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, turned around and left without any intention of staying.

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