Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0873 the audience are shocked

"Very good! In that case, I will not be polite!"

Tao Heng couldn't wait for this situation, so he sneered proudly, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he slapped wildly with the rolling spiritual power in his right hand.


The huge palm print of spiritual power suddenly turned into an illusion, and before it fell, it caused the void to tremble violently.

Although Tao Heng didn't exert all his strength in this palm, he didn't deliberately hold it back either. As soon as Fang made a move, everyone's expressions changed!

"Hiss! What a terrifying palm!"

"Even if all of us together can't stop this palm, Jiang Tian dares to make such wild words, this time he must suffer a big loss!"

"It's a pity! He obviously has good aptitude, and he will definitely grow into a great genius in the sect in time, but it's a pity that he has to pay the price for his arrogance now!"

"Hmph! He asked for it himself. I've never seen such an arrogant person!"

There was a sigh among the crowd, no one was optimistic about Jiang Tian's ending.

Such a berserk attack, can his mere flesh and blood really block it?

Do not make jokes!

"Boy, I said, you will regret it, but it's too late to regret it now!"

Tao Heng shouted coldly, his expression extremely proud.


The turquoise palm prints fell wildly, covering Jiang Tian without any explanation.

Faced with such an astonishing attack, he actually remained motionless and did not dodge at all!

Everyone was shocked!

It's nothing more than a little arrogant kid, I didn't expect him to bite the bullet and bear this terrifying blow?

Is he really desperate?

What did you say that three palms can't make him move a step, just one palm, he can't escape the end of serious injury!

"Hiss..." Qi Yurou watched the scene intently, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her eyes when she saw Jiang Tian being swallowed up by spiritual power, feeling unbearable for a while.

From the looks of it, she still overestimated this young man in the Moon Realm.

Even if he can light up the Xuanyang Monument, even if he can fight several Sunshine Realm masters in front of the mountain gate, what's the use?

Even if this palm couldn't destroy him, it might be enough for him to return to Tianxu Peak and lie down for a few months.

Qi Yurou shook her head and sighed with a look of sympathy.

This kind of reaction fell into Tao Heng's eyes, but it made him very annoyed.

He pursued Qi Yurou several times, but was rejected by her in various ways, so much so that he kept his friend relationship through stalking, otherwise it would be impossible for the other party to form a team with him.

But now he found that Qi Yurou seemed to be very interested in Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the moonlight realm.

This is his intuition, extremely sensitive!

In particular, he had such thoughts about Qi Yurou that he almost regarded all the male disciples around her as enemies.

At this moment, seeing Qi Yurou's reaction, she felt that this woman was very strange.

"It's unreasonable! Qi Yurou, how could you do this?" Tao Heng roared angrily in his heart, with a cold light looming in his eyes.

Normally, Qi Yurou treated him indifferently, if he hadn't pestered him again and again, I'm afraid he wouldn't have participated in this team formation, but now, facing Jiang Tian, ​​who had never met him before, his eyes were rolling like tears, which made him extremely angry .

The bachelor couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, and Tao Heng felt that Qi Yurou was very different, and silently suppressed a cloud of anger in his heart.


The violent spiritual power began to reverberate, and the scene of Jiang Tian's serious injury was about to be revealed. Everyone sighed, and some people frowned and couldn't bear to watch.

However, Tao Heng took a step forward and shot again with a loud shout!

"There are still two palms, I will give them to you together, so as not to cause trouble!"

"Senior Brother Tao, no!" Qi Yurou was about to take a look at Jiang Tian's situation, but if she couldn't do it, she would intervene no matter what.

But she never expected that Tao Heng would forcefully attack without any scruples at this time!

"Boy, look at the palm!"

Hearing Qi Yurou's coquettish call, Tao Heng's anger grew even stronger, and his attack became more ruthless and quicker.

"Hiss! Jiang Tian is finished!"

"Brother Tao, let him go!"

"Shooting like this will kill you!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they couldn't stop exclaiming, especially Kong Liang and Ding Tan were even more anxious, secretly hating themselves for causing trouble for Jiang Tian.

"Junior Brother Jiang, retreat quickly!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't be brave, just run away!"

The two shouted with all their might, but got no response. Jiang Tian seemed to have passed out in the center of the storm, completely losing self-control.

Thoughts flashed through their minds, and the two of them turned pale with fright.

This is already the case with one palm, wouldn't the remaining two palms really slap him to death?

Everyone's exclamations mixed with Qi Yurou's coquettish shouts, but they still couldn't stop the furious Tao Heng.

Boom, boom!

The void shook violently, and two huge turquoise palm prints appeared, and the powerful coercion suddenly dispersed, forcing everyone to retreat.

Qi Yurou originally wanted to stop the opponent, but under the interference of this powerful coercion, it was too late. She could only watch the two palm prints thundering down like lightning, towards the invisible figure in the center of the storm.

It's over!

This was Qi Yurou's first reaction.

How could Jiang Tian, ​​a disciple of the Moon Lane Realm, withstand a terrifying attack?

After the first palm, he didn't even utter a scream and fell silent.

But who can be blamed for this, this is all his own willingness, even if he was really beaten to death, with so many witnesses, it is impossible for the sect to hold Tao Heng accountable.

Qi Yurou looked at Tao Heng, a trace of deep disappointment flashed in her eyes, she shook her head and sighed, filled with regret.

If she had known this earlier, she should have stopped the other party just now, and it was too late to say anything now.



The two palm prints scrambled down, blasting the stone slabs on the square into countless cobweb-like cracks.

The ground shook violently, and everyone's expressions changed.

The violent spiritual power swept across, centering on Jiang Tian, ​​raging endlessly.

Everyone saw the turquoise aura flickering wildly, but they couldn't see exactly how miserable the boy was.


After raging for a while, the spiritual storm gradually receded.

Sighs came and went, and everyone felt sorry for Jiang Tian.

Dare to forcibly stand out if you are not strong enough?

This is the end!

This is a living lesson!

"Hmph! Three palms have passed, I want to see if you have moved a step?"

Tao Heng laughed out loud, feeling extremely pleased.

He had a calculation in his mind, if he could stay in place like this, Jiang Tian might have been patted into a ball of meat.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Jiang Tian?"

Kong Liang and Ding Tan's faces were extremely pale, their eyes widened as they watched the spiritual power gradually dissipate, and their hearts were filled with incomparable remorse.

Although they knew that the ending would be miserable, everyone sighed and looked forward driven by curiosity.

"Oh! What a pity!"

"A disciple of the Moon Lane Realm dares to withstand the attack of a master of the Chongyang Realm, it's unrealistic to think about it!"

"I didn't expect that the genius who lit up the Xuanyang Monument would be so...huh?"

Amidst the sighs one after another, a cry of surprise suddenly sounded!

"How...how is it possible?"

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