Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0883 hit the bottleneck

Jiang Tian's figure quickly disappeared among the interlaced and complicated mountain peaks.

On the sun-watching platform of Xiuyun Peak, the clouds and mist slowly dispersed, revealing that graceful figure again, the confusion in his eyes increased instead of diminishing, but the strange light in the depths of his pupils became brighter and brighter!

The mountain wind blew the clouds and mist, and the graceful figure shook the azure cloud-pattern robe, as if being blown away by the wind, and his figure gradually disappeared into the clouds and mist.

Not long after, a woman in white came here, sat cross-legged on the edge of the stone platform, and began to practice. The spiritual power surged, the clouds and mists circled, sucked in the wind and drank the dew, breathed out the breath, and the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth resonated under her arousal. The surroundings of the huge stone platform were constantly shaking!


Jiang Tian sat cross-legged on a certain boulder on the sub-peak of Tianxu Peak, constantly swallowing and refining the elixir, and his spiritual power steadily increased.

At the same time, he continued to practice the "Swallowing Finger" continuously, causing the void in front of him to rumble loudly, and the clouds and mist trembled wildly.

However, after hundreds of attempts, he suddenly shook his head and sighed, and stopped shooting.

"It seems that before reaching the Chongyang state, it is impossible for this set of fingering techniques to make further progress."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, his eyes flickered, concentrating on his thoughts.

He originally wanted to try to hit the barrier to see if he could make this set of fingerings enter the country again, but now it seems almost impossible.

He immediately decided not to make unnecessary attempts, but to attack the bottleneck of cultivation with all his strength.

Three days is not too long, nor is it too short. For him who is already approaching the threshold of cultivation, he naturally cannot waste it.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of pills on him for the time being, and the cultivation resources of many strong men harvested from previous battles are enough to support his cultivation for the time being.


The dull roar spread around, and he swallowed a handful of pills as if eating and drinking. The blood and spiritual power steadily increased, but it still seemed unable to pierce the barrier.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, not without depression in his heart, but he did not back down, but continued to swallow and refine all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.


The dull roar echoed around the sub-peak of Tianxu Peak, attracting the eyes of all the fellow disciples.

"Hehe, this kid really works hard!"

In front of the main hall of Tianxu Peak, Ling Xiao looked in the direction of the Vice Peak, felt the rhythm of the spiritual power of the day, couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, his eyes lit up.

He was not wrong about this junior brother, and at this moment he also understood why the other party was able to light up the Xuanyang Monument with the cultivation level of the moon.

Obviously, what he relies on is not just talent, but a strong will and persistent penance!


For two days in a row, the side peaks of Tianxu Peak were constantly roaring, and the aura of heaven and earth was constantly turbulent, causing clouds and mists to transform into various wonders.

On the third day, the situation began to change significantly!

Boom... Boom!

The roar from the sub-peak of Tianxu Peak suddenly became violent, and there was some kind of deep coercion faintly, which made the disciples who were a little closer trembled.

"what's the situation?"

"Who is practicing on the side peak?"

"Except for the new Junior Brother Jiang Tian, ​​there seems to be no one else on the Vice Peak?"

"It's said that Junior Brother Jiang Tian only has a moon-grabbing cultivation base, so he shouldn't be able to make such a big noise. Even ordinary warriors at the peak of the Sunshine Realm can't make such a big noise!"

"If it wasn't for Junior Brother Jiang Tian, ​​would there be another master practicing at the Vice Peak?"

Everyone looked at the vision of heaven and earth on the side peak and was puzzled for a while, discussing endlessly.

Suddenly, a domineering voice sounded.

"You all go away, don't interfere with Junior Brother Jiang's cultivation here!" Ling Xiao walked out of the hall and waved to everyone.

"What? It's really Junior Brother Jiang who is practicing!"

"My God! Isn't he only at the Moon Lane Realm? How could he make such a big commotion?"

"Hmph, I don't understand this? How can the person who lights up the Xuanyang Monument be ordinary? With Junior Brother Jiang's aptitude, even if he only has the moon-grabbing realm, his combat power is absolutely extraordinary!"

"I've heard that a few days ago, he had defeated several disciples at the peak of the Chongyang Realm!"

"Really?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and some didn't believe it.

"Can this be fake? Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, someone did. It is said that Ba Ying was blown away by Junior Brother Jiang with one move. no way!"

"Hiss! So powerful?"

"It is said that Tao Heng made three palms in a row, but he couldn't make Junior Brother Jiang move a single step!"

"My God! Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Everyone's face changed when they heard the words, and they were shocked and speechless for a moment.

If Jiang Tian was a martial artist at the Chongyang Realm, they might have accepted it better, but after all, he only has a cultivation level at the Moon Grasping Realm.

With this kind of realm, how can he forcefully catch three palms without moving a muscle?

This is too exaggerated, unbelievably exaggerated!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, everyone was shocked.

"He was right! We were there at the time and witnessed Junior Brother Jiang's performance with our own eyes."

"Junior Brother Jiang didn't just defeat Ba Ying, he also knocked out two other peak Chongyang Realm masters in one fell swoop. Even Tao Heng couldn't do anything about him. In the end, he turned his anger into a smile and forced him to form a team!"

Kong Liang and Ding Tan strode forward and spoke to the crowd from a long distance away.

The performance of Jiang Tian that they witnessed with their own eyes was extremely shocking at that time. After two or three days, the memory is still fresh, as if that scene just happened before their eyes.

"real or fake?"

"My God! It's unbelievable!"

Everyone surrounded the two of them, chatting and listening.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Junior Brother Jiang would be so strong!"

"Junior brother Jiang didn't want to see us being bullied before he made a move. You don't have to be afraid of being squeezed by other Feng people when you go out in the future. With junior brother Jiang here, he will stand up for us!"

Kong Liang and Ding Tan looked solemn, as if they were telling a solemn matter to their colleagues.

Although Ling Xiao is domineering, for some reason he can only protect these juniors within the range of Tianxu Peak, but Jiang Tian has no such scruples, even if he leaves Tianxu Peak, he will take action to protect the interests of his fellow sects.

"Great! Now I don't have to be afraid of those stupid grandsons anymore!"

"Hmph! Another day, I'm going to go around a few other squares to see if those guys still dare to laugh at me?"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted with joy.

Kong Liang and Ding Tan shook their heads slowly: "It's wrong to go out and show off. If you do this, people from other peaks will point the finger at Junior Brother Jiang. This is causing trouble for him."

"Don't worry! We have our own sense of propriety. After all, Junior Brother Jiang is only a disciple of the Moon Lane Realm. If we really meet a top genius on the outer sect leaderboard, we will naturally not provoke him."

"Hmph! When Junior Brother Jiang advances to Chongyang Realm, we can be more courageous!"


Before the words fell, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the side peak of Tianxu Peak!

Everyone looked in amazement, only to see that the clouds and mist in the sky were crazily circling to form a huge vortex, covering the entire sub-peak.

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