Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0889 Bloodbath Mountains

Qi Yurou turned her head to look at him, but instead of rushing to board the boat, she looked at Jiang Tian with an apologetic and shy expression.

"Junior Brother Jiang, I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if you can agree?"

"Oh, please tell me!" Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

"Can I take your flying boat?" Qi Yurou was a little worried, after all, it was Jiang Tian's personal magic weapon, so it would be a bit abrupt to do so.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian had no objection, he shook his head and smiled with a calm expression.

"Why not? Come up!"

"Junior Sister Qi...you!" Tao Heng's eyes contracted and his face became very ugly.

This snobbish slut actually wants to ride Jiang Tian's flying boat, which makes his hatred skyrocket!

"That's great, thank you Junior Brother Jiang!" Qi Yurou ignored him, smiled at Jiang Tian, ​​and flew onto the Yinxiao Flying Boat in a flash.

"Okay, let's go!" Qi Yurou urged with a smile.


Tao Heng snorted coldly, and urged with a cold face, the turquoise flying boat rose into the sky and fled far away from the mountain gate.

In a blink of an eye, Yinxiao Flying Boat soared into the sky under Jiang Tian's urging, and followed closely.

On Tao Heng's flying boat, everyone gathered in the cabin to discuss endlessly.

"How unreasonable! This kid actually has a flying boat on him?"

"If you don't take it out, I think he did it on purpose!"

"I think this kid surnamed Jiang has a lot of background, I guess he has a lot of treasures on him!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, coveting Jiang Tian's net worth, and their eyes became extremely greedy.

Tao Heng smiled coldly: "Don't worry, these things will be ours sooner or later!"

"That's right! What happened to the vision on Tianxu Peak yesterday? Could it be related to this kid?"

"How is it possible? Do you think that a minion in the moon-grabbing realm can make such a big commotion?"

"Of course it can't be him! Didn't you see that he has a shallow aura and is just a warrior at the moon-grabbing level?"

Tao Heng shook his head and smiled: "I have paid special attention to it. Compared with a few days ago, his aura has not changed significantly. Yesterday's vision is definitely not caused by him!"

"I can rest assured that!"

"Hahahaha! With Senior Brother Tao's meticulous arrangements, this kid can't fly with his wings!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the wild voice flew not far away before being swallowed up by the whistling sound from the flying boat.

On the other flying boat, Qi Yurou looked at Jiang Tian intently, and after feeling it closely, he found that the aura on his body was different from that of a few days ago.

"Huh? Brother Jiang, why did your aura become so deep!"

Qi Yurou blinked her beautiful eyes with a look of surprise.

Although on the surface, Jiang Tian's breath seems to be the same as a few days ago, but under the close feeling, coupled with the help of some kind of secret technique she practiced, she can detect a little difference.

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help being a little surprised!

He has deliberately restrained his breath, and only released the fluctuation of spiritual power equivalent to the level of the moon. Unexpectedly, the other party still saw the clues.

Fortunately, Tao Heng and the others didn't notice anything unusual. Although Qi Yurou had noticed something, it didn't have any effect on him.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just that I have refined some pills in the past few days, and my cultivation has improved a little."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and said lightly.

"I see!" Qi Yurou frowned slightly, and nodded thoughtfully.


To the southeast of Cangyun Sect, there is a rolling mountain range called the Die Xue Mountain Range.

The towering giant trees are covered with layers of towering giant trees, covering the sky and the sun, making it difficult for the sky to see through.

There are many rare elixir and treasures of heaven and earth, and it has always been a good place for warriors to practice and explore. It is simply a natural paradise for warriors.

However, in recent years, the situation here has changed a lot, and it has become no longer suitable for warriors to practice and explore.

I don't know when, the monsters in this mountain range seem to have mutated, and their overall strength has improved by leaps and bounds!

The fifth-level monsters, which were rare in this mountain range, are no longer rare, but now appear and disappear from time to time, appearing and appearing erratically.

Especially in recent years, many warriors who have entered the Bloodbath Mountains to practice will often encounter powerful fifth-level monsters, and if they are not careful, they will be killed by the beasts, and there will be no return.

This situation once aroused the importance of the big and small sects of Cangyun Kingdom, and even sent elders and elite disciples to investigate, but after a lot of trouble, they couldn't find any clues.

The monsters in the Bloodbath Mountains, it seems that after a long period of suffering, the entire group suddenly reached a critical point, and a large number of fifth-level monsters began to be born.

Even, these monsters show signs of evolving to a higher level!

Although the warriors of Cangyun Kingdom are quite uneasy, they can only accept the reality when all kinds of forces, big and small, can't find out the problem.

As a result, this mountain range is no longer suitable for ordinary warriors to practice.

Especially in the depths of the mountains, even the elite disciples of those sect forces dare not enter at will, and even some elders of the sect who have cultivated in the profound realm dare not rashly set foot.

The range of this mountain range is too large. Although it has long been regarded as a treasure land for experience and exploration by warriors, there is still a large area within it that has never been set foot.

But in these inaccessible places, there are often some unknown secrets hidden!

In the depths of the Bloodbath Mountains, on the top of a certain barren mountain, more than a dozen grey-robed warriors with strong auras gathered together.

They scanned the surroundings intently, and finally their eyes fell on a deep primitive valley in front of them. The brows were shining brightly, revealing a strong look of expectation!

"Is the location correct?" The white-haired old man in the lead frowned slightly, and spoke in a deep voice, with a majestic and domineering expression, and an extremely strong aura around him!

"Elder, don't worry, the terrain and the route are completely consistent, confirmed!" A middle-aged man in a gray robe next to him took out a dilapidated map with complicated markings, quickly scanned the surroundings to confirm again, and immediately nodded in response.

"Elder! As far as I know, this matter has been known by no less than three parties. If you meet those people..."

Another middle-aged man with an old scar on his forehead frowned slightly, and asked the white-haired old man intently.

The white-haired old man smiled coldly, and a cold light suddenly brightened in his eyes: "Is there any need to ask? If the other party is not in the way, that's fine. If you dare to delay our affairs, no matter who it is, you will be killed!"

"Understood!" The scarred man's eyes turned cold and he nodded heavily.

"Those people are best not to come, if they do meet, in this barren mountain...huh!"

The white-haired old man looked at the valley in front of him, his eyes flickered, he muttered to himself, shook his head and sneered.

"Set off!"

In the blink of an eye, the white-haired old man waved his hand, and everyone swept down the mountain together and rushed towards the valley ahead.

Ho Ho... Aw!

Not long after, a few majestic animal roars sounded from the giant tree jungle ahead, followed by a burst of domineering shouts accompanied by rumbling spiritual power bursting into the sky.


Ka Ka Ka!

The spiritual light flickered wildly, the giant trees in the valley kept falling down, and after a stern roar, the monsters all fell silent.

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