Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0905 long-lost feeling

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and he couldn't help being taken aback, knowing that the tiger demon was completely enraged and was about to make a final attack.

"That's all! I won't play with you anymore!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, his expression suddenly became playful.

In the eyes of the tiger demon, this kind of expression is an unprecedented provocation!

Ho ho ho!

It roared three times in a row, and the monster power surged up all over its body. The dazzling golden light instantly illuminated the forest, and the powerful will of the fifth-level monster rushed out instantly, flooding the void.

Its world is within the golden light envelope, if it is a human martial artist in the profound realm, it is still possible to escape from the sky, and below the profound realm will undoubtedly die!

Little human warrior, die!

The golden giant monster roared furiously, its huge body rushed up, its claws staggered and strangled towards Jiang Tian!


The golden light tore through the void, bursting out with terrifying power, Jiang Tian was like a leaf crumbling in the raging waves of spiritual power.

However, there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth!

I didn't see him making any movements, but his eyes flashed, his aura suddenly changed, and a majestic and domineering aura spread out in an instant!


The breath of blood suddenly dispersed, and Jiang Tian's small body seemed to have unintentional majesty!

Roar... ouch!

The roar of the golden tiger suddenly changed its tune, and its huge body trembled violently in the air, trembling.

It shrank its eyes sharply, and extreme panic suddenly surged from the depths of its soul. Looking at Jiang Tian, ​​it seemed as if it saw a malevolent star, and its spiritual power suddenly became chaotic.

With a sneer on Jiang Tian's face, he took a step forward and disappeared in place in an instant!


The golden claws slashed across, blasting the ground into a terrifying crater, but Jiang Tian had already flashed in front of the golden giant tiger, and suddenly pointed out with his right hand.

"Swallowing finger!"


The violent loud sound and the scream of the demon tiger sounded at the same time, and the huge fingerprints pierced through the thick skin of the demon tiger in one fell swoop, sinking into its body.

Ho Ho Ho... The giant monster roared a few times, then fell to the ground struggling and died quickly.


The smelly demon blood spewed out like a fountain, and Jiang Tian pressed his palm on the blood spring without hesitation, and quickly launched the talent of blood devouring!


Amidst the low roar, the huge tiger demon's body quickly collapsed and shrunk, and soon turned into a skinny appearance.

The essence of flesh and blood melted into the essence of blood, suspended in Jiang Tian's palm.

This is a blood essence the size of a jujube, exuding extremely strong spiritual power, which makes Jiang Tian very excited!

"The flesh and blood essence of a fifth-level monster should be worth as many top-grade elixir?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he quickly swallowed it.

As usual, the blood essence was divided into two after entering the body, one part turned into his bloodline spiritual power, and the other part was absorbed by the Purple Profound Realm.


There was a deep roar from Jiang Tian's body, and the spiritual power of the blood had increased significantly, and the effect was far stronger than that of any monster he had swallowed before, and even better than all the pills and treasures of heaven and earth.

"very good!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, immersed in the long-lost feeling and excited.

If there are enough fifth-level monsters for him to hunt, it won't take long for his cultivation to reach the middle stage of Chongyang Realm.

It's a pity that although there are many level five monsters, this mountain forest is too large, and he doesn't have so much time to concentrate on hunting animals now.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, quickly collected these monster materials into the Zixuan Realm, and swept forward with a flick of his body.


On the other side, Tao Heng and the others searched in the mountains and forests, and after a while, some people also encountered monsters.


The ferocious roar of the beast resounded through the forest, and a silver-fronted saber-toothed wolf several feet long smashed through giant trees and rushed out from the depths of the valley.

"Hmph! A mere level four peak monster dares to be rampant. It's just in time, so die!"

The disciples of the Cangyun Sect's outer sect's complexion darkened, murderous intent appeared between their brows, and the spiritual power in their bodies surged wildly to meet the monster.

With a wave of the long knife, giant blades of spiritual power pierced out of the air, setting off a surge of spiritual power frenzy!

The silver-fronted saber-toothed wolf couldn't resist the fierce attack, and fell to the ground screaming amidst the loud rumbling noise. Several deep wounds were cut on the forehead and lower abdomen, and a large amount of animal blood "呵呵" The spurts spewed out and dyed the surrounding ground and rocks red, and the strong smell of fishy smell filled the forest in an instant, making people want to vomit!

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!"

After beheading the silver-fronted saber-toothed wolf, the Cangyun Sect outer disciple was full of arrogance and was very satisfied with his performance, holding a long knife in his hand and laughing endlessly.

Ho ho!

Suddenly, another dull beast roar came from the front, which seemed quite far away.

The Cangyun Sect disciple shook his head and sneered, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

But in the blink of an eye, he frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

When the voice first sounded, it seemed that it was still a thousand feet away, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed to be shortened to hundreds of feet away, and the speed surprised him endlessly!

"It's so fast, what kind of monster is it?"

The Cangyun Sect disciple's eyes narrowed slightly, and he frowned endlessly. After a moment of hesitation, the distance between the monster and him was only a few hundred feet away.


A dull roar erupted, and a mass of dark red demonic energy billowed hundreds of meters away, and all the giant trees shrouded in it collapsed, releasing an astonishing coercion!

"Hiss! Level 5 monster!"

The disciples of the Cangyun Sect's outer sect changed their faces in shock, turned around and fled with a cry of surprise.


He turned into a flash of white light and fled crazily, making a rumbling sound of breaking through the sky.

However, the monster beast suddenly accelerated, chasing him at an even faster speed.

This is a Level 5 Leopard Leopard, much larger than the previous silver-fronted saber-toothed wolf!

When passing the corpse of the fourth-level monster from before, he opened his mouth even more, spewed out a ball of dark red monster light, crushed it into a ball, and swallowed it into his stomach in an instant!

"Damn it!"

The disciple of the Cangyun Sect's outer sect turned his head subconsciously, and was immediately frightened into a panic.

It really terrified him to swallow such a large corpse of a level 4 monster in one gulp.


After the fifth-level Fengfeng Leopard swallowed the corpse of the fourth-level monster, its speed increased again, and it continued to approach the distance between the two. The Cangyun Sect disciple managed to escape two hundred feet away, and in the blink of an eye, only one hundred feet remained. Fifty feet, and it is still getting closer.

"Damn it!"

The Cangyun Sect disciple gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and couldn't help regretting his carelessness just now.

If he left immediately when the beast roar came, it would be very difficult for this monster to catch up with him, but now, the situation is completely different. If he continues like this, he will not be able to escape at all, and in the end he can only follow in the footsteps of that monster. Become a delicacy in the belly of this terrifying monster!

However, with his size, I'm afraid it's not enough for that monster to get between his teeth!

The Cangyun Sect disciple's eyes twitched wildly, cursing inwardly, and a sense of sadness welled up in his mind.

A majestic human fighter, an existence with powerful spiritual intelligence, a master of the outer sect of the Cangyun Sect, was forced to such a degree in the face of a monster!

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